Coffee is a globally popular beverage.This popular beverage has always been in the debate. While many tried to tarnish its image, coffee consumers’ love for this hot beverage was unshaken.One of the most popular energy drinks, drinking coffee not only improves your alertness but also has some amazing long-term health benefits. Studies suggest that coffee drinkers tend to enjoy an increased lifespan. Also, people who drink coffee exhibit improved memory and cognitive functions in old age. Many researchers say that coffee drinkers have a decreased risk of chronic diseases.Despite so many flavors and varieties, there are only two basic coffee types: the Arabica coffee and the Robusta coffee. The Robusta coffee type contains twice the caffeine as Arabica. The different varieties like espresso, cappuccino or latte, that we see in our favorite coffee joint are because of the brewing method!Today, coffee is one of the highest traded goods across the world. Finland records the highest coffee per capita consumption in the world. According to National Coffee Association, Americans drink about 400 million cups of coffee per day. 64 % of Americans drink coffee every day.According to 2020 coffee trends, Americans drink coffee at an average of three cups a day. Data reveals that the coffee per capita consumption in the US has remained steady at 10.5 lb (4.8 kg) since 2011. Millennials too drink coffee as their preferred source of caffeine.Famous composer and pianist, Beethoven was an ardent coffee drinker. Famous writer Voltaire was also a coffee lover. Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Theodore Roosevelt also shared a love for coffee.Do you know the Koreans drink coffee as a status symbol? In Africa, coffee consumers love these beans so much that they soak the raw coffee beans in water and spices and chew it like candy.Another interesting fact about this black beverage is, though most people think that black coffee is more concentrated because of the bitterness, it is the brewed coffee that has more concentration of caffeine.In a single serving, the caffeine content is about 0.0002 lb (0.1 g) and the recommended range for caffeine intake is 0.0008 lb (0.4 g) per day. So, depending on how strong you like your coffee, your number of cups for coffee consumers would vary.Once you have finished reading this article, why not discover dairy industry facts and fashion industry facts here on Kidadl?Coffee Industry OriginIn the history of coffee, there is no particular date or year that marks the discovery of this amazing beverage. However, there is a legend. Old folks say that coffee was originally discovered by goats in Eutopia in the ninth century. Kaldi, a goat herder noticed a surprising display of vigor and energy in his goats, after they munched on a particular berry. He took the berries to his wife who advised him to present these berries at the local monastery.The monks threw the berries into the fire and the mesmerizing aroma of coffee impregnated the air. That’s how the curiosity for coffee rose!Though coffee traces its discovery back to the ninth century, the earliest reliable sources mentioning the use of coffee as a beverage are rooted in the mid 14th century when coffee finally made its way to Yemen. The fertile land and rich climate made Yemen the perfect host for coffee cultivation.Somewhere in the mid 14th century, coffee traveled all the way to Istanbul. It was in Istanbul, that the trend of roasting the beans over a fire began. The roasted beans were finely grounded and boiled with water on the ashes of charcoal. This new way of coffee consumption made this beverage an instant hit!The love for coffee spread from the palaces to the mansions and even enamored the general public. It was Istanbul that saw the very first establishment of coffeehouses in Tahtakale in 1475 and it was named ‘Kiva Han’. In a short span, several coffee shops sprouted across the city thus conceiving the concept of coffee culture and changing the landscape of coffee consumption!Travelers and merchants from around the world who visited Istanbul or Eutopia, could not shake off their love for coffee. That’s how this warm beverage began to travel across the world. In 1615, the Europeans got the first taste of coffee. The first coffeehouse in Europe opened its doors in Italy in 1645. It didn’t take long for coffee shops to mushroom around the streets of Europe.In 1669, Paris got a taste of this magical beverage and though gathering around the coffee table was popular culture, the very first commercial coffeehouse, Café de Procope, opened its door in 1686. Soon, this haunt was flocked by renowned poets, actors, musicians, writers, and artisans.England’s first encounter with coffee happened in 1637. A Turk introduced the culture of coffee to Oxford. The love for this beverage spread like a wildfire on the campus. They established the ‘Oxford Coffee House’. However, the first commercial coffeehouse named Angel opened in 1650. And in just 10 years, coffee shops became an integral part of London’s social culture.America became acquainted with coffee consumption in 1668 and soon it became their favorite breakfast drink. The first coffeehouse named ‘The King’s Arms’ opened in New York in the year 1696. By the 17th century, coffee consumption became a global affair. And by 1850, every corner of the world was drooling over coffee.It was the Dutch who smuggled a coffee bean from the Arab port of Mocha and started the cultivation of this crop. Dutch was the first to transport and cultivate coffee in a commercial way.By the 17th-century coffee bean plantations spread across the globe, from Sri Lanka to the Caribbean Islands to Jamaica to Brazil. Brazil was the world’s leading producer of coffee in the 1800s. Today, it accounts for over 40% of global coffee production.Coffee Production Explained In Simple TermsCoffee is the world’s second most consumed commodity and one of the most extensively manufactured. Current coffee industry statistics reveal that the coffee market is a billion-dollar industry. Though coffee is loved so much, the exact process of extracting coffee is still a mystery for many. Read on to discover these amazing facts about its production.Contrary to popular belief, coffee beans aren’t fruits. They are rather the seeds of the plant. So, if you happen to have some unprocessed coffee beans at your home, then you can grow them into coffee plants.These seeds are usually planted in shaded areas. When the seeds sprout, they are left to grow in the shade for a few days, and then they are moved to individual pots with rich fertile soil. These saplings are allowed to grow in the pots for the next few days. They are placed in a shaded area protecting from the scorching sun and watered frequently. Only when the plants are big enough, they are moved to a permanent place.This planting is done during the rainy season as the moist soil allows the roots to form firmly. After the plantation is done and cared