American Samoa is a territory of the United States of America that is unorganized and unincorporated.It enjoys the military and diplomatic protection of the United States. But here also, not all the rules and regulations of the U.S. apply.The island of Tutuila in American Samoa boasts the most fast-food restaurants and is the biggest buyer of fast food in the South Pacific. In 2013, Samoa Air, an airline based in American Samoa, implemented a pay-by-weight system for passengers. Passengers must step on a scale with their bags, with the resulting personal weights deciding their share of pay for airfare. In 1966, the United Nations proposed an offer to American Samoa to unite with other independent states of Samoa as an independent country. But in this offer, the majority of citizens voted to be a part of the United States.In the decade of the 60s, the United States also invested a large amount of money in constructing many streets, schools, hospitals, houses, and buildings to help the people of American Samoa have a better standard of living. Canned tuna accounts for over 93 % of American Samoa’s exports, all of them going to the United States. Five volcanic islands (Aunu’u, Tutuila, and the Manu’a islands of Olosega, Ofu, and Ta’u) and two coral reefs make up American Samoa (Swains and Rose atolls).American Samoa’s organized and unorganized territory covers 117,500 sq. mi (30,400 sq. km), roughly the same size as Oregon or New Zealand. However, just 76.1 sq. mi (197 sq. km) of the region is genuinely dry land, accounting for barely 0.1 % of the total. Frank Solomon was the first and among the famous Americans of Samoan descent or Samoan heritage to join the New Zealand team.History: American SamoaIn 1000 B.C., these islands were established by Protopolynesians.Many pieces of evidence have suggested that one of the first inhabitants who migrated to this island was from Fiji, Indonesia, and Vanuatu.It finally got discovered in 1722 when Dutch explorer Roggeveen, the first-ever European, explored Samoa.In the year 1899, Germany conquered the populous island of Western Samoa.And the eastern islands came under the control of the American administration in 1900 on April 17.The Samoan culture is among the oldest civilizations in existence in the South Pacific islands and is mainly a Polynesian culture.In history, the people of Samoa have been seen trading, marrying, and establishing relations with the people of the islands of Fiji and Tonga. They have even fought with them.According to Samoan folklore and Samoan culture, the first ruler of this place, Tui Manu’a, is said to have been descended from a supreme god named Tagaloa.In the 1800s, the British missionaries started to visit these islands to preach and spread their religion.Now, a majority of Samoa people are worshipping Christian beliefs.After many of the civil wars, finally, in 1899, this island chain was divided, nine islands came under Germany, known as Western Samoa, and the eastern part came under the control of the United States.Culture: American SamoaLouis de Bougainville, an early explorer, named the Samoan islands the Navigator Islands. Some early government reports have also referred to them as Eastern Samoa.The Austronesian linguistic family includes the Samoan language, and the Samoan way of doing things is called ‘fa’asamoa.‘Samoans, as well as the languages of Tuvalu and Tokelau, belong to the Samoic subgroup.Taro, bananas, breadfruit, coconuts, mangoes, papayas, some chicken, tinned corned beef (pisupo), pig, and shellfish remain the mainstays of the diet.Onions, lettuce, potatoes, cabbage, beans, carrots, and tomatoes are also consumed regularly.Most foods found in U.S. supermarkets are available in supermarkets in American Samoa.In American Samoa, there is no such thing as a true class system. Chiefs’ titles are ordered to some extent according to centuries-old customs.These titles are assigned to specific lineages (‘aiga), and some are more prestigious and esteemed than others.The Arts Council and the Government Museum fund art classes for adults and children and traditional artists to keep traditional arts alive.Oratory is a treasured heritage, and talking chiefs use mythology, tales, and poetry in village council speeches and deliberations at ceremonial events to preserve a great collection of legends, mythology, and poetry.With body slaps and hand claps, big dance groups of women and men perform motions in tandem. The village ceremonial princess (taupou) performs solo dances, occasionally backed by male backup dancers.(Dancing and singing in groups are popular art forms of the Samoan society)Geography: American SamoaAmerican Samoa is a territory under the greater Samoan archipelago, South Pacific halfway, between New Zealand and Hawaii.The islands in the west make one independent country of Western Samoa. Western Samoa is an independent nation of four western islands (now ‘Samoa’).Tutuila, the administrative seat of American Samoa, is the largest and most prominent island territory with a surface area of 76.1 square miles (197 square kilometers).Aunu’u is only offshore, while the Manu’a Group (Olosega, Ofu, and Ta’) and Swains Island are sixty miles to the east. Rose Island and Swain’s Island, two atolls, are the most distant areas of the seven islands.The main islands have a volcanic origin and low coastal areas, sand beaches, and a peripheral coral reef, which are home to the majority of the communities.The ground quickly climbs to highland ridges with 3000 ft (914.4 m) mountain tops.The vegetation is thick in this tropical environment, and the mountainsides are extensively forested; the rose atoll of the Samoa islands sunk into the ocean because of the weight of lava.The National Park of American Samoa is located on the three islands of Tutuila, Ofu, and Ta’ in the U.S. territory of American Samoa. This national park was founded in the year 1988. The park is the only National Park Service unit in the United States south of the equator.This national park encountered huge damage during the 2009 earthquake.Political factors: American SamoaGovernment - The lieutenant governor and governor of Samoa are chosen by people after elections for a term of four years. They have two legislative bodies, one in the Senate and the other in the House of Representatives. American Samoa has its representation in the House of Representatives. The United States gives a huge sum of grants, and the government also collects taxes.Leadership and Political Officials - The village council (fono), which is made up of matai of every household, is responsible for village leadership.Service towards the family, understanding of Samoan customs, and personal traits such as intelligence, diplomacy, and speaking skills are all required to become a matai.Higher education, prior experience working with non-Samoans, and financial success may all be beneficial.Candidates for governor prefer to affiliate with the Democratic and Republican parties, and political campaigns for higher seats may include fund-raising events and American-style rallies. President Richard Nixon gifted three moon rocks to the Samoan government.Social Problems and Control - Regular law enforcement is handled by a police department, and the judicial system is analogous with that of the United States.Criminal prosecution, consumer protection, environmental enforcement, land disputes, immigration, and primarily title issues are all handled by the attorney general. The Chief Justice is one of the High Court’s nine justices.Disorderly conduct, burglary, assault, driving after consumption of alcohol, and property damage are the most common offenses.

American Samoa is a territory of the United States of America that is unorganized and unincorporated.