‘Gurren Lagann’, a classic anime, has strong themes of friendship.It pushes people past their limits and teaches them to believe in themselves. These anime quotes from the series give us something to think about.‘Gurren Lagann’, or known as Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann in Japan, is a mecha anime television series. The main characters of the series are Simon, Kamina, Yoko Littner, and Nia Teppelin. It has some very popular quotes.In this article, we have provided many inspirational ‘Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann’ anime quotes. If you find this list interesting, you can check out other articles from Kidadl like ‘Kingdom Hearts’ quotes and justice quotes.‍Inspirational ‘Gurren Lagann’ Quotes’Gurren Lagann’ quotes believe in the me that believes in you are extremely popular among anime fans. Check out these other inspirational ‘Gurren Lagann’ quotes. Mark my words, these anime quotes and Simon quotes will inspire you.1. “The dreams of those who’ve fallen! The hopes of those who’ll follow! Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix! Drilling a path towards tomorrow! And that’s Tengen Toppa! That’s Gurren Lagann!”- Simon.2. “Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!”- Kamina.3. “Don’t believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in the Kamina who believes in you!”- Kamina.4. “Kamina told me before. ‘He’s the one that always saves me.’, He’s the one that doesn’t give up, even at the end.”– Yoko Littner5. “Whether impossible or laughable, we continue to walk the path of men!”– Kamina.6. “God gave us eyes at the front of our heads so we can look forward to the future.”- Kamina.7. “Don’t be distracted by the what-if’s, should-have’s, and if-only’s. The one thing you choose for yourself - that is the truth of your universe.”- Kamina.8. “Listen up, Simon. Don’t forget. Believe in yourself. Not in you who believes in me. Not in me who believes in you. Believe in yourself!”- Kamina.9. “When we were trapped in that hole…there was nothing I could do. But Simon just kept on digging. Believing in my show of courage. In the end, he was the one who saved me.”- Kamina.10. “You’re wrong, dumbass! I’ll protect ’em! The girl, the universe, both of them! I don’t wanna regret doing nothing cause of a tomorrow that might never come. That’s the way team Dai-Gurren rolls!”- Simon.11. “We evolve, beyond the person that we were a minute before. Little by little, we advance with each turn. That’s how a drill works!”- Simon.12. “When you’re scared, that’s all the more reason to move forward!”- Kittan Bachika.13. “I don’t want fear for a future, that may not even come, to stop me from acting today.”- Simon.14. “Do the impossible, see the invisible”― Herbern Lebumfacil.15. “If people’s faith in you is what gives you your power, then I believe in you with every fiber of my being!”- Nia Teppelin.16. “When I feel weak, or when I lack self-confidence, I remember Simon’s back as he dug tirelessly. I wanted to become a man who’s back would never break. That’s what I thought.”– Kamina.17. “I don’t fully understand, but it doesn’t matter why you were born, or if you’re a princess. The Nia right here is you. So it’s okay if you just be yourself.”– Simon.Powerful ‘Gurren Lagann’ Quotes’Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann’ characters’ story and dialogue have made this series an instant hit. Gurren Lagann quotes about never giving up are some of the most powerful anime quotes. Check out these powerful Kamina Gurren Lagann quotes and Simon quotes.18. “I will face tomorrow.”- Nia Teppelin.19. “The dreams we left behind will open the door!”– Yoko Littner.20. “Listen up, big guys! I’ll only say this once…undefeatable, untouchable, with no regrets! Never looking back, never wavering! You can’t win against this man’s will! Gurren Brigade’s Kamina-sama will be your opponent! Believe it!”– Kamina.21. “If there’s a wall in our way then we smash it down! If there isn’t a path, then we carve one ourselves!”- Simon.22. “No matter what’s in my way, I won’t stop! Once I’ve dug through - it means that I’ve won! … Just who the hell do you think I am? I’m Simon. I’m not my Bro! I’m me! Simon the Digger!"- Simon.23. “If this body can create a tomorrow for all spiral life, I will gladly give it.”- Lord Genome.24. “Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable.”― Herbern Lebumfacil.25. “We, brawlers, are sustained by willpower even when mocked as reckless and crazy!”– Kamina.26. “I didn’t have any confidence. I thought I was living the wrong way. Impatiently. Why couldn’t I go where my father could? Truthfully, I wasn’t strong enough.”– Kamina.27. “Reject common sense to make the impossible possible!”– Simon.28. “I will believe! I will believe in the me that believes in us, humans and the future! This drill is… my soul!”– Simon.29. “We’ll break through the heavens and dimensions!”– Simon.Unique ‘Gurren Lagann’ QuotesReading Tengen Toppa quotes will bring back the best moments from the series. Here are some unique ‘Gurren Lagann’ quotes of hope.30. “Your drill is the drill that will pierce the Heavens!”- Kamina.31. “Your back is your one big blind spot.”– Yoko Littner.32. “A true man doesn’t die even if he’s killed!”– Kamina.33. “If you…slows us down, I’ll leave you behind, Undergrounder.”- Kamina.34. “We brawlers are sustained by willpower! Even when mocked as reckless and crazy!”- Kamina.35. “Our friends’ hopes and dreams are etched into its body, transforming the infinite darkness into light! Unmatched in Heaven, and Earth; one machine, equal to the gods! Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann! … We’re gonna show you the power… of the human race."— Simon.36. “Do not grieve for me, daughter.”- Lordgenome.37. “We embark on the winding spiral path! The paths of man and beast intersect!”- Simon.38. “I didn’t have any confidence. I thought I was living the wrong way. Impatiently. Why couldn’t I go where my father could? Truthfully, I wasn’t strong enough.”- Kamina.39. “I am a teacher. Pay close attention - this will be on the test. You don’t wreck buildings. You don’t take children hostage. And you don’t threaten people with violence. Okay class dismissed. Looks like you fail!”― Yoko.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Gurren Lagann’ quotes, then why not take a look at Kintsugi quotes or ‘Kingdom Of Heaven’ quotes.‍

‘Gurren Lagann’, a classic anime, has strong themes of friendship.