for, it takes around three to four years for the plant to bear fruits. The fruit of the coffee plant, also called cherries are harvested upon ripening.There are two ways of harvesting: Strip harvesting and selective picking.In strip harvesting, the ripe, as well as unripe cherries, are stripped off the branches either by a machine or by hand. In selective picking, red cherries are harvested and the green cherries are left to ripen. The harvests continue at a 10 days interval. This is a labor-intensive process and is used to harvest expensive and high-quality Arabica coffee!Once the cherries are harvested they need to be processed to avoid spoilage. The ancient traditional dry method of processing cherries is still popular in many regions. The cherries are spread and allowed to dry for 15-20 days.They are spread over a large area to ensure air circulation. They are also turned and raked continuously to avoid fermentation. The cherries are kept covered at night to avoid moisture. This process can take several days depending on the weather condition.The other method is the wet method where the cherries are cleaned and put through a pulping machine. This squeezes out the skin of the beans. The beans are then hand-picked and are used to produce low-quality coffee.Once the beans are extracted, the milling process begins. The dried husk of the beans are removed and then some prefer polishing it some do not. Polishing makes little difference in terms of content and is a painstaking process.After this, the sizing of the beans is done by passing the beans through a series of screens with holes. The sizing is done from one to ten and the finest beans are picked and packed for sale in the high-end markets. The other beans are sold in low-quality markets!After this, the coffee is tasted extensively to improve the flavor and texture. Different coffee blends are mixed at different proportions to achieve the desired taste. Next comes the grinding of the beans into finely ground or coarsely ground. Different types of grinding determine the flavors of the coffee. You can also buy a coffee machine and grind your own coffee.Largest Manufacturer Of Coffee In The WorldBeing one of the highest-consumed beverages, its production has stretched wide across the globe. Today, over 70 countries are engaged in producing the coffee consumed across the globe. Most of the world’s coffee comes from South America. Coffee The top five coffee-producing countries are Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, and Ethiopia.Some of the best beans come from Central America and South America is the largest producer of this commodity accounting for 60 % of global coffee!The coffee industry in Brazil is one of the main driving forces of its economy. In the 18th century, Brazil was responsible for producing 80% of the world’s coffee production, and today, it contributes about 40% of the world’s coffee supply.Vietnam is the second-largest producer of coffee in the world and its primary produce is the less-expensive Robusta bean. The coffee industry sky-rocketed in this country in the 19th century and today Vietnam contributes more than 40% of the world’s Robusta production.The third famous coffee-producing country is Colombia. The coffee from Columbia is hailed for its quality and it ranks second in the world’s total Arabica coffee production.Indonesia produces some of the rarest coffees in the world including Kopi Luwak. This coffee is also the most expensive coffee because of the intensive harvesting and collecting processes involved.The homeland of coffee, Eutopia is the largest coffee producer in Africa and the fifth-largest producer in the entire world.Today, the world’s largest coffee company is Starbucks with over 50,000 coffee shops across the world. This brand sells more than millions of cups each day and the numbers are rolling continuously in the brand’s favor. Founded in 1971, Starbucks played a huge role in transforming the coffee culture in major countries like the United States, China, and India.Before Starbucks made its debut, coffee shops weren’t a common sight in most countries. Starbucks turned the experience of drinking coffee into a social event thereby changing the entire perception of this beverage!Apart from Starbucks, brands like Costa Coffee, Dunkin Donuts, and Mc Cafe have occupied a huge chunk of the coffee market!How much money does the coffee industry make in the US before Starbucks?Coffee consumption was a rising trend in the US in the 17th century. But it was the Boston Party om 1773, that changed America’s coffee market for good. The Americans revolted against King George III by boycotting tea for coffee. They started drinking more coffee than ever, thus, flourishing the demand for coffee in the country.Coffee consumption further rose during the Civil War. In the year 1864, two brothers from Pittsburgh, John, and Charles began selling pre-roasted coffee to cowboys. Another trader, James Folger, sold this black beverage to gold miners in California.These small ventures saw huge success, thus propelling the US coffee market. Post the Civil War, instant coffee was introduced to the US coffee market and it remained a huge hit till Starbucks changed the game forever!As per current reports, the annual growth in coffee consumption is 1.3%. Current coffee drinker demographics reveal that 72% of people over 60 consume coffee. 64% of people between 25-39 consume coffee. Millennials too are embracing the coffee culture as 40% of youngsters between the age of 25-39 are coffee drinkers.According to global reports, the export value of coffee is pegged at $33 billion annually. Further, the global coffee industry is anticipated to grow by one-third by the financial year (FY) 2030. The two main catalysts driving this growth are - wage growth and an increase in population around the world.With the latest coffee trends like using technology to enhance the experience of drinking coffee, ready-to-drink coffee, trendy new coffee flavors, drive-through coffee hubs, and specialty coffee, this market is sure to explode!As per 2020 reports, about 505,200 people are employed in this industry and this is expected to grow by 4.57 % by the year 2026. According to Linkedin sources, there are over 9,000 available openings in the United States for coffee baristas.Today, an exponentially growing tribe of people around the world drink coffee as their preferred beverage. There is no doubt that the coffee market is going to grow at a meteoric speed especially in Asian countries. However, better measures should be taken to deal with global warming, or else you are staring at a future without coffee.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 35 coffee industry facts for coff-a-holics that are worth knowing, then why not take a look at where do peppercorns come from? fabulous ancient spice facts to know! or where do pickles come from? food facts about tangy tasting pickles!

Coffee is a globally popular beverage.