Complex and large dolphin brains have developed and evolved over many generations.Dolphins have a long lifespan with stable communities. These creative mammals display complex emotions like grief, happiness, and sadness.Dolphin intelligence, commonly known as cetacean intelligence, is the cognitive ability of mammals of Cetacea infraorder of the animal kingdom. Dolphins are aquatic mammals of the extant families Iniidae, Platanistidae, Pontoporiidae, and Delphinidae, with Lipotidae as an extinct family. There are currently 40 dolphin species named dolphins. Dolphins have a body size range from 67-374 in (1.7-9.5 m). They have streamlined bodies with two limbs acting as flippers. They can frequently leap up to 30 ft (9.1 m). Dolphins can travel at 18 mph (29 kph) speed for short distances. Dolphins are known to grieve, learn, teach, scheme, and cooperate. The neocortex of several species contains elongated spindle neurons that were only known in hominids before 2007. These cells in humans are involved in the theory of mind, judgment, emotions, and social conduct. Spindle neurons in cetacean species are present in regions of the brain and are homologous to the location in humans, which suggests that they have the same functioning.Although dolphins are known to occupy the ocean, there are endangered freshwater dolphins. There are dozens of threatened species as they come into contact with human beings. Two of the major threats these animals face are pollution and getting entangled in a net or fishing gear. Dolphins usually prey on many species of fish that are hunted by commercial fishing ships and chances of dolphins getting stuck in these nets are high. So, the main fisheries are working towards using sustainable fishing gear.The encephalization evolution in cetaceans species is identical to that of primates. Although cetaceans’ evolution has increased their encephalization quotient (EQ), body mass, and brain mass, a few species underwent decephalization. However, the selective pressures that caused this are currently under debate. Odontoceti species have a higher EQ than Mysticeti among cetaceans.Ultimate Facts About The Intelligence Of DolphinsAn ultimate fact about the intelligence of dolphins is that bottlenose dolphins or Tursiops truncatus have a brain mass of 3.3-3.7 lb (1,500-1,700 g), which is around four times a chimpanzee’s brain mass and marginally greater than human beings.Previously, brain size was considered to be a major indicator of animal intelligence. However, several factors impact intelligence. Scientists found spindle cells in the brains of bottlenose dolphins, beluga whales, Risso’s dolphins, killer whales, humpback whales, sperm whales, and fin whales. Dolphin brains have similar complexity to that of elephant brains. Dolphin’s brain is more complicated than a human being’s brain and the cortex is thicker compared to that of Cetaceans. It was shown for the first time in 2014 that a dolphin species, the long-finned pilot whale, contains more neocortical neurons compared to any mammal studied until now, including humans.Research on dolphins’ behavior, both captive-bred and wild dolphins, provided enough data on these marine mammals. Studies show that these marine mammals not only learn as individuals but also pass on their learning to other dolphins. Mother dolphins also pass this knowledge down to their dolphin calves. Among many other animals around the world, there are only a number of other species of animals smarter than dolphins. These animals have abilities like problem-solving, using complex communication systems, and social interaction.Although research proved these animals’ intelligence, dolphins do not have the same cognitive capabilities as us humans, so, they are not smarter species than us. The dolphin brain is similar to the human brain, with two hemispheres. Although, dolphins’ large brains are split into four lobes and not three. The fourth lobe of the brain controls senses, while senses in humans are controlled by different parts. So, it is believed that all senses in one lobe allow dolphins to make frequent compound and quick judgments, well beyond the human scope.Scientific Facts About Dolphins’ IntelligenceAs of the year 1984, scientists were able to observe bottlenose dolphins using tools, in Shark Bay, located in Western Australia.Many scientists do not take a firm stand on dolphins’ level of intelligence, while many refer to these species as intelligent animals. Darwin’s theory states intelligence in species is their ability to recognize what they need, while others think that the intelligence indicators are the ability to solve problems, capacity to communicate, or architecture and size of the brain. Studies on the neocortex, the outside surface of the brain that is responsible for memories, thoughts, and perceptions, show that dolphins have more convolutions compared to the most intelligent people and other mammals. Also, as the hemispheres in dolphins’ brains have separate blood supplies, they may use them separately.It was in Shark Bay, Western Australia that adult dolphins were observed to fit some marine sponges (from the ocean floor) around their beaks for protection against harmful, sharp rocks while foraging for fish. The sperm whales have the largest brain in the world, six to seven times bigger than that of a human. It weighs around 19.8 lb (9 kg). Orcas or killer whales have the second largest brain around the world. The surface area of bottlenose dolphins’ brains is larger than that of