Voyager 2 is a robotic spacecraft which is a part of the Voyager program; the mission is to study the planets of the solar system and explore interstellar space beyond the heliosphere of the sun.The Voyager 2 space probe was launched by NASA on August 20, 1977 exactly 16 days prior to the launch of the other space probe of the Voyager program, Voyager 1. The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are the only spacecraft to enter interstellar space, Voyager 1 was the first one to do so and was followed by Voyager 2 on December 10, 2018.The Voyager spacecraft has been on its mission for more than 44 years now. Its primary mission was to visit the Jovian system and the Saturnian system, which means to explore the planets of Jupiter and Saturn. Interestingly, there was an additional option in the trajectory of Voyager 2 which could be exercised to explore Uranus and Neptune as well, this option was ultimately exercised. As a fact about the Voyager spacecraft, Voyager 1’s trajectory was set a path faster than that of Voyager 2 due to which Voyager 2 arrive at Jupiter four months after the arrival of Voyager 1. Currently, the Voyager 2 spacecraft is on an extended mission as it is studying the interstellar space along with Voyager 1. The Voyager mission was initially regarded as a planetary exploration mission but once the Voyager 2 crossed Neptune and headed for the interstellar space, the mission was named as Voyager Interstellar Mission.Facts About Voyager 2The year 1977 is of great importance for NASA. It was the year they launched the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft to explore the outer planets. The shocking part is, after completing their planetary exploration, both the spacecrafts are now present in interstellar space, collecting data. Focusing on the Voyager 2 spacecraft, let us look at some fascinating facts about this space probe.The Voyager 2 which was launched in 1977, 16 bays before its twin Voyager 1, headed for outer space on the rocket Titan IIIE-Centaur which is regarded as one of the most historic rockets of NASA.Using the Deep Space Network, the Voyager 2 has been in contact with scientists ever since it left Earth.The Voyager 2 has been on mission for more than 44 years but it was only expected to last for five years and study the planets of Jupiter and Saturn.The five-year program was initially extended for a 12 year program so that the space probe could study Uranus and Neptune but the Voyager 2 didn’t give up and has been on its mission ever since.Did you know, the Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to visit both the giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn and the two ice giant planets, Uranus and Neptune?Such is the amazing longevity of the Voyager 2, the data collected by it is still used by us and has helped scientists to solve various questions and raise some new ones as well.Voyager 2 is one of the most distant man-made objects at the moment along with the likes of Voyager 1, Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11.Voyager 2 reached Jupiter in 1979, and then a couple of years later, explored Saturn in 1981 following which it was programmed to extend its mission.The Voyager 2 then visited the Uranian system in 1986 and went on to visit the Neptunian system in the year 1989.This space probe entered the interstellar space on November 5, 2018, and this is an area in space which is not influenced by the Solar System.Voyager 2 was the fourth space probe to leave the solar system, the others include Voyager 1, Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11 and New Horizons.Currently, the Voyager 2 is collecting data related to the measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field, changed particle environment.The Voyager 2 carried instruments such as the plasma instrument, plasma wave instruments which were essentially for the five teams that took part in the interstellar mission.These five teams include the Plasma Investigation, Magnetic Field Investigation, Cosmic Ray Investigation and a couple of others as well.Did you know Voyager 2 was among the first spacecrafts which carried re-programmable computers?As an interesting fact about the Voyager 2’s power generation, it is run by nuclear generators which are designed to convert heat into electricity and keep the space probe running.Voyager 2 carries a greeting along with it which has been spoken in 55 languages. Its purpose is to establish contact with any form of life it comes across in its journey.Voyager 2’s DiscoveriesIt is due to the discoveries made by Voyager 2 and for the extensively long time period that it has survived that the space probe is regarded as one of the most successful ones of NASA. Let us look at some facts regarding the discoveries Voyager 2 has made during its planetary exploration and the Voyager Interstellar Mission.While Voyager 2 was encountering with Jupiter, it discovered the satellites of Metis and Adrastea orbiting the planet just outside the rings.The Voyager 2 also discovered Thebe, a new satellite also known by the name of Jupiter XIV present between the orbits of lo and Amalthea.When Voyager 2 approached Uranus, it discovered the planet’s 11 new moons.Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Puck, Cordelia, Bianca, Perdita, Rosalind, Portia, Belinda and Ophelia are the 11 moons which were discovered by Voyager 2.While encountering Uranus, Voyager 2 also discovered a couple of Uranian rings which were previously unknown.When Voyager 2 reached Neptune, it again discovered some Neptunian rings which were previously unknown.The space probe also discovered six new moons of Neptune namely Proteus, Galatea, Despina, Thalassa, Naiad and Larissa.Voyager 2 is also credited for the discovery of the ‘Great Dark Spot’ which has never been seen again.This spacecraft is got the closest to Saturn on August 26, 1981.Voyager 2’s TimelineThe success of Voyager 2 is undoubtedly one of the biggest achievements of NASA in the recent items. The space probe which was supposed to function for five years since being launched in 1977 is currently in the interstellar space, outside the solar system. Taking a look at its timeline would help better understand the success of the mission.It was in the summer of 1965 when scientists found out that there was a unique alignment of planets owing to which a spacecraft launched in the late ’70s could visit the four giant planets.On July 1, 1972, the project begins, it was earlier known as ‘Mariner Jupiter/Saturn 1977’ as the original plans were to only fly by Jupiter and Saturn.In the December 1972, the first science steering group meeting is held for the mission at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.In March 1977, Nasa announced that the ‘Mariner Jupiter/Saturn 1977’ will now be known as ‘Voyager’.A historic moment for NASA on August 20, 1977 as Voyager 2 was launched from the Kennedy Space Center.Interestingly, Voyager 1 launches on September 5, 1977, but it is named ‘Voyager 1’ as it will reach Jupiter and Saturn before its twin, Voyager 2.On July 9, 1979, Voyager 1 completes its first mission and reaches Jupiter, and it takes some images of the planet’s rings and moons.On August 25, 1981, Voyager 2 reached Saturn, and found out about Saturn’s density profiles and atmospheric temperature.After reaching Saturn, Voyager 2 completes its primary mission but is still functioning and is extended for the next 12 years and moves towards Uranus and Neptune.On January 24, 1986, Voyager 2 encounter Uranus, it discovers 11 new moons of the planet and also sends some scientific data back to Earth which concludes that the magnetic fields of Uranus are tilted.On August 1987, NASA upgrades its three communication complexes to better capture the radio signals of Voyager once it reaches Neptune.On August 25, 1989 Voyager 2 reaches Neptune and goes on to discover six new moons of the planet.Voyager 2 is still in good condition and now embarks on its journey outside the solar system.October 10 and December 5 1995, the wide angle and narrow angle cameras of Voyager 2 are turned off as power needs to be saved for instruments which collect important data regarding interstellar space and solar wind.On August 30, 2007, Voyager 2 moves past the termination shock point and enters the heliosheath.On August 13, 2012, Voyager 2 becomes the longest operating mission of NASA surpassing the record of 12,758 days set by Pioneer 6.On November 5, 2018, Voyager 2 exits the heliosphere and becomes the second human invention to enter the interstellar space after Voyager 1.Voyagers are not expected to return to Earth.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! 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Voyager 2 is a robotic spacecraft which is a part of the Voyager program; the mission is to study the planets of the solar system and explore interstellar space beyond the heliosphere of the sun.