The solar system is fascinating and mysterious.One of the many mysteries is of Planet X, or Nibiru. At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, there were speculations that this giant planet would wipe the Earth out!The interesting part of the equation is that there was never any proper evidence of the existence of such a planet! There have been some ideas that have been circulated regarding the existence of an unknown planet that has an orbiting span of 3600 years, but there have been no sightings yet. If you have heard of the conspiracies surrounding doomsday being in 2012, you must keep reading and get to know if there was any merit to them!History Of Nibiru Planet XIn the past few years, there have been several occasions on which speculations of Earth colliding with a giant planet have been circulated widely. Although there have been no scientific findings that justify claims of such a rogue planet, people have been dreading a collision with planet Nibiru or Planet X. It was also briefly called the Ninth Planet after Pluto was denied the dwarf planet status for a while. However, once Pluto was added back to the solar system as a dwarf planet, the name was hanged to Planet X, in order to also justify the mystic nature of the planet.The concept of a rogue planet-sized object possibly colliding with earth in the 21st century was first introduced by Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin claimed that he studied the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and found written evidence of a distant planetary companion of Earth by the name of Nibiru. In his book, ‘The 12th Planet’, Sitchin talks about the Sumerian myths of how the Annunaki people had come to Earth millions of years ago in order to mine for gold. Once they came to the planet, according to the myth, they populated Earth by creating homo sapiens. According to the myth, homo sapiens were created by the Annunaki people through the use of female apes and genetic engineering. This hypothetical planet was supposedly inhabited by people of immense intellect and hence, wanted to populate the Earth with the mere intention of using humans as their slaves. Sitchin’s claims through the supposed reading of the Sumerian tablets never found much acclaim and the concept of the 12th planet was denied merit due to the lack of scientific evidence. The idea of Nibiru having the capacity of bringing doomsday upon planet earth was also originated due to the fact that the Mayan calendar was coming to an end. According to myths, the end of this long-count calendar was to be doomsday for human civilization.More conspiracy theories started with the speculations raised by Nancy Lieder. In 1995, she raised claims that as a child, extraterrestrial people implanted a device in her brain through which they created a channel with her. She claimed that the Nibiru encounter or the encounter with Planet X was to take place in 2003 and that she was the chosen messenger who had to tell everyone that the huge collision would destroy civilization on Earth. Major NASA scientist, Dr. David Morrison, speaks about how he and other professional astronomers and amateur astronomers never found any meritorious evidence for the speculations brought forth by Nancy Lieder.Logical Denial: Nibiru Planet XPlanet Nine or Planet Nibiru or Planet X’s encounter with the Earth’s crust and the subsequent wiping off of the human civilization was a phenomenon that was a concept that was denied any merit by NASA, although Morrison was the only major NASA astronomer to talk about the matter in great depth.In spite of the claims made by Nancy Lieder about doomsday coming to pass in 2003 and later in 2012, an early NASA press release talked about how there was no reason to warn humanity of any such circumstances. According to them, many planets orbit the sun and if other planets come so close to Earth as Planet Nibiru would have to be in order to bring upon the Nibiru cataclysm, then it would be the brightest object visible on the Earth’s horizon. The imaginary Nibiru planet apparently was existing in the outer solar system and took 3600 years to orbit the sun. If such a planet called Nibiru were to exist in the solar system, such an object would be visible to astronomers years before the collision was to actually take place. NASA also used calculations about the gravitational pull of the ninth planet and the elliptical orbits of the outer planets of the solar system to explain how the Nibiru phenomenon could not come to pass. According to them, the object’s planet would be a narrow ellipse and in reference to other planets, orbits of objects that were at such a large distance and such a long orbital period would never be in a position to come in the path of the Earth. The speculations of doomsday through a collision or physical pole shift were negated.The supposed Nibiru was apparently spotted by some astronomers, although, there is no astronomical journal that can actually say that these sightings were of Planet X and not some other object in the intergalactic space. Mike Brown also discovered trans-Neptunian