‘Code Geass’ is a very popular Japanese animated series that first aired in 2006.The series revolves around the black prince, Lelouch who tries to build a world of his own accordance. He tries this after Japan has been conquered by the Empire of Britannia.Lelouch was the Britannian prince who was exiled. He comes back to wage a war against the Holy Britannian Empire with his new found power, which is known as Geass. Even though this is the storyline that the anime follows, yet it’s much deeper than that. The wisdom and motivational words of the characters such as the black prince, Lelouch aka Zero, C.C. or Suzaku proves how meaningful the anime actually is. Read up on these ‘Code Geass’ quotes below to know more about the anime series and fall in love with it.If you liked our ‘Code Geass’ quotes, check out inspirational anime quotes and your name quotes.‍Best ‘Code Geass’ QuotesHere’s some of the best ‘Code Geass’ Lelouch quotes, Princess Euphemia quotes from ‘Code Geass’ that you’ll love.1. “All the hatred in the world is gathered on me, as promised. The black knights will have the legend of Zero left behind for them. Schneizel will work for Zero. And now the world can be unified at one table. Mankind can finally embrace the future.”- Lelouch Lamperouge.2. “The human heart is the source of all our power. We fight with the power of our hearts.”- Lelouch Lamperouge.3. “All men are not created equal! All men are different! Yes, the very existence of man is discriminatory. That’s why there is war, violence and unrest.”- Charles ZI Britannia.4. “Heroines don’t kill people to gain a boy’s love. It’s evil witches who do that.”- Mao.5. “I think being able to openly take away the most important thing people have… ’life’… is the best thing that ever happened!”- Luciano Bradley.6. “A life that lives without doing anything is the same as a slow death.”- Lelouch Lamperouge.7. “Will you let me help you in your quest ensure that no one ever again has to suffer the lost of a loved one on the battlefield?”- Princess Euphemia.8. “It’s not that I want an ideal country or great justice or anything complicated like that. I just want to see people smiling.”- Princess Euphemia.9. “You’re not alone! We’re accomplices. If you’re a witch, then I can be a warlock”- Lelouch Lamperouge.10. “If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?”- Lelouch Lamperouge.11. “You can’t change the world without getting your hands dirty.”- Lelouch Lamperouge.12. “Do you know the truth of the battlefield? Kill a man normally, and it’s considered a crime. But kill many on the battlefield, and you become a hero.”- Luciano Bradley.13. “You must think your pretty cool huh, just playing the critic and judging the world from the sidelines.”- Kallen Stadtfeld14. “The trick of real combat is that everyone is human.”- Lelouch Lamperouge.15. “In this world, evil can arise from the best of intentions. And there is good which can come from evil intentions.”- C.C.Motivational ‘Code Geass’ QuotesBelow are a few of the most motivational words from ‘Code Geass’ that will help you get your work done with best of intentions in your heart.16. “Strength that knows no boundaries is merely violence.”- Bismarck Waldstein.17. “If my reputation goes down for what’s right, I don’t need it.”- Suzaku Kururugi.18. “But the mass we call ‘world’ keeps turning, ignoring our individual desires.”- Lelouch Lamperouge.19. “People don’t give a damn about reasons, but nobody can resist miracles.”- Lelouch Lamperouge.20. “A victory won through dishonesty means it’s no victory at all.”- Suzaku Kururugi.21. “Win or lose, you won’t gain anything unless you give everything for it! That applies equally to both countries and to individuals.”- Kyoshiro Tohdohu.22. “I’m in the military because I don’t want people to die.”- Suzaku Kururugi.23. “The world cannot be changed with pretty words alone.”- Lelouch Lamperouge.24. “Nonetheless, for now, we should be grateful… Yes, at least, to the fact that humans are the beings who look for happiness. A remaining piece of hope, a faint sign of wishes will be born from despairs.”- C.C.25. “War is merely one method of diplomacy. However, it is the least efficient one.”- Bismarck Waldstein.26. “There are times in life when you have to distance yourself from those you love, because you love them.”- C.C.27. “Before creation there must be destruction. If my soul stands in the way, then I’ll toss it aside. Yes, I have no choice but to move forward.”- Lelouch Lamperouge.28. “To defeat evil, I must become a greater evil.”- Lelouch Lamperouge.29. “At times the life of a single man is worth more than that of a million, I thought that would be common sense to a soldier.”- Diethard Ried.30. “You have to gain society’s approval to get the power to change it.”- Suzaku Kururugi.Iconic ‘Code Geass’ QuotesLast we have the most iconic ‘Code Geass’ Zero quotes, C.C. quotes from ‘Code Geass’ and more.31. “Without death all we have are random events accumulations. You can’t call that life!”- C.C.32. “I’m not… a tool!! I do this… out of my own… free will… as a human being!”- Rolo Lamperouge.33. “Nothing is unforgivable. So if you cannot forgive him, it means you do not want to.”- Shirley Fenette.34. “Whoever you might be, without choice, you have to deal with others and with the world and have yourself be regulated and set down. Therefore, in the face of the world’s wills, your personal speculations are so ephemeral they can’t help being overwhelmed.”- C.C.35. “What do results gained in the wrong way leave you in the end? Just regret and an emptiness that has nowhere to go.”- Suzaku Kururugi.36. “Lelouch, do you know why snow is white? Because it’s forgotten what color it’s supposed to be.”- C.C.37. “There is no such thing as objective information. Zero, in the end, journalism is the product of a human mind.”- Diethard Ried.38. “Let us feed upon people, upon wealth, upon riches and power! We, at Britannia, shall feast upon the raw flesh of the world itself! We will crush this deception and bring forth the truth! All Hail Britannia!”- Charles Zi Britannia.39. “They don’t want to be killed, they don’t want to be robbed, using the twin lies of justice and morality, the weak are endeavoring to protect themselves.”- Charles Zi Britannia.40. “No matter how many times I’m reborn… I’m sure I’ll… fall in love with you again, Lelou… This… is fate, right? So, it’s okay, right, Lelou? That I fall in love with you when I’m reborn… No matter… how many times… I’ll… fall in… love with you…”- Shirley Fenette.41. “In their heart, everyone has faith that their victory exists. However, in the face of time and destiny, the act of faith is fruitless and fleeting at best.”- C.C.42. “When there is evil in this world that justice cannot defeat, would you taint your hands with evil to defeat evil? Or would you remain steadfast and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”- Lelouch Vi Britannia.43. “The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed.”- Lelouch Vi Britannia.44. “Lying tears hurt others. Lying smiles hurt one’s self.”- C.C.45. “Why do people lie? It isn’t only because they struggle against each other, it’s also because there is something that they’re seeking.”- Lelouch Vi Britannia.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Code Geass’ quotes then why not take a look at anime quotes about life, or Samurai Champloo quotes?

‘Code Geass’ is a very popular Japanese animated series that first aired in 2006.