Chameleons are regarded as Old World lizards and are among the smallest reptiles present on Earth.There are more than 200 different species of chameleons that are exquisitely well-known for their varying shapes and sizes. The most striking feature of this reptile is its varying range of body colors, which allows it to camouflage itself, shifting in different brightnesses and hues to blend with its environment.Depending upon the species, some chameleons tend to change the brightness of the shade of their body color, while others can entirely change their body color. Over the years, this phenomenon has inspired humanity and it has associated this ability of chameleons metaphorically with several human beings who have a tendency to change colors depending upon the situation. In the past, several quotes, sayings, and proverbs have come into practice about the same, addressing the ever-changing behavioral traits of human beings seen as one’s colors. Scroll down to read some of these chameleon quotes from some of the greatest minds of the past few years.Famous Chameleon Quotes (This list of chameleon quotes includes some of the most widely used and famous chameleon quotes of all time.)There are historical pieces of evidence where one has addressed the other as a chameleon, usually for negative reasons and generally in instances of betrayal, giving birth to some of the most well-known chameleon quotes of all time.“Words are chameleons, which reflect the color of their environment.”- Learned Hand.“I became a chameleon. My color didn’t change. But I could change your perception of my color.”- Trevor Noah.“I was always an unusual girl. My mother told me I had a chameleon soul; no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean.”- Lana Del Rey.“I think I relate to all the characters in one way or another. I’m a chameleon like that.”- Amber Tamblyn.“You dangle a little bit of change in front of somebody and what do they do? They change right up like a chameleon.”- Tony Ferguson.“What a sight there is in that ‘smile!’ it changes like a chameleon. There is a vacant smile, a cold smile, a smile of hate, a satiric smile, an affected smile; but, above all, a smile of love.”- Thomas Chandler Haliburton.“I have a lot of chameleon qualities, I get very absorbed in my surroundings.”- River Phoenix.“The whole chameleon thing about acting. That’s why I’m moving towards directing – it’s a much more healthy occupation.”- Andy Serkis.“The chameleon, who is said to feed upon nothing but air, has of all animals the nimblest tongue.”- Jonathan Swift.“I like being like a chameleon who transforms himself with each role.”- Oscar Isaac.“Moses - the man of God - was a species of human chameleon - scholar, general, law-giver, leader, etc.”- Charles Studd.“Reality has changed chameleonlike before my eyes so many times that I have learned, or am learning, to trust almost anything except what appears to be so.”- Maya Angelou.“The chameleon changes color to match the earth, the earth doesn’t change color to match the chameleon.“Funny Chameleon Quotes (These funny chameleon quotes are sure to give you a good laugh about this reptile’s ability to change colors.)Some of these chameleon quotes have great humor and might just be the entertaining element you need during a quick break.“Newt Gingrich was campaigning at a zoo this week and he was bitten by a penguin. Newt Gingrich is always campaigning at zoos. Mitt Romney once did a photo op at a zoo. That was a big mistake, because he stood next to the chameleon, and HE changed colors.”- Bill Maher.“I’m comfortable wherever I am, and I can be anywhere and feel comfortable after three weeks. I adapt, and I’m like a chameleon. If a country doesn’t have Internet, then I get used to not having the Internet. I could basically live anywhere. I’m a nomad at heart.”- Julie Delpy.“I think I would make a good spy. I can sort of be a chameleon. People don’t notice me very easily. I never get recognized.”- Dana Delany.“It’s beneficial to play against your type; to be chameleon-like.”- Laura Carmichael.Don’t Be A Chameleon QuotesThese chameleon quotes will motivate and inspire you to not adopt the criticized qualities of a chameleon.“The capacity to transform itself from the inside makes capitalism a somewhat peculiar beast – chameleon-like, it perpetually changes its color; snake-like, it periodically sheds its skin.”- David Harvey.“Too many so-called Christians are like the little chameleon which adapts its coloration to that of its surroundings. Even a critical world is quick to recognize a real Christian and just as quick to detect a counterfeit.”- Billy Graham.“There are so many different walks of life, so many different personalities in the world. And no longer do you have to be a chameleon and try and adapt to that environment - you can truly be yourself.”- Hope Solo.“Me, as a person, I grow. I’m like a chameleon. You know? That is a gift and a curse for me. But more so a gift, because it never puts me in a box.”- Kendrick Lamar.“We all know the story of the unfortunate chameleon which turned brown when placed on a brown rug, and turned red when placed on a red rug, but who died a tragic death when they put him on a Scotch plaid.”- Franklin Delano Roosevelt.“For me a chameleon is something that disguises itself to look as much like its environment as possible. I always thought I did exactly the opposite of that.”- David Bowie.“When you can’t draw chameleons and you can’t draw blenders, it’s a bad idea to write strips where chameleons become blenders.”- Stephan Pastis.“The problem with chameleoning your way through life is that it gets to the point where nothing is real.”- ‘An Abundance Of Katherines’, John Green.Chameleon Quotes About SurvivalChameleons are among the reptiles who have inhabited this planet for ages. These quotes primarily focus on the survival skills of these reptiles.“I am like a chameleon, influenced by whatever’s going on. If Elvis can do it, I can do it. If the Everly Brothers can do it, me and Paul can. Same with Dylan.”- John Lennon.“I’m a chameleon, so changeable. I see myself as a gadfly and a questioner.”- Philip Johnson.“It’s a new challenge to see how people can change your look. I like words like transformation, reinvention, and chameleon. Because one word I don’t like is predictable.”- Naomi Campbell.“I’m a chameleon. I can change my voice a lot. I always was able to, because in my family’s music, I was a harmony singer, and harmony singing is really hard.”- Linda Ronstadt.“Much guilt arises in the life of the believer from practicing the chameleon life of environmental adaptation.”- Beth Moore.“I’m inherently a chameleon… to not evolve is to not live.”- Andra Day.“Acting is what I love. I love being the chameleon, and you can’t do that if you have just one physical type.”- Alexander Ludwig.“My ambition is to become one of those actresses that is like a chameleon that you don’t recognize.”- Alexandra Roach.“Being a successful chameleon is not easy. It takes concentration and luck, because a chameleon’s path is strewn with mines. One misstep and all is over. Chameleons are always at risk. They cannot afford to lower their guard, even for a second.”- Bernard Rosen.“We are like chameleons, we take our hue and the color of our moral character, from those who are around us.”- John Locke.

Chameleons are regarded as Old World lizards and are among the smallest reptiles present on Earth.