Aviation is the activity surrounding mechanical flight and the aircraft industry.Aircraft includes fixed-wing and rotary-wing types, morphable wings, wing-less lifting bodies, powerful engine, and lighter-than-air craft such as hot air balloons and airships. It also consists of the activities and industries related to flight, such as air traffic control.“Aviate, Navigate, Communicate", said Swayne Martin. The aviation industry comprises almost all the aspects of air travel and activities that help to facilitate it. The aviation industry includes the entire airline industry, aircraft manufacturing, research companies, military aviation, and much more. Aviation, in simple words, refers to flying using an aircraft, like an airplane. The aviation industry is the business sector that is dedicated to manufacturing and operating all types of aircraft. Here are some of the best and inspirational aviation quotes.After these aviation quotes, you may also like to check out these sky quotes and fly high quotes.‍Best Aviation QuotesThe young talent these days pursue a career in the field of aviation. Here are some of the best aviation quotes to motivate you.1. “When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”- Leonardo Da Vinci.2. “Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.”- Socrates.3. “Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance.”- Charles Lindbergh.4. “I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things.”- Antoine De Saint-Exupéry.5. “Sometimes, flying feels too God-like to be attained by man.”- Charles Lindbergh.6. “Sometimes, the world from above seems too beautiful, too wonderful, too distant for human eyes to see.”- Charles Lindbergh.7. “Fighter pilots have ice in their veins. They don’t have emotions. They think, anticipate. They know that fear and other concerns cloud your mind from what’s going on and what you should be involved in.”- Buzz Aldrin.8. “Learning to fly an airplane taught me a way of thinking, an approach to problem-solving that was applicable and effective. Pilots are very methodical and meticulous, and artists tend not to be.”- Chris Carter.9. “Pilots are a rare kind of human. They leave the ordinary surface of the word, to purify their soul in the sky, and they come down to earth, only after receiving the communion of the infinite.”- Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra.10. “You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment that you touch perfect speed. And that isn’t flying a thousand miles an hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits. Perfect speed, my son, is being there.”― Richard Bach, ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’.11. “My airplane is quiet, and for a moment still an alien, still a stranger to the ground, I am home.”- Richard Bach.12. “Flying was a very tangible freedom. In those days, it was beauty, adventure, discovery - the epitome of breaking into new worlds.”- Anne Morrow Lindbergh.13. “And if flying, like a glass-bottomed bucket, can give you that vision, that seeing eye, which peers down on the still world below the choppy waves - it will always remain magic.”- Anne Morrow Lindbergh.14. “Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives. If God had really intended men to fly, he’d make it easier to get to the airport.”- Socrates.15. “Lovers of air travel find it exhilarating to hang poised between the illusion of immortality and the fact of death.”- Alexander Chase.Interesting Aviation QuotesAviation is the operation and production of aircraft. Aviation refers to flying using an aircraft, like an aeroplane. The biggest of the many uses of aviation are air travel and military aircraft.16. “Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.”- Gil Stern.17. “A pilot who says he has never been frightened in an airplane is, I’m afraid, lying.”- Louise Thaden.18. “If you have flown, perhaps you can understand the love a pilot develops for flight. It is much the same emotion a man feels for a woman, or a wife for her husband.”- Louise Thaden.19. “There is a decided prejudice on the part of the general public against being piloted by a woman, and as great an aversion, partially because of this, by executives of those companies whose activities require employing pilots.”- Louise Thaden.20. “The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who…looked enviously on the birds soaring freely through space…on the infinite highway of the air.”- Wilbur Wright.21. “I don’t have time for both a wife and an airplane.”- Wilbur Wright.22. “No bird can soar in a calm manner.”- Wilbur Wright.23. “Flying the airplane is more important than radioing your plight to a person on the ground incapable of understanding it.”- Aviation Group.24. “Remember, you fly an airplane with your head, not your hands and feet.”- Bevo Howard.25. “There are old pilots and there are bold pilots. However, there are no old, bold pilots.”- Captain.26. “Aviation is proof that given the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible.”- Eddie Rickenbacker.27. “Let’s get one thing straight. There’s a big difference between a pilot and an aviator. One is a technician; the other is an artist in love with flight.”- Elrey Borge Jeppesen.28. “If you can walk away from a landing, it’s a good landing. If you can use the aircraft the next day, it’s an outstanding landing.”- Chuck Yeager.29. “Don’t be a show-off. Never be too proud to turn back. There are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots.”- E. Hamilton.30. “Sometimes, flying feels too godlike to be attained by man. Sometimes, the world from above seems too beautiful, too wonderful, too distant for human eyes to see.”- Charles A Lindbergh.Famous Aviation QuotesThe aviation industry is a very vast industry where new and young talent keep applying to a career in the field. Here are some of the famous aviation quotes and fascinating aviation sayings to inspire you to rule the world.31. “To most people, the sky’s the limit. To those who love aviation, the sky is home.”- Jerry Crawford.32. “The good thing about flying solo is it’s never boring.”- Steve Fossett.33. “Fly and you will catch the swallow.”- James Howell.34. “Pilots take no special joy in walking. Pilots like flying.”- Neil Armstrong.35. “More than anything else, the sensation of flying is one of perfect peace mingled with an excitement that strains every nerve to the utmost. If you can conceive of such a combination.”- Wilbur Wright.36. “I think it is a pity to lose the romantic side of flying and simply to accept it as a common means of transport.”- Amy Johnson.37. “Sometimes you have to go up really high to see how small you are.”- Felix Baumgartner.38. “Flying might not be all smooth sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price.”- Amelia Earhart.39. “Learning to fly an airplane taught me a way of thinking, an approach to problem-solving that was applicable and effective. Pilots are very methodical and meticulous, and artists tend not to be.”- Chris Carter.40. “If black boxes survive air crashes, why don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff?”- George Carlin.Short Aviation Quotes And Pilot QuotesAccording to the International Air Transport, aviation is a very vast industry divided into military and civil aviation and is the fastest-growing aviation market in the world. Read on for some incredible airplane quotes that no one can afford to miss out.41. “Do the impossible because almost everyone has told me my ideas are merely fantasies.”- Howard Hughes.42. “Instead of our drab slogging forth and back to the fishing boats, there’s reason to live! We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can learn to be free! we can learn to fly!”― Richard Bach, ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’.43. “I hate to wake up and find my co-pilot asleep.”- Michael Treacy.44. “My soul is in the sky.”- William Shakespeare.45. “One of the beautiful things about a single-piloted aircraft is the quality of the social experience.”- Richard Drury.46. “An airplane stands for freedom, for joy, for the power to understand, and to demonstrate that understanding.”- Richard Bach.47. “The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn’t it be? -it is the same the angels breathe.”- Mark Twain.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for aviation quotes, then why not take a look at flying quotes, or bird quotes.

Aviation is the activity surrounding mechanical flight and the aircraft industry.