Benjamin Hoff, the author of ‘The Tao Of Pooh’ explains Taoist principles through this book.‘Tao’ in literal terms means “the way” and in this book the author wants us to learn from the path led by Winnie the Pooh to achieve contentment in life. The book throws light on Eastern Taoist beliefs and acts as an introduction to Taoism for readers.‘The Tao Of Pooh’ is based on the stories of Winnie the Pooh written by A. A. Milne. The book light-heartedly explains aspects of Taoism in simpler terms for readers. ‘The Tao Of Pooh’ was a huge success for Benjamin Hoff, topping New York’s bestsellers charts for 49 weeks and rightfully so. So, now that you know what the book is all about, here are some ‘Tao Of Pooh’ quotes that everyone will love irrespective of their age. These quotes talk about wisdom, maturity, going easily through in life, and finding the way that will lead you to your goal.If you are interested in reading more quotes then you can check out these [‘The Secret’ quotes] and ‘The Stranger’ quotes too.‍The Best Quotes From ‘The Tao Of Pooh’We have compiled a list of the best quotes from the book ‘The Tao Of Pooh’ that you can enjoy. Check out these quotes to understand the true nature of the book.1. “When you discard arrogance, complexity, and a few other things that get in the way, sooner or later you will discover that simple, childlike, and mysterious secret known to those of the Uncarved Block: Life is fun.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.2. “Things just happen in the right way, at the right time. At least when you let them, when you work with circumstances instead of saying, ‘This isn’t supposed to be happening this way,’ and trying harder to make it happen some other way.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.3. “To Buddha, the second figure in the painting, life on earth was bitter, filled with attachments and desires that led to suffering.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.4. “From the state of the Uncarved Block comes the ability to enjoy the simple and the quiet, the natural and the plain. Along with that comes the ability to do things spontaneously and have them work, odd as that may appear to others at times.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.5. “We need to recognise what’s there. If you face the fact that you have weak muscles, say, then you can do the right things and eventually become strong.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.Famous Quotes From ‘The Tao Of Pooh’Here are some of the most popular quotes from the book ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.6. “There was a long silence. ‘I suppose,’ said Pooh, ’that that’s why he never understands anything.’”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.7. “A well-frog cannot imagine the ocean, nor can a summer insect conceive of ice. How then can a scholar understand the Tao? He is restricted by his own learning.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.8. “‘If people were superior to animals, they’d take good care of them,’ said Pooh. A clever mind is not a heart. Knowledge doesn’t really care, wisdom does.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.9. “A way of life that keeps saying ‘Around the next corner, above the next step,’ works against the natural order of things and makes it so difficult to be happy and good.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.10. “‘Rabbit’s clever,’ said Pooh thoughtfully. ‘Yes’, said Piglet, ‘Rabbit’s clever.’ ‘And he has Brain.’ ‘Yes’, said Piglet, ‘Rabbit has Brain.’”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.11. “Through working in harmony with life’s circumstances, Taoist understanding changes what others may perceive as negative into something positive.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.‘The Tao Of Pooh’ Quotes For Kids’ PhilosophyThe book ‘The Tao Of Pooh’ subtly addresses some very wise advice that might help kids become better versions of themselves in the future. Here are a few of such ‘Tao Of Pooh’ quotes.12. “We simply need to believe in the power that’s within us, and use it.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.13. “Cleverness, after all, has its limitations. Its mechanical judgments and clever remarks tend to prove inaccurate with passing time, because it doesn’t look very deeply into things to begin with.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.14. “Everything has its own place and function. That applies to people, although many don’t seem to realize it, stuck as they are in the wrong job, the wrong marriage, or the wrong house.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.15. “Do you want to be really happy? You can begin by being appreciative of who you are and what you’ve got. Do you want to be really miserable? You can begin by being discontented.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.16. “Wisdom, Happiness, and Courage are not waiting somewhere out beyond sight at the end of a straight line; they’re part of a continuous cycle that begins right here. They’re not only the ending but the beginning as well.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.17. “Under Confucianism, the use of precisely measured court music, prescribed steps, actions, and phrases all added up to an extremely complex system of rituals, each used for a particular purpose at a particular time.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.18. “The wise know their limitations; the foolish do not. To demonstrate what we mean, we can think of no one better than Tigger, who doesn’t know his limitations.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.Amazing Quotes About Winnie The PoohThese quotes talk about the sweet and cute nature of the very loveable character Pooh that will melt our hearts. What life lessons will you learn from the ‘The Tao Of Pooh’ quotes?19. “A fly can’t bird, but a bird can fly. Very simple. It’s obvious, isn’t it? And yet, you’d be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that things are as they are.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.20. “When you know and respect your Inner Nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don’t belong.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.21. “After all, if it were cleverness that counted most, Rabbit would be number one, instead of that bear. But that’s not the way things work.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.22. “While Eeyore frets… and Piglet hesitates… and Rabbit calculates… and Owl pontificates… Pooh just is.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.23. “Pooh hasn’t much brain, but he never comes to any harm. He does silly things and they turn out right.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.Inspiring Quotes From ‘The Tao Of Pooh’Below is a list of ‘The Tao Of Pooh’ quotes that can motivate and inspire young minds.24. “You complain that your tree is not valuable as lumber. But you could make use of the shade it provides, rest under its sheltering branches, and stroll beneath it, admiring its character and appearance. It is useless to you because you want to make it into something else and do not use it in its proper way.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.25. “There’s nothing wrong with not being able to whistle, especially if you’re a fish. But there can be lots of things wrong with blindly trying to do what you aren’t designed for.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.26. “The essence of the principle of the Uncarved Block is that things in their original simplicity contain their own natural power, power that is easily spoiled and lost when that simplicity is changed.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.27. “The goal has to be right for us, and it has to be beneficial, in order to ensure a beneficial process. But aside from that, it’s really the process that’s important.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.28. “In the classic Taoist manner, we won’t try too hard to explain too much, because that would only confuse things, and because it would leave the impression that it was all only an intellectual idea that could be left on the intellectual level and ignored.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.29. “The surest way to become tense, awkward, and confused is to develop a mind that tries too hard - one that thinks too much.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.30. “Enjoy the simple, the natural and the plain. Along with that comes the ability to do things spontaneously and have them work.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.31. “… but no matter what how he may seem to others, especially to those fooled by appearances, Pooh, the Uncarved Block, is able to accomplish what he does because he is simple minded.”- Benjamin Hoff, ‘The Tao Of Pooh’.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘The Tao of Pooh’ quotes, then why not take a look at these ‘Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance’ quotes or ‘Winnie The Pooh’ quotes about love too?‍

Benjamin Hoff, the author of ‘The Tao Of Pooh’ explains Taoist principles through this book.