‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’, penned down by John Kennedy Toole, is centered around the protagonist Ignatius who is essentially a comic character.Although the novel was published posthumously in 1980, it was well-received by people around the world. Through the course of the novel, the satiric elements ultimately paint a grim picture of the world.A lot of Toole’s personal experiences have found their way into this intriguing novel. The narrative engages in sheer mockery of certain disdainful contemporary practices with Ignatius acting as the mouthpiece. An over-the-top character study would portray him simply as a quixotic personality but the obese man aptly underscores, through his farce, startling truths of the times that are food for thought and study. Read through these interesting ‘Confederacy Of Dunces’ quotes to have a deeper knowledge of the tragicomedy.If you liked these ‘Confederacy Of Dunces’ quotes then also check out candide quotes and Brothers Karamazov quotes.Iconic Quotes From ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’Here are some of the best quotations from ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’ for an engaging experience.1. “I mingle with my peers or no one, and since I have no peers, I mingle with no one.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.2. “With the breakdown of the medieval system, the gods of chaos, lunacy, and bad taste gained ascendancy.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.3. “A terrible thing’s happened."― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.4. “I see it all now. I told you long ago that Mancuso was our nemesis.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.5. “To you character is a psychosis. Integrity is a complex.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.6. “Where did you hear such slander. That is totally false.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.7. “Our nation demands the scrutiny of a completely disengaged observer, and I already have a rather formidable collection of notes and jottings that evaluate and lend a perspective to the contemporary scene.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.8. “Between notes, he had contemplated means of destroying Myrna Minkoff. His most promising scheme had involved getting a book on munitions from the library, constructing a bomb, and mailing it in plain paper to Myrna. Then he remembered that his library card had been revoked.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.9. “Mrs. Reilly called in that accent that occurs south of New Jersey only in New Orleans, that Hoboken near the Gulf of Mexico.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.10. “I suspect that we are teetering on the edge of the abyss.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’ Quotes About The Body, Mind, And CultureThe farcical novel is not only about Ignatius, it also gives a deeper insight into the ideologies and cultures of the time. So read through these quotes for a clear picture of contemporary society.11. “It appeared that Vaseline had also been applied to the mustache, for it gleamed very brightly.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.12. “Mothers got a hard road to travel.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.13. “I am about to faint from anxiety and general depression. The film I saw last night was especially grueling, a teenage beach musical. I almost collapsed.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.14. “Oh, Mother, if only you knew how cruelly I’ve been tricked by a conspiracy of subhumans. Ironically, the book of Fortuna is itself bad luck."― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.15. “The universe, of course, is based upon the principle of the circle within the circle. At the moment, I am in an inner circle. Of course, smaller circles within this circle are also possible.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.Ignatius ‘Confederacy Of Dunces’ Quotes That Are Full Of WisdomBehind the triviality of Ignatius’ antics lies the mind of a genius that needs to be unraveled. Check out these Ignatius quotations from ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’ for some words of wisdom.16. “They fear me. I suspect that they can see that I am forced to function in a century I loathe.”― ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.17. “Canned food is a perversion…it is ultimately very damaging to the soul.”― ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.18. “I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century. When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip.”― ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.19. “‘Stop!’ I cried imploringly to my god-like mind.”― ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.20. “The only excursion of my life outside of New Orleans took me through the vortex to the whirlpool of despair.”― ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.21. “We shall storm the office very shortly, thereby surprising the foe when his senses are still subject to the psychic mists of early morning.”― ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.22. “My being has many facets.”― ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.23. “I did not choose to collapse here before your gas chamber of a den…My feet have simply ceased to function.”― ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.24. “Leaving New Orleans also frightened me considerably. Outside of the city limits the heart of darkness, the true wasteland begins.”― ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.25. “Does she think that I’m one of those perverse Mark Twain characters?”― ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.Symbolism Quotes From ‘Confederacy of Dunces’The novel is rife with symbolism that points at the garbed realities of contemporary life. These quotations from the novel are filled with symbolic overtones.26. “So we see that even when Fortuna spins us downward, the wheel sometimes halts for a moment and we find ourselves in a good, small cycle within the larger bad cycle."― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.27. “Every time I open the door of my room I am literally opening a Pandora’s Box.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.28. “Experience can give my writing a new dimension. Being actively engaged in the system which I criticize will be an interesting irony in itself.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.29. “‘Ignatius!’ Mrs. Reilly cried tragically. ‘Every day it seems you getting worst…What’s happening to you?’”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.30. “When Fortuna spins you downward, go out to a movie and get more out of life.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.31. “The only problem that those people have anyway is that they don’t like new cars and hair sprays. Every asylum in this nation is filled with poor souls who simply cannot stand lanolin, cellophane, plastic, television, and subdivisions.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.32. “I had an unspoken attachment to it…a contact with my childhood, a link with the past.”33. “Hey! I’m workin in modren slavery. If I quit, I get report for bein vagran. If I stay, I’m gainfully employ on a salary ain even startin to be a minimal wage”- John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.34. “Jail was preferable. In a mental ward they tampered with your soul and worldview and mind.”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.35. “‘Oh, Fortuna, blind, heedless goddess, I am strapped to your wheel,’ Ignatius belched, ‘Do not crush me beneath your spokes.’”― John Kennedy Toole, ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Confederacy Of Dunces’ quotes then why not take a look at Samuel Beckett quotes, or anthem quotes?

‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’, penned down by John Kennedy Toole, is centered around the protagonist Ignatius who is essentially a comic character.