Calla lilies were first brought to public attention through the Royal Garden of Paris painting.The fact that we call them by this name even though they are not true lilies is due to a simple mistake caused by an 18th-century botanist. Commonly found in all places of the world, including Asian countries, Europe, America, and Australia, the flower originated in and is native to Africa.The beauty of calla lilies, however, is lost on some countries as they consider them a pest. They are also poisonous, and the flowers should not be touched.Calla lilies hold a lot of spiritual significance to many people, which is one of the reasons why it is always a pleasure for people of Europe and America to see new callas bloom in their gardens. To get you started with some facts about this flower, did you know that the part that we consider to be the petal of the flower is actually a modified leaf? Keep reading to learn more facts about calla lilies!Facts About The Calla LilyCalla lilies are not only beautiful to look at but also have significance in many cultures. Numerous flowers arise from the same stalk, and they also make great house plants as little care is required.White calla lilies are the most common and are a frequent sight in floral arrangements for many events.While we do not know how calla lilies made their way to Europe, we do know the importance that they now hold in European culture.These lilies are said to have originated in Africa, and callas have since been loved and adored in most parts of the world.Although, it is also worth noting that callas don’t have the same reputation in all parts of the world.The fact that they can be highly poisonous to some humans and animals has inspired some parts of the world to label the calla lily as a pest.Such places include Africa and Western Australia.Parts of Africa, where the calla lily originated, treat the plant as a weed and pest because of its invasive nature when supplied with the correct climatic conditions.The growing season for the plant continues from February to June.These plants will give you more than just a single flower and will be perennial if you happen to be living in areas where the weather is warm throughout the year.The blooms often have beautiful colors other than white, and since the potting procedure is simple, you may try to plant a few different types of callas at the same time.They are native to Africa and the coastal regions of California.The leaves of these flowers are heart-shaped.Calla lilies can impart their beauty to your garden all year if given the right care. These plants tend to live long lives!Calla Lilies’ Spiritual SignificanceCalla lilies have a lot of spiritual significance in many parts of the world, especially in America and in European countries. They are also extensively used in bouquets and wedding arrangements.Callas have a lot of symbolic meaning; however, the meanings are different depending on the parts of the world that you inhabit.Calla lilies are a part of Greek mythology, and for people who are interested in such theories, the story of the origin of the flower is quite captivating.It is said that Hera, the Greek goddess and Zeus’s wife, was blind-sighted towards the fact that her husband had a son with a mortal woman.This son was the very famous Hercules.One particular night, when Hera was asleep, Zeus brought the child to Hera for breastfeeding.Understandably, Hera wasn’t particularly thrilled when she saw the boy and shunned him.In doing so, a few drops of her milk spilled.While some went up in the sky and formed the milky way, some spilled on the ground and created the white calla lilies.These calla lilies were completely white and did not have a yellow spadix.When Venus came to hear of the flowers, she grew excessively jealous of their beauty and cursed them with the yellow pistil that juts out of the flower.The calla lily is, therefore, a symbol of jealousy and beauty in Greek mythology.However, in a Christian context, the calla lily has a meaning which is much different.In parts of Christianity, these flowers are considered to be a symbol that is associated with the Virgin Mary.They are thus a symbol of purity and innocence to some people.Alternatively, they are also considered to be a symbol of the purity of the soul, which is why a calla lily arrangement can often be seen at funerals.The white calla lily is also used in Easter processions as a symbol of the rebirth and resurrection of Christ.A bouquet of these flowers in a wedding may symbolize the expectation of fertility and the cycle of bringing new life, and also an expectation of a happy marital life.A broken calla lily flower at the end of a tombstone may symbolize that it is the grave of someone who died at a very young age.The symbolism associated with the flower can also be connected to the color.A white calla lily often stands for purity and innocence; pink flowers may stand for appreciation and admiration; a red calla lily may symbolize courage; black may symbolize mystery; yellow could stand for gratitude; purple often stands for royalty or charm.The Calla Lily’s HabitatCalla lilies can be grown in a variety of climates, depending on the degree of care that can be provided to the plant.The natural habitat of the plant is in streams, ponds, or near the banks of water bodies.They prefer warm weather and slightly wet soil.Clay-based and sandy soil is not preferable if you want calla lilies in your garden.Caring For Calla LiliesTaking care of calla lilies is particularly easy since they thrive in varied weather conditions and require little supervision.The blossoms of this plant can be seen in the spring season and should be planted around the month of February.They can grow with other flowers in the garden, such as gladiolus.Calla lilies can live in concentrated sunlight as well as in light shade.Complete shade is not preferable for a calla lily plant.They usually do not bloom during the chilly months and need to be moved indoors.

Calla lilies were first brought to public attention through the Royal Garden of Paris painting.