objects called Sedna and Eris. Many people confuse Nibiru with them.The concept of Planet X was present even before any speculations of doomsday began to surface. Bostonian astronomer Percival Lowell believed that the orbits of planets Uranus and Neptune had large discrepancies. After thorough research, he came to the conclusion that such discrepancies were due to the gravitational pull of another distant planet that was close to them. This planet was named Planet X. Even after many years of research, the astronomer was unable to find any evidence regarding the existence of such a planet in the Milky Way or other distant galaxies. It was briefly assumed that Pluto was Planet X but dwarf planets do not have enough gravitational pull to create chaos in the orbits of other major planets such as Uranus and Neptune. Hence, the idea was erased.The claims that the end of the Mayan calendar would be doomsday upon human civilization were also problematic but easily defaced on the basis of the sheer mythological and superstitious factor of such assumptions. NASA firmly believed in the fact that if there was an unknown object such as the putative world of Planet X, it would have legitimate evidence of its existence and trajectory ahead of any fatal collision!Conspiracy Hypotheses: Nibiru Planet XThe initial conceptualization of Planet Nibiru, or Planet X, was given by Zecharia Sitchin who claimed through his study of Sumerian tablets that the human civilization on Earth was started by the Annunaki people of Nibiru.He stated that the people of ancient Sumer believed that the people of Planet Nine or Nibiru came to Earth when there was no human existence. They apparently came to Earth with the intention of gold mining. According to his studies, the people of Planet Nine, after landing on Earth, explored the possibilities of creating a race of people that would serve them as slaves. Negating Darwin’s theory of evolution, Sitchin believed that the people of this passing planet were so technologically advanced that they developed homo sapiens through the combination of female apes and some genetic engineering. However, the book that he released talking about Nibiru was named ‘The 12th Planet’, and not ‘Planet Nine.‘Further speculations of a giant planet that was 10 times the size of Earth started floating around the end of the 20th century when a woman named Nancy Lieder from Wisconsin started saying that the Zeta people from Planet X were in touch with her. According to her claims, this giant member of the solar system had established a channel of contacting her in her childhood and the Zeta people made her responsible for making sure that people knew of the approaching catastrophe.The first prediction given by Nancy Lieder was that doomsday was to be in 2003. When it did not pan out in such a way, the next time frame that she came up with was 2012. The conspiracy was widely circulated and even created some amounts of panic amongst some people. Hence, there is no clear indication of where the concept of the Nibiru encounter originated. Sitchin denied all rumors about him having anything to do with the predictions given by Lieder, although, he did suggest once that the end of the Mayan calendar could bring doomsday.Dr. David Morisson is the only major NASA scientist till present day to have spoken about the speculations and conspiracies of Planet X. He also speaks of how Comet Elenin, discovered by the Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin, could have been confused and thought of as a planet called Nibiru. Comet Elenin is a long-period comet.Most Important Facts About Nibiru Planet XIn 1983, a satellite named Infrared Space Observatory claimed that it saw a giant planet-like object which was likely to be 10 times the size of the Earth. This gave birth to a series of events, which have been known by many names such as Planet X, Ninth Planet, 12th Planet, and Nibiru.In 1995, the first threat of a giant planet approaching Earth was given by a Wisconsin woman named Nancy Lieder. She also opened a website called ZetaTalks, through which she tried to alert people of impending doom. Her explanation was that a device was inserted into her brain by the Zeta people of Planet X when she was a child and they were now using the channel to tell her that civilization would come to an end in 2003. Her conspiracies created some stir and when nothing happened in 2003, she said that the date had now shifted to 2012. This time, however, she gained much momentum and created quite the ruckus about doomsday and the possibility of a collision. Even though the greatest thinkers of the period denied the existence of any such entity, she believed that 2012 would be the end of the world. Obviously, nothing happened. Sitchin also denied any association with Lieder’s claims and that the Sumerian myths predict doomsday to come thousands of years later.The solar system is undoubtedly large but scientific research has made it possible for us to be assured that if anything of such magnitude were to come to pass, NASA would know!

The solar system is fascinating and mysterious.