2014 was the dawn of magnificent inventions of all sorts.This year made incredible use of magnetic technology. Wireless technology was also at its peak in 2014.Inventions have always been fascinating. Whether you are a science enthusiast or not, these inventions play a huge role in your daily life. We know of wireless phones, even the concept of wireless internet is not foreign to us, but 2014 upstaged these inventions for it birthed the creation of electricity that was wireless. It gets better, for edible wrappers - yes, wrappers that could be eaten - were introduced as well. Sold in biodegradable bags, this creation of edible wrappers was a small step closer to a sustainable future. School is a world that demands the uniqueness of projects developed through ideas just as unique, and this is why the origin of 3D printers made life so much easier and more fun for students. They could use these printers to create 3D projects for their physics lessons and other several designs. Small electronic objects like cellphones have made our lives quite simple and quick to manage, but 2014 brought about a car that ran on electricity, a vehicle that helped the environment, for it emitted a reduced degree of greenhouse gases.Discover all about the best inventions of 2014 and what made them so special! You can also read about who invented cotton candy and who invented socks, right here on Kidadl.What was invented in 2014?2014 saw a spectrum of inventions, dominating the field of mechanics rather incredibly.The concept of electric cars has always been stimulating to the mind, for who would have thought that someday, the world would be able to charge cars like it charges cellphones? 2014 saw the invention of another fabulous electric car, the BMW i3. This novel design was built to overcome those faults that often hindered people’s ability to opt for an electric car. It was not invented to have fancy falcon doors or a magnificently monstrous build, but the company of origin was more focused to give its customers easy access to a roomy, comfortable space to travel in. The BMW i3 comes with a single pedal for drivers to use, the car is accelerated with one press, and the force is eased to brake. It is as uncomplicated as it sounds. Another feature meant to appeal to the buyers is that this vehicle provides the driver with an optional backup gas motor. What this emergency motor does is recharge the car when it drains out of battery and has no immediate source of restoring power. It does not end here, for the BMW i3 also permits the borrowing of a gas-powered vehicle in case an owner has to take longer trips that cannot be met with this car’s capacity of running over 100 mi (160 km) on a three-hour charge.If there was one thing that transformed a conventional bike into an intriguing e-bike, it was the invention of the Copenhagen Wheel. Invented by a Cambridge-based company identified for transportation robotics, this wheel is one of a kind, for it is a simple powerhouse of several purposes attached to the bike wheel. The Copenhagen Wheel was developed as an invention that helped cyclers track road conditions for better coordination with each other. Regardless of how experienced and accustomed a biker is to cycling, they are not invincible, and that is where this invention comes into play. When exhausted or threatened by oncoming cramps, or sustaining minor injuries, this e-bike is equipped with a rechargeable battery-powered motor to help riders with the extra power to push forward, it only requires to be operated with a smartphone app used to dictate its motion.A real-life hoverboard was fantasied to leap out of the cinematic world into tangible reality. Fortunately for enthusiasts, technology made this dream possible thanks to Hendo, a company in California that brought it to life. However, these devices worked in some bounds, but that did not take away its zeal. The Hendo Hoverboard was limited to staying only an inch above the ground, but not just any ground, only on a conductive material field like copper. Another limitation was that its battery life did not last for more than 15 minutes at a time. Despite this, the advent of his invention was considered a major step closer to success. The technology behind this hoverboard has inspired scientists to use magnetic technology for securing valuable works of art, or even for keeping buildings stable during the onset of an earthquake, a purpose that could save lives.What technology was invented in 2014?The outbreak of the Ebola virus had wrapped the world in a threatening blanket, terrorizing the immune system and giving rise to a pandemic scare. Another one of the best inventions of 2014 was the Hemopurifer, a groundbreaking dialysis machine that played the knight in shining armor. The Hemopurifer was a device that called out to the Ebola virus harbored in the immune system with an alluring halloo of the scientific sort, filtering the blood successfully and drawing out the virus. Thus, this creation encouraged the medical field to employ it as a defense against Ebola.Over the last few years, cellphone users had become skeptical of their data being reported to and shared with the government, they had raised concerns for their privacy. To protect users, Android came up with Blackphones, devices that ensure keeping their activities private and not making this data vulnerable for others to invade.Selfies have been a popular trend since 2013, and this trend has only grown on people as if it were a pleasant bug that the world just could not get enough of. Fitting a whole group in a photo, like a large friend circle, especially with several tall people in it, is not an easy task. The invention of a selfie stick has taken care of this problem rather fabulously, for all you have to do is raise your arm as far as it goes, and this long stick will fit all that you want in a perfect frame. Therefore, the selfie stick proved useful in a fun way.Government Lead Inventions Of 2014The Government of quite a few countries lead inventions in the year 2014, but India’s ‘Mangalyaan’ was the most prominent of all.In 2014, India greatly dominated the chapter on space exploration, for this country left an unforgettable mark in its history. Asia saw its first Mars craft successfully reach the orbit of Mars, popularly known as ‘Mangalyaan’, and otherwise named ‘Mars Orbiter Mission’. This invention was capable of easily performing tasks assigned to it, like measuring the surface composition on the Red Planet or its unique sort of methane, done by just five onboard instruments inside it. Jet engines are not fit for space, so it was only right that the Mangalyaan was made of a liquid fuel engine. Another spectacular achievement is that India’s space program, ISRO, became the first agency in the world to succeed in the Martian mission on its first try.Entrepreneur Lead Inventions Of 2014A fine example of a decades-long pipe dream would be the desire for cold fusion that the world has been researching for quite some time now. Cold fusion has been deemed a spectacular alternative for energy. Continuous efforts have been made to attain this prolonged dream of cold fusion, and Lockheed Martin has promised a technological breakthrough in the invention of a Compact Fusion Reactor. Lockheed claims that should all go right, the CFR is not more than a decade away. Compact Fusion Reactors have been declared to make use of ‘magnetic mirror confinement’, simply and briefly explained as a magnetic trap.If anybody used the successful improvements in motion capture technology to invent one of the best inventions of 2014, it was the San Francisco company, ‘MotionSavvy’. They took into account how tiring and slow the task of signed communication could be and took it upon themselves to make life a lot easier and quicker for those with hearing impairments. MotionSavvy invented a tablet that put together a combination of voice recognition and the motion camera, the former identified vocalized words and displayed them into readable text, and the latter followed hand movements using the American Sign Language to translate into spoken words.There have been countless times where we have had to fetch our charger from a jungle of other things, say a mess in our loaded backpacks. The unsolvable tangle that the wire knots into every single time are an annoying challenge that you do not always have time to unriddle. Lucky for the world, WiTricity, a Massachusetts-based company dedicated to the development of wireless technology, has it covered. It brought into existence the idea of wireless electricity, implementing it successfully to a large portion of the overall population. This charger permits power to a device, say a cellphone, even when it is kept at a distance of minimum requirement, making life a lot easier for smartphone users. The secret behind these wireless devices is a plug-in coil, this coil is responsible for creating a magnetic field that was used to power these charging pads mats. It is interesting to know that this concept was first tested not just on Intel PCs, but on Toyota electric cars well!Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for inventions of 2014, then why not take a look at when was the first camera invented, or when was the zipper invented.

2014 was the dawn of magnificent inventions of all sorts.