‘Inuyasha’ is one of the best Japanese manga series which has been further made into an animated anime series that had stolen the hearts of many weebs all over the world.The series is written by Rumiko Takahashi who had also illustrated the manga and is known for several other famous retro anime series like ‘Ranma 1/2’. It follows the adventurous tale of Kagome Higurashi who falls into a mysterious well and goes back in time.She finds a half-demon named Inuyasha, who, together with Sango, Miroku, Shippou, and Kirara travel Japan during the warring states era teeming with evil characters and demons looking for shards of the Shikon jewel that has wish-granting powers. Here is a list of some of the best quotes from this series that will make you nostalgic.There is a ‘human’ element in this anime which many people love to dissect. The quotes here often talk about fate, human struggles, and life as a whole. On the side, they are quite funny and can make one laugh a lot as well. Unlike other serious anime, ‘Inuyasha’ has a good mix of humor and drama, a lot like life. We have collected ‘Inuyasha’ quotes nothing is impossible, Kikyo from ‘Inuyasha’ quotes, ‘Inuyasha’ quotes Sesshomaru from mother - each of these can make someone smile or ‘feel’ emotional and they cannot wait to want some more.If you like our content, then you may want to check out other great articles like Anime quotes or Studio Ghibli quotes.‍Famous ‘Inuyasha’ QuotesHere is a list of some of the greatest ‘Inuyasha’ quotes including funny ‘Inuyasha’ quotes.1. “I’m a half-demon, more egotistical and greedy than any other living creature — that’s what human beings are, right?"-Inuyasha.2. “Not as pretty as his, huh? What would you know about it? You live in a time where they don’t even have shampoo."-Kagome.3. “With human blood flowing through my veins, I never give up! Don’t you understand? When you have someone to protect, your power increases multifold!"-Inuyasha.4. “That’s pretty bad when you can even give a half-demon the creeps."-Inuyasha.5. “You got two legs and a heartbeat. What’s stopping you?"-Inuyasha.6. “Why am I always the one handing out apologies?"-Shippou.7.” I can see why being called a mutt by Koga would upset him… but now that I see him sitting there sniffing the ground he does look like a dog."-Shippou.8. “I know a demon. Not like a half-demon. Not even like human. Just like…just like me!"-Kaede.9. “It’s nice not to be alone."-Kagome.10. “Not as pretty as his, huh? What would you know about it? You live in a time where they don’t even have shampoo."-Kagome.11. “​She cannot be Saved? I cannot save her? Tenseiga. I let her die. For something like this. Nothing I could’ve gained was worth losing her. Nothing at all!"-Sesshomaru.12. “I’ve heard similar threats from a number of poor fools whose memories I keep alive by dancing on their tombstones!"-Inuyasha.13. “I can’t compete with Kikyo, because, after all, I’m still alive."-Kagome.14. “Half breed or full breed, to me it don’t matter. But when you insult my mother, that’s when I get angry. For her sake then if for nothing else… I’m gonna make you pay!"-Inuyasha.15. “As long as she’s alive and well, that’s all I hope for. I can’t bear to see another woman die."-Inuyasha.16. “You shouldn’t talk to yourself. People will wonder."-Shippou.17. “I am not going to kill you – I am going to break you."-Naraku.18. “You protect her, indulge her, even seem to love her."-Sesshomaru.19. “I’m gonna slit your stomach, take out your guts, and put them in a bowl. By the time I’m through with you, you’re going to wish it was you who was dead."-Inuyasha.Inspirational ‘Inuyasha’ QuotesThere are many quotes from ‘Inuyasha’ that will make you swell up with positivity. Here is a list of some mood-lifting quotes from the anime.20. “Can it be that I’m afraid, or is it merely I know not my own limit?"-Sesshomaru.21. “I seek nothing more than to battle the most powerful beings alive, which excludes the lowly likes of you."-Sesshomaru.22. “This may come as something of a surprise, but I’m a sore loser."-Miroku.23. “Life itself is a frightening image for every human being…. being strong in life isn’t easy."-Miroku.24. “There was no place for me, so I had to make one for myself, and then I realized, I had a place, but I was the only one in it. I didn’t know any other way to live."-Inuyasha.25. “Be not a fool, I have no such time to waste."-Sesshomaru.26. “Blah, blah, blah. A guy gets his hands on a new sword, and already he’s lookin’ for a soapbox to stand on and preach it to the world!"-Inuyasha.27. “What good is this cursed hand if I can’t protect the woman I love?"-Miroku.28. “Your stupidity knows no boundaries. Run and hide while you can."-Sesshomaru.29. “You fight as though you’re still a child."-Sesshomaru.30. “You’re not as slow as you look, monk."-Naraku.Kagome And Inuyasha QuotesKagome and Inuyasha as a pair are said to be one of the most iconic couples in anime. Here is a list of Inuyasha quotes to Kagome, Inuyasha quotes about Kagome as well as by Kagome.31. “I want you to be happy. I want you to laugh a lot. I don’t know what exactly I’ll be able to do for you, but I’ll always be by your side."-Kagome.32. “Heh, I guess somehow without me knowing, it just feels so natural now, to have Kagome by my side."-Inuyasha.33. “Maybe it’s just the morning light, but he looks pretty cool standing there with his sword."-Kagome.34. “How could I forget? He’s into dead girls."-Kagome.35. “Someone the exact opposite of Inuyasha. That’s the perfect guy for me."-Kagome.36. “Well excuse me for making you sleep in the wild all the time."-Inuyasha.Sad ‘Inuyasha’ Quotes By KikyoThere are countless sad events in the course of the plot of ‘Inuyasha’, especially where Kikyo is involved. Here is a list of heart-wrenching ‘Inuyasha’ quotes which includes Kikyo from ‘Inuyasha’ that will make your affections touch across time.37. “The future is not a straight line. There are many different pathways. We must try to decide that future for ourselves."–Kikyo.38. “Once the thread of fate is tangled, it cannot be undone."–Kikyo.39. “In the hearts of men lies both good and evil. The two coexist. Some men become good, and others become evil. It is the way of this world."–Kikyo.40. “I despise you with my last breath. My spirit will not forget that all-consuming hatred. So long that you live, my spirit can not be free."–Kikyo.41. “I loathe all things, I despise every living creature who’s bound to time."–Kikyo.42. “Inuyasha, after meeting you I renounced my postion as a shrine priestess. I became an ordinary woman."–Kikyo.43. “I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I’ll never allow to forget me."–Kikyo.44. “To live is to die, to die is to live. Pure is unpure, unpure is pure."–Kikyo.45. “I longed to embrace you like this when I was alive…"–Kikyo.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Inuyasha’ quotes then why not take a look at inspirational anime quotes, or [inspirational video game quotes].‍

‘Inuyasha’ is one of the best Japanese manga series which has been further made into an animated anime series that had stolen the hearts of many weebs all over the world.