Also known as wind energy, wind power is used in formulating and producing electricity.Wind energy can be harnessed with the help of a wind turbine. Being a sustainable source of energy, the technology needs to be used to a greater extent.It has numerous advantages so let’s dig deeper and study them all. We know that wind energy helps produce electricity, but how does it do that? Wind turbines help them in this process by converting the kinetic energy generated from the wind into electrical energy.  Not to mention that they are a more cost-effective option. Our natural world is in dire need of our support, and wind energy can help us offer that help by using wind energy instead of fossil fuels to generate energy. We have to start relying on renewable energy sources rather than the ones that do more harm than good.If we have the choice, then why not take it? The consequences yielded by wind power plants are much smaller than the ones we have to face by using fossil fuels. Let us together be the change and educate ourselves more on topics, such as the one at hand, that can make the world an even more beautiful place to live in.Read on to know more about the power generating capacity of wind farms across the world. Afterward, also check solar energy facts and energy facts for kids.Important Facts About Wind PowerThe transition from a non-renewable source of energy to wind energy is rapidly taking place, towards more clean energy.  Wind turbines help them in this process by converting the kinetic energy generated from the wind into electrical energy.This is not just a step towards a more cost-effective option, but also a more healthy Earth. As most would assume, the concept of wind energy or wind power and windmills is nothing new.They have been in practice since 200 B.C, first developed in China and Persia.They were used by travelers to sail to distant locations.The wind was also useful for farmers in pumping water and for other agricultural purposes such as grinding grains.While using wind energy, today might be different from the ancient days, but it is just as imperative to meet the planet’s energy requirements in a better and sustainable way.A wind farm is bigger than it might seem in pictures, and we mean huge!The blades of a wind turbine are on average, 200 ft (60.96 m) long, while the entire turbine tower soars to about the same height as the famed Statue of Liberty, 295 ft (89.91 m).The vigorous generators of wind turbines are getting more and more advanced, resulting in an elevated average capacity.More than 10% of electricity is generated as a result of wind turbines in around 16 states.What’s more, about 30% of the energy that Kansas, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Oklahoma get is as a result of wind turbines.To add to that, in 2020 in the U.S. 8% of the energy that was used was generated from wind turbines.Uses Of Wind PowerNative energy, wind power is an inexhaustible and non-contaminated source of energy. Let us see all the ways it can prove to be useful for us.Electricity generation is the most common and popular use of wind turbines around the globe. This is done by a wind turbine harness that starts moving with the pressure from the wind and subsequently, the turbine’s generator turns on, which produces electricity by converting the kinetic energy into electrical energy.The world’s first-ever wind turbine erected to provide electricity was produced in 1887 by James Blyth, a Scottish academician. Ever since their use has considerably increased all around the world.Wind energy is also used for going from one place to another. The roots of this use actually go centuries back.To sail, mariners used wind energy and as per some studies, this might have been in use even in 5000 BC. In contemporary times, both small and big ships can run with wind energy.It is highlighted that in the majority of cases, the use of wind turbines is not done for sailing, but there has been a gradual increase in this regard. From fish trawlers to cargo ships, all are increasingly making use of wind energy.As a renewable energy, the use of wind power will bear substantial outcomes including increasing the use of renewable energy.It is cost-effective because of its inexhaustible character. In addition, wind energy is not a pollutant, and thereby, the use of fossil fuels will see a sharp decrease. Increased use of renewable energy is in line with sustainable development goals.Be it for the production of food or for pumping water, wind turbines have been useful for agricultural purposes.The use of wind energy for food production was done on a large scale but this was only until the Industrial Revolution occurred.On the emergence of the Industrial Revolution, the traditional methods of farming became stagnant and got replaced by the use of electricity. Electricity helped produce food more efficiently and saved time.Wind pumps, with the help of wind energy, help in pumping water. Again, due to modernized techniques of pumping water, these were replaced.How does wind power work?The working process of wind power is easy and plain sailing to understand.The whole process of wind flowing and turning into a source of energy starts with the turbine’s blade rotating with the flow of the wind, leading the turbine’s generator to start and convert it into electricity.However, the foremost step in this process is the sun heating the land unevenly. The concept used in this conversion process is that of aerodynamics, the same one that causes airplanes to fly.While flying across the blades, the wind pressure is lopsided; the pressure is less on one side and high on another.Now, this difference results in lift and drag, wherein lift is more powerful than the drag, and consequently, the rotor starts spinning. Now, this rotor is connected to the generator in one of two ways; directly or indirectly.The rotor’s increased rotation causes the generator to start, converting kinetic energy into electricity.Fun Facts About WindmillsWe have already explored so many facts about wind power but here are some more fascinating fun facts about windmills:Hawaii houses the world’s largest wind turbine; it soars to the height of 20 stories. The wings of the turbine are almost the same size as a football field.A single megawatt of wind power carries the potential to act as a substitute for the formation of 5732019 lb (2600000 kg) of carbon dioxide.The person who discovered the theory centering on wind energy was Albert Betz. He brought this information to light in his book, ‘Wind Energy and its Use by Windmills’.Complex structures, wind turbines have 8,000 distinct components.With undersea cables, we can install a wind turbine on floating surfaces as well as on land.The maximum speed a three-wing wind turbine can reach is over 200 mph (321.8 kph).Disadvantages Of Wind PowerMost wind sites, that are appropriate for the installation of wind turbines, are situated in rural areas. As a result, the transmission of electricity from rural areas to cities would require the formation of transmission lines. There are some other drawbacks to wind power as well:Most of the time, the land used for wind power is mostly also good and suitable for other farming purposes, which might even yield a greater and economically sounder outcome than wind turbines.Wind farms or wind sites are associated with high levels of noise. While they are a better alternative to a source of energy, they generate aesthetic pollution.There is legitimate data unearthing and making it evident that wind farms cause harm to birds and wildlife in general.The spinning wings of the turbines are detrimental for birds. For any development to take place, no matter how sustainable it is, it is inevitable that the project will bring changes to the nearby habitat.Wind power is generated with the help of turbines. Turbines are huge fans that rotate with the wind and generate power. There are various methods other than a wind turbine via which power can be generated.Power generation in a convenient and nonconventional way is today’s goal.Wind power is generated with the help of a small turbine as well as the largest turbines possible. Electric power is generated as renewable electricity with the help of wind speed.Various wind speeds encourage different speeds of wind’s kinetic energy resulting in electricity production with the help of a typical wind turbine. Even using smaller wind turbines help in electricity production. Offshore wind turbines generate electricity at a higher quantity since the wind is higher there.Wind energy theory and wind turbine technology are progressing slowly and steadily.Modern wind turbines have become more efficient in generating electricity. Modern turbines are used in the current wind industry.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for facts about wind power then why not take a look at energy quotes, or facts about energy.

Also known as wind energy, wind power is used in formulating and producing electricity.