Nicholas James Vujicic (aka Nick Vuijicic) is a Serbian-Australian evangelist and a mind blowing motivational speaker born with the Tetra-Amelia syndrome.“Pain is pain. Broken is broken. Fear is the biggest disability of all. And will paralyze you more than you being in a wheel chair,” this Nick Vujicic quote speaks volumes about the famous speaker. Tetra-Amelia syndrome is a rare disorder, and it is characterized by the absence of all four limbs.Nick Vujicic is one of the best motivational speakers in the world. And as surprising as it sounds, he can type 53 words per minute with his left foot. Mind blowing right? Just to keep you motivated and to make you feel inspired, we have listed some Nick Vujicic quotes about life and quotations about disabilities, so do check them out.If you like this article, make sure to check out these Leo Buscaglia quotes and Rachael Hollis quotes, once you’re through these Nick Vujicic quotes.‍Unstoppable Nick Vujicic QuotesThe disabled motivational speaker is widely known for his famous quotes about faith. Read on for some of the most inspiring Nick Vujicic quotes about love as well as religious quotes about love to motivate you to go for change rather than wait for a miracle.1. “If you can’t get a miracle, become one.”- Nick Vujicic.2. “It’s about bettering the lives of others, being part of something bigger than yourself, and making a positive difference.”- Nick Vujicic.3. “I was never crippled until I lost hope.”- Nick Vujicic.4. “I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.”- Nick Vujicic.5. “It’s a lie to think you’re not good enough. It’s a lie to think you’re not worth anything.”- Nick Vujicic.6. “The challenges in our lives are there to strengthen our convictions. They are not there to run us over.”- Nick Vujicic.7. “Don’t put your life on hold so that you can dwell on the unfairness of past hurts.”- Nick Vujicic.8. “Some injuries heal more quickly if you keep moving.”- Nick Vujicic.9. “If you need a friend, become someone else’s. If you don’t have hope, give hope to others.”- Nick Vujicic.10. “If no one opens, knock on several doors at once.”- Nick Vujicic.11. “We all can find something bad or imperfect in each other. But I prefer to look for grains of gold.”- Nick Vujicic.12. “Act in a such a way as to guarantee that your own actions inspire and empower you.”- Nick Vujicic.13. “No matter who you are, no matter what you’re going through, God knows it. He is with you. He is going to pull you through.”- Nick Vujicic.14. “Often people ask how I manage to be happy despite having no arms and no legs. The quick answer is that I have a choice. I can be angry about not having limbs, or I can be thankful that I have a purpose. I chose gratitude.”- Nick Vujicic.15. “God gave you just one mouth but He gave you two ears, so you should listen twice as much as you speak.”- Nick Vujicic.16. “I don’t want to be someone’s reason to hate their life. I want to be someone’s reason to seek something more in their life.”- Nick Vujicic.Nick Vujicic Famous QuotesAfter coming into this world, Nick was left with only two choices in life. One was to either stay sad and helpless for the rest of his life, or two, do all the things he wanted to do in life. Listed below are Nick Vujicic motivational quotes to make you feel good and positive for the challenges that lie ahead along with various motivational Nick Vujicic quotes.17. “I honestly didn’t think miracles could ever come from my broken pieces, and I was disabled in fear that my dreams would always remain as dreams. Don’t give up on you."- Nick Vujicic.18. “I encourage everyone to know that God has a plan for their life and that God never makes a mistake even though it seems like He is not listening or paying attention sometimes.”- Nick Vujicic.19. “People always complain that they can’t do this and they can’t do that." “If we look at our lives and concentrate on things that we don’t have or wish to have, that doesn’t change the circumstances. The truth is that we have to focus on what we have and make the best out of it.”- Nick Vujicic.20. “You can’t always trust your emotions. You can’t always trust your feelings. And I’m not talking about pain but I’m talking about more about life issues where something happens to you or somebody says something to you or somebody said nothing to you and you’re waiting for them to say something to you.”- Nick Vujicic.21. “The biggest temptation I believe is to feel comfortable, to feel like you’ve worked through all of that here on Earth, and are satisfied with this life.”- Nick Vujicic.22. “There are no short and easy paths to a long and lasting happiness.”- Nick Vujicic.23. “Pain is pain. Broken is broken. Fear is the biggest disability of all. And will paralyze you more than you being in a wheel chair.”- Nick Vujicic.24. “Just because I don’t understand god’s plans does not mean that he is not with me.”- Nick Vujicic.25. “I’m just one small, tiny example. Pick any true-life hero, whether it’s Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, or the Reverend Martin Luther King and you’ll find someone who had to weather adversity – prison, violence, even the threat of death – but held on to the belief that their dreams could prevail.”- Nick Vujicic.26. “Remember – action brings reaction. When you are tempted to abandon your dreams, push yourself to continue one more day, one more week, one more month, and one more year.”- Nick Vujicic.27. “Remember this: God has a truly great purpose for your life! Live it without limits!”- Nick Vujicic.28. “Life may not be going well for you now, but as long as you are here, as long as you press forward, anything is possible.”- Nick Vujicic.29. “If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart!”- Nick Vujicic.30. “The truth of who we are is how we live day to day. If you want to influence others, the most important thing you can do is be a living example of the principles, ideals, and faith that you advocate.”- Nick Vujicic.31. “The best way to share your beliefs with others is to live according to your faith when you are under pressure, when challenges arise, and even when life seems to be piling one hardship upon another on you.”- Nick Vujicic.32. “Don’t put your life on hold so that you can dwell on the unfairness of past hurts.”- Nick Vujicic.33. “Understand the truth of your value and the truth of your purpose.”- Nick Vujicic.34. “You will be amazed at what happens when you refuse to quit.”- Nick Vujicic.35. “The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.”- Nick Vujicic.36. “You may not control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond.”- Nick Vujicic.37. “I have the choice to be angry at God for what I don’t have, or be thankful for what I do have.”- Nick Vujicic.38. “Take small steps in the right direction. No matter how small your steps, keep moving forward…”- Nick Vujicic.Nick Vujicic Best Quotes To Make You Feel BetterNick Vujicic took the higher road in life. He decided not to limit himself and made sure to achieve whatever he has ever wanted in life. Here are some Nick Vujicic inspirational quotes along with his famous quote on belief to make you feel better and less bitter on the unfairness of life. Be ready to struggle for your convictions.39. “I don’t want arms and legs, I want peace. I don’t want arms and legs, I want to be a miracle for someone else.”- Nick Vujicic.40. “God won’t allow anything to happen in your life if it’s not for your good.”- Nick Vujicic.41. “And know that there is always someone out there who believes in you and who loves you just the way you are.”- Nick Vujicic.42. “Don’t give up on God. Don’t give up on love.”- Nick Vujicic.43. “Money can’t heal your heart. Money can’t give you purpose. I don’t want arms and legs, I want purpose.”- Nick Vujicic.44. “Fear is the biggest disability of all. And will paralyze you more than you being in a wheel chair.”- Nick Vujicic.45. “This life is full of great experiences if we only give it a shot.”- Nick Vujicic.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Nick Vujicic quotes, then why not take a look at James Allen quotes, or Bob Proctor quotes.‍

Nicholas James Vujicic (aka Nick Vuijicic) is a Serbian-Australian evangelist and a mind blowing motivational speaker born with the Tetra-Amelia syndrome.