Dill is an herb from the family of Umbelliferae plants, having greenish flowers and feathery leaves.It has many culinary uses like flavoring vegetables, fish, eggs, and much more. Dill is a popular herb in many cuisines, particularly in the cuisines of Nordic, Germanic, Baltic, and Slavic countries.Read some interesting dill facts here.Facts About DillDill is a herb, which belongs to the celery family of herbs. Discover more facts about it here.Dill is derived from the ancient Norse word ‘dylla’, which means to soothe or calm.The plant is native to southeastern Europe and western Asia and can be found in many countries today including the U.S.People have enjoyed eating dill since ancient times; it was cultivated by the Egyptians and the Greeks, who used it as a popular spice.Dill weed was also used as currency in Scotland before modern times.Dill is an informal name for the plant referenced, which is a type of herbaceous plant that belongs to the Umbelliferae family.We all know dill for the wonderful aroma of its delicate, feathery leaves which are only 4-8 in (10-20 cm) long and enhance the taste of fish.Dill seed shows optimum growth in areas with high-temperature summers. The seed requires fertile, well-drained soil to grow properly because it doesn’t like to get bogged down.Growing dill needs proper irrigation. While the seeds are germinating, keep the soil uniformly wet. Dill plants require 1-2 in (2.5-5 cm) of rain and more water as they begin to grow.Dill has smooth, single small stems that can grow up to 12-18 in (30-46 cm) in height.Dill seed develops in a way that starts as a single flower growing into a leafy stem and continues to do so until all of the leaves bloom. The leaves are green-colored and soft. Dill seed blooms during mid-to late-summer.Dill and fennel are often planted near one another. They will exchange pollen, creating a new plant that has no culinary value as the flavor of its new parent is not quite as potent.Dill seeds grow into big plants or trees under the right conditions.You can grow dill from seed for many years without much trouble as long as you know how to germinate its seeds properly.The ancient Greeks used dill to produce medicine and aromatic perfumes.Greek athletes used the leaves of the plant in their tonics to improve the tone of their muscles.Uses Of DillThis herb has a sour taste that is perfect for seasoning meats and fish to complement their seafood taste. Find out more about the uses of dill below:Since ancient times, dill has been used as a seasoning. It is also used in different recipes including pancakes and pickles.In Europe, it was used as currency in northern Germany before paper money was invented.Dilled chicken salad, dill pickles, and baby dill are just a few of the many dishes where dill is most often used culinarily.Dilled chicken is cooked with bread, water, and butter for about 15 minutes.Baby dill is used in soups and side dishes. Dried dill weed comes from the plant Anethum graveolens.  It is most popular in eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and North Africa, where it is often used to flavor pickles.Add fresh dill sprigs to soups, salad dressings, yogurts, and dishes with fish or chicken.Dill seeds are used as an ingredient in the production of vinegar.In addition to being used as an herb, dill is also consumed in the form of herbal tea.Dill oil, extracted from seeds, is widely used in the cosmetic industry with applications ranging from soaps to massage oils to fragrant oils.Dill has been used as an effective treatment of digestion-related problems, jaundice, and a lack of proper appetite.It can also be used to pacify babies during teething.Dill is also very popular today with people who enjoy making herbal remedies or kitchen concoctions such as dilly guacamole.Benefits Of DillIt is well known that dill is rich in dietary fibers, vitamin C, vitamin B9 (folate), iron, and calcium. However, it has many more benefits too!Most parts of the plant are consumable, but people usually eat the leaves, flowers, and seeds.Dills is a name given to an annual plant that takes anywhere from three to four months to grow.Although it is a culinary herb, it is also utilized for medicinal uses.Other foods are also used for well-being. Even after all this time, honey is still considered a ‘superfood’ for its many healing properties and is still popular in ancient Greeks and Roman cultures.There once was a king named Charlemagne. During his golden banquets, he even had the foresight to make anise available because it was known to promote digestion.Today, dill is a dried or fresh herb used in Russian, Scandinavian, and Central European cuisines.Dill grows between 15-24 in (40-60 cm) tall and has slender, hollow stems. The flowers are yellow or white, with a small size of 0.7-3.5 in (2-9 cm) in diameter.The stems and immature umbels of the plant are aromatic and flavorful enough to be used in salads, soups, fish, sauces, and sandwich fillings.It is known for offering a variety of health benefits. Essential oil from dill seeds is used in perfume and food for flavoring and aroma purposes.Dill has really good carminative properties. This herb truly has some amazing qualities!Side Effects Of DillThey are part of the parsley family and they come in several varieties, such as the black or brown dill. Side-effects are negligible, but there are still some to be aware of.In rare cases, it has been shown to cause allergic reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, heart palpitations, and an itchy mouth.Eating too much of this culinary herb can even lead to ‘dill burn’, a painful condition on your tongue and throat caused by an increased production of saliva that leads to irritation.Additionally, it is recommended for expectant mothers to avoid this fresh herb, dill pills, or extracts during pregnancy.Next time you use dill seeds, or fresh dill leaves in salad dressings or other food, remember to share these facts with your friends and family.

Dill is an herb from the family of Umbelliferae plants, having greenish flowers and feathery leaves.