human beings. Also, their bodies are strongly connected to the motive and sensorial regions of the brain, meaning dolphins are sensitive to stress and pain.Dolphins are known to get involved in complex play behavior including bubble rings or air-core vortex rings. They use two major methods to produce bubble rings. The first one is to swim in circles repeatedly, then stop to inject them into the helical vortex formed. The second method is to rapidly puff a blast of air into the water, then allow this to rise to the surface that forms a ring. Dolphins usually examine their creations with sonar and visuals. They seem to enjoy biting their bubble rings that break into separate bubbles rising to the surface. Some whales also tend to produce bubble nets or bubble rings while foraging. Riding the waves is also a popular play for most dolphins, they either swim in the waves produced by a moving boat’s bow, a behavior called bow riding, or natural waves close to shorelines similar to human body-surfing.Communication In DolphinsDolphin facts include that types of dolphin species as per where dolphins live are coastal, estuarine, ocean, and freshwater dolphins.Species of the dolphin family are spread across oceans, usually in shallow waters. Several dolphin species prefer living in a particular water temperature. For example, bottlenose dolphins live in warmer waters and the Atlantic spotted dolphins are found all across temperate and tropical regions of the Atlantic Ocean. There are four river dolphin species. Some more types of dolphins are spinner dolphin, amazon river dolphin, Ganges river dolphin, and Commerson’s dolphin.Dolphins communicate using ‘signature whistle’ to find each other. Signature whistles from other dolphins are a manner of calling the name of another dolphin. Studies show that dolphins mimic movements, both of other animals and humans. Dolphins are highly successful against predators because they cooperate and organize well, like sharks. There are large areas in our brains that perform high cortical functions, like the ability to remember the past, compute the future, and set them in context. Dolphins also have these regions’ developed, so we can assume that dolphins have the same abilities. However, there are some amusing differences between dolphins and humans. The major difference is that they live in water and humans on land. Humans use their hands to manipulate their surroundings. Dolphins, however, are well-adapted to their environment, so they do not need to alter much. Human beings receive information about their surroundings through sight and dolphins rely on sound waves. Also, dolphins use two to three times more ear cells than human beings, allowing them to distinguish between tones and high-frequency noises.Mother dolphins usually guide their infant dolphins to the surface to take their first breath. Dolphins have high-frequency echolocation that can reach more than 200,000 cycles per second, which is generally used when they find something interesting. However, they use low-frequency sounds during normal activities.Signs Of Intelligence In DolphinsAn ecological fact about the intelligence of dolphins is that playing is also a great sign of intelligence and dolphins leap, backflip, spin, and tumble.Although not clearly defined by scientists, self-awareness is thought to be a precursor to advanced processes such as metacognitive reasoning that usually occurs in humans. Research suggests that bottlenose dolphins along with great apes and elephants are self-aware. A test used to define self-awareness in animals is Gordon Gallup’s mirror test, where a temporary mark is made on the body of the animal, then presenting a mirror. Dolphins like spinner dolphins are named for being playful. They are known to take high jumping spins. While hunting they produce bubbles to swarm the prey towards the surface. Sometimes, dolphins use a technique known as fish-whacking, where they hit the prey fish with their tail to stun it and then catch the fish.Other than whistling, dolphins use squeaks, clicks, yelps, squawks barks, and groans, and these are the most elaborate acoustics among all animals. Studies show that bottlenose dolphins can sleep with only one-half of their brain active, with one open eye. It is believed that dolphins do this to an eye out for each other in their group, to stick close together and avoid sharks. So, they alternate between the brain hemispheres for a rested brain, which takes around four hours. It is still unknown whether dolphins dream during this time, however, it is known that they get a small amount of Rapid Eye Movement sleep, which is the phase in which we experience dreams. A captive group of dolphins kept at the French dolphinarium was apparently heard sleep-talking in a whale song, that they daily listened to during their public shows.Some studies state that dolphins, among many other species, can understand some concepts like numerical continuity, although, not just counting. They may have the ability to differentiate between numbers. Many researchers who observe set formation learning ability of animals rank dolphins’ level of intelligence at above that of elephants. Although, they do not rank higher than highly intelligent species in problem-solving abilities. Also, a survey taken in 1982 of all the studies on set formation learning indicted that dolphins have a high rank of intelligence after a few other animals.

Complex and large dolphin brains have developed and evolved over many generations.