Octopuses are cephalopods, along with other marine creatures such as squid and cuttlefish.These animals are arguably the most intelligent ones to like in the oceans of the world and have a very impressive set of features that sets them apart! What if we told you that octopuses have such a unique set of features, that they can mimic the appearance of a completely different marine creature such as a fish or a snake when needed?Well, as absurd as that sounds, it is true. Octopuses are interesting in more ways than just one. Most people fixate on their arms or their ink and miss out on the treasure trove of research that is available within arms reach.These animals can change their shape, the texture of their skin, and color. They can also walk on two feet or move like a lionfish. They have nine brains, and their brain mass is more than that of any other invertebrate in the world.Understandably, octopuses are very smart creatures and they leave no stones unturned in making sure that everyone acknowledges their smartness.Keep reading to learn more about octopuses, their typical behavior, habitat, and camouflaging skills!Habitat And BehaviorOctopuses are found in a variety of habitats, including both salt and fresh water. They can be found in the ocean depths, as well as near the surface. Octopuses are very adaptable creatures and have been known to survive in some of the most extreme environments on Earth.Octopuses are also highly intelligent animals and are capable of learning and problem-solving.They are also very social creatures and typically live in groups. Octopuses are opportunistic predators and will eat a variety of prey items, including fish, crabs, and clams.Some octopus species are also found in tide pools.Most species of these marine animals prefer to live in the crevices of rocks and other landforms that are found underwater.Depending on the animal species, octopuses have a very impressive set of characteristics.If you think that an octopus’s arms are its most amusing feature, this animal is sure to surprise you with all that it can do in its natural sea habitat.Octopuses are cephalopods, much like cuttlefish and squid.Octopuses, cuttlefish, and squids have many cells on their body called chromatophores, which allow them to change color and shape.In minutes, a squid can change colors from sandy brown to bright red or ripple with vibrant metallic rainbows. This allows an octopus to survive in its sea habitat.When on the sea floor, octopuses are both shy and very timid.The common octopus would go through a number of complicated processes to change its color and skin texture, just to avoid any predators in the ocean.Behavior And EcologyIf you are wondering why cephalopods would go through so much trouble so as to change their entire body, the answer is quite simple.The ocean is laden with predators in the form of sea snakes and large predatory fishes, which are keen to feed on octopi. Hence, it becomes important for these animals to defend themselves.While octopuses do have many arms, they do not have much strength. Their strength, when in the ocean, is their intelligence. The octopus skin has many cells which can contract and expand to change its appearance drastically. At the same time, some octopuses can even change their appearance to such an extent that they look like a sea snake.In addition to this, some octopuses also have an ink sac, which releases ink whenever required. This ink is an excellent escape tactic and helps the animals in fleeing from any predator.The diet that octopuses have is important for the ocean food chain. Octopuses keep crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp in check and also add to the charm of coral reefs. In turn, coral reefs are very important for octopuses and their sustenance.Distribution And HabitatThere are about 300 species of octopus found all over the world. They are mostly found on the ocean or sea floor, where they can easily defend themselves and have an abundance of crustaceans to feed on.The specific habitat range of octopuses is largely dependent on the species in question.However, most octopuses are very fond of rocks and coral reefs. They find crevices and holes to hide in since this makes them feel safe from the killers of the ocean.Anatomy And PhysiologyEveryone is familiar with octopus arms. Octopuses have eight arms, however, this is not nearly the most interesting fact.Research has shown that, unlike humans who have one brain, octopuses have one central brain and one brain for each of the eight arms. So, in total, octopuses have a total of nine brains.Needless to say, these animals are very intelligent, which they show in their movements and other activities.Octopuses also have three hearts, two of which pump blood throughout the body.They not only have eyes but also show impeccable capacity through them. Octopuses are some of the only members of the animal kingdom apart from humans which can recognize faces of animals apart from their own species. Research shows that octopuses can begin to recognize and differentiate between human faces, which is impressive, to say the least!They also have numerous chromatophore cells under their skin. These cells, in turn, contain pigments, which help the animal in changing its appearance as it wishes.Not only can octopuses change the color of their skin, but they can also change their texture and shape. The mimic octopus in particular has the unimaginable capacity to take the shape of the animals around it. A mimic octopus can take the shape of a lion fish or even a sea snake if the occasion calls for it.Understandably, this set of defensive features allows the animal to feel safe in its oceanic habitat!Predators And CamouflageThe seas and oceans of the world have their own set of threats in the form of predatory animals.Such predators could be snakes or fish. Both of which pose a great threat to the life of an octopus. However, our cephalopod friends have many tricks up their sleeves. Octopuses have camouflage skills which set them apart from most of the animal kingdom.Given their intelligence and the many chromatophores under their skin, an octopus can change the color of its skin. These chromatophores have a set of pigments. When the cell wall is contracted through a command from the central brain, the pigments become less visible. On the other hand, when the cell walls dilate, the pigments become more vibrant. In this way, the dilation and contraction of the cell walls help octopuses in achieving the right appearance.This invertebrate can even change the texture of its skin to look like the surrounding rocks or coral reefs. In addition to this, an octopus can also mimic the looks of another animal altogether.This is a very interesting ability that octopuses have, and also saves them from many predators. Don’t you find it interesting that an octopus could look like a snake or a fish?

Octopuses are cephalopods, along with other marine creatures such as squid and cuttlefish.