Dolley Madison was often known as ‘Lady Madison,’ and there is also a boat named after her.As the First Lady, Dolley redecorated the White House, which had a level of simplicity. She was also noted to wear a turban, which later became her trademark.Dolley Madison was born as Dolley Payne on May 20, 1768, in Guilford County, North Carolina to John Payne Jr. and Mary Coles Payne. She was the fourth of eight kids. There is little information on the life of her family before 1793. Dolley Payne Todd Madison was the wife of the fourth president of the United States, James Madison. She served as the First lady of the USA from 1809-1817. She was one of the influential women in the late 1700s (Founding Era). She was known for holding several Washington social gatherings, with both political party members invited, to spearhead the concept of a bipartisan coalition. This concept was unique then, as founders like Thomas Jefferson would meet members of only one party at once due to politics, which could get violent, resulting in physical disputes and even duels. Dolley Madison helped paint a picture where every party member could amiably network, negotiate, and socialize with each other peacefully.Iconic Fun Facts About Dolley MadisonAn iconic fun fact about Dolley Madison is that she became a role model for every future First Lady as she shaped the role of a First Lady.Dolley Madison’s parents, Mary Coles Payne and John Payne got married in Hanover county located in Virginia. Dolley was given the nickname Dorothea and she grew up on the plantation owned by her parents in Eastern Virginia. One account mentions that Dolley was born in a small town called Payne’s Tavern, Person County in North Carolina. When Dolley was around 15, the family moved to Philadelphia, a major American capital city at that time. Dolley grew up in strict Quaker faith and education. There are records of Dolley’s formal education. Dolley married a Quaker lawyer, John Todd in 1790 at Pine Street Meeting House, Philadelphia. Her father, John Payne died shortly afterward in 1792, after which Mary Payne started a boarding house to support her family.John and Dolley Todd had two sons, John Payne Todd in 1792, and in 1793, William Todd. In 1793, a yellow fever epidemic broke in Philadelphia, which killed 5,019 people in only four months. Dolley lost her husband, young son, William, father-in-law, and mother-in-law. She then set up housekeeping in a boarding house in Philadelphia.Motivational Fun Facts About Dolley MadisonA motivational fun fact about Dolley Madison is that Dolley Madison, as the First Lady, was often accessible and visible to the public.In May 1794, Dolley Payne Todd, a young widow was formally introduced to James Madison in the very boarding house she worked. A mutual friend, Aaron Burr, introduced James to Dolley. James Madison was a bachelor and 17 years older than Dolley. After courtship, James Madison proposed to Dolley Todd in August of the same year. They got married in 1794, September and Dolley moved to James’s estate. She was responsible for looking after the plantation, housekeeping, and caring for mother in law. James Madison was a Congressman and planter. Since James was not a Quaker, Dolley was expelled from her Quaker community, however, she never regretted her choice. Dolley then got rid of plain clothing and started fashionable pieces. Although childless, they raised Dolley’s son John Todd Jr.Dolley was a supporter of her husband in his political endeavors. Madison served in the House of Representatives for eight years before returning to Montpelier plantation, Orange County in Virginia. When James Madison was appointed as Secretary of State by president Thomas Jefferson, in 1801. The Madisons moved to the new capital city in Washington, DC. The wife of President Jefferson had died years earlier. So, when there was no female head of the house, it was common for a friend’s wife to act as a hostess. She helped around the White House to receive ladies. She also helped decorate the White House.Governance Related Facts About Dolley MadisonA governance-related fact about Dolley Madison is that when the British burned and set fire to the city, Dolley Madison made sure to save papers and records.In 1808, James was appointed as president. On the same evening of James’ inauguration, Dolley Madison the fourth First Lady sponsored the first inaugural ball. Dolley also set certain standards for every future First Lady to follow. She became popular as the perfect hostess, as she entertained her guests at weekly get-togethers at the White House. While at the White House, she was the first president’s wife who sponsored a girl’s orphanage home in Washington, DC, officially associating with a public charity project. She was the central feature in the United States’ political society. She eventually became friends with important politicians’ wives. So, through friendships, she influenced opinions in favor of her husband, James Madison, and his politics.Dolley Madison is also greatly remembered for her contributions to the 1812 war between England and the United States. President Madison fled Washington, DC with his cabinet as British troops invaded the city. British started to set Washington, DC on fire, but Dolley stayed behind. She made sure that silver, documents, and art, including the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington from the White House, were removed safely. Then, Dolley fled the city by carriage through Potomac to safety. Although much of Washington, DC was burnt by the British army, including the White House, she continued to entertain her guests in her Dumbarton House, her temporary quarters, while the White House was getting repaired.Dolley Madison And Women EmpowermentDolley Madison, as a woman back then, attended Congress debates, encouraging every woman to do the same.As the second term of President James Madison came to an end in 1817, the family moved from Washington, Dc, to Montpelier. In 1836, James Madison died. Dolley spent her next year copying and organizing James’ papers for records and publication. Dolley was then forced to sell much of the property, that included Montpelier, to pay off her son’s debt. In 1844, she moved to Washington, DC and spent her remaining life in the city. While in the city, she was a permanent fixture in United States politics and DC society. She was the favorite hostess in the city for both DC residents and politicians. Dolley Madison was then awarded Congress’ honorary seat, which allowed her to attend the Congressional debates. Samuel. F. B. Morse, an inventor also chose Madison, honoring her to be the first private citizen to send across a message through the telegraph.Dolley Madison in the later years was one among the last remaining members of the Revolutionary War families. Over the years, Dolley’s finances were periodically shaky. She had to sell the rest of James’ papers to help support her life. In 1849, at the age of 81, she passed away in her Washington home. Her remains were first buried in the city in Congressional Cemetry and later buried next to James in Montpelier. Along with other early Presidential wives like Abigail Adams and Martha Washington, Madison also defined First Lady roles using bipartisan gatherings in such a chaotic period.

Dolley Madison was often known as ‘Lady Madison,’ and there is also a boat named after her.