Kelp is a slippery type of seaweed that is found in abundance in Alaska, through to southern California.Bull kelp is an important part of the marine ecosystem. While the fact that bull kelp is a type of algae can make you think otherwise, this species is actually edible and is used both raw and cooked!It provides food and shelter for fish and other marine life. Bull kelp also plays a role in climate regulation and carbon sequestration. Bull kelp forests around the world are being conserved in order to make sure that the many marine creatures that depend on them do not face extinction!Bull Kelp ClassificationBull kelp, or Nereocystis luetkeana, is a type of brown algae that is found on the ocean floor. This type of edible kelp has been known to humans for several centuries, however, the way in which they are used in the present day is largely different from the methods that were employed by the first few people to come across this intriguing part of the marine ecosystems!Bull kelp is considered to be a keystone species.This essentially means that bull kelp forests have an immense effect on marine ecosystems.The species is called ‘keystone’ because its abundance is not at par with the amount of importance it holds for the marine life of some species.The scientific name of bull kelp is Nereocystis luetkeana.It is considered to be a cousin of giant kelp, which is the largest brown algae in the world.Bull kelp belongs to the family Laminariaceae.There are several names by which this species of the Pacific coast is known.The genus name comes from a Greek word, which can be loosely translated to ‘mermaid’s bladder.‘This name comes from the bulbous, floating head of the kelp.The other names by which bull kelp is known include bullwhip kelp, bladder kelp, ribbon kelp, bladderwrack, and edible kelp.Kelp forests are very common along the shallow reeds of British Columbia.Bull kelp can grow to be around 115 ft (35 m) long!The bulbous head of bull kelp is known as pneumatocyst.The pneumatocyst stays afloat since it is full of gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide!This type of kelp can be eaten both raw and cooked. This versatility is one of the reasons why bull kelp is widely harvested!Habitat And Characteristics Of Bull kelpThe large bulb and long tail of kelp have been a matter of interest for humans for many years. This is one of the reasons why people have been using bull kelp as fishing lines and harpoons for many centuries. Additionally, the habitat in which bull kelp grows is beneficial for humans as well.Bull kelp forests grow near shallow reefs and along the coasts.They prefer growing in highly turbulent and energetic waters.This species of alga requires slightly cold water conditions.This is one of the reasons why global warming poses a real threat to the bull kelp forests around the world.Even if the water temperature rises a little, the kelp forests of all species are likely to suffer greatly.Bull kelp usually attaches itself to rocks with the help of a holdfast, which acts as a root and keeps it grounded.Bull kelp requires water temperatures of around 41-68 F (5-20 C).The flat blades of the bull kelp have spores, which are scattered throughout the forest floor.These spores give rise to newer kelp plants in the next summer season.Kelp is known to be one of the fastest-growing forms of algae.The existence of bull kelp forests along the ocean floor helps in saving the coasts from receiving very harsh waves!These kelp forests often grow in parts of the ocean floor that have been cleared out by sea urchins.Bull kelp’s habitat is such that it can warn boaters of any shallow reefs that may be near!Bull kelp and giant kelp are very beneficial for the ecosystem since they provide shelter for juvenile fish.Giant kelp can be found along the west coast, specifically around southern CaliforniaIn addition to this, sea otters and sand crabs also live at the base of bull kelp forests.This helps creatures like sea otters to find their favorite foods!Bull kelp can grow around 10 in (25.4 cm) in a single day!Two clusters of bands arise from the pneumatocyst.As many as 64 blades can grow from each cluster.Bull kelp grows in highly nutritious waters.Bull kelp stipe can extend more than 38% of its length before splitting.It makes food for itself through photosynthesis.Kelp is utilized to make many products such as shampoos, cakes, puddings, frozen foods, and even dairy products!Lifespan Of Bull KelpBull kelp is sometimes considered to be the largest of the brown algae family. However, the real holder of the position is giant kelp!Bull kelp is differentiated by others of the kingdom Chromista by its appearance.Bull kelp grows fast because it is an annual seaweed.Bull kelp forests and other seaweeds move along the ocean currents!Kelp has adapted to the ocean by developing a holdfast that keeps it grounded throughout its lifespan.This type of kelp is annual in nature, which means that its entire lifespan is completed in the course of a single year.Bull kelp dies in the winters and new kelp grows in the same spots during the summers of the following year.California has strict rules regarding the harvesting of bull kelp.Bull Kelp saves the coasts from any harsh waves in places such as British Columbia where this species occurs in abundance.As long as seaweed can float it will stay alive, but when it lands up on a beach above the tide line, it will start to die and decay.Seaweed species are said to have pigments that shield them from the sun’s ultraviolet light.

Kelp is a slippery type of seaweed that is found in abundance in Alaska, through to southern California.