Pierre Cardin was not only a French designer but also a great businessperson.Pierre Cardin’s haute couture styles are relevant and celebrated to date. At the same time, he is also appreciated for bringing stylish clothes within the budgets of common people.Pierre Cardin had his own perfume, wine, and also his own clothing line. This French designer is credited for having a vision for the ‘world of tomorrow’ and for being able to envision things as mundane as a table leg into a dress design. His high fashion styles are talked about often, and his business strategies are also admired by many. He led a self-sufficient lifestyle. Interestingly, this French designer did not think that jeans belonged in the world of fashion and even went so far as to say that they looked ridiculous.Pierre Cardin thought that the bigger punishment in life would be to play around with his career instead of sticking with fashion - which he so loved. His vision for the fashion industry was interesting and his ability to envision mundanity into creativity was legendary. One of the reasons why his designs are still worn and talked about is that his vision of the ‘world of tomorrow’ is quite fitting and the clothes that he designed are practical as well. Keep reading to learn some of the most interesting things that Pierre Cardin said about his life, self-identity, creativity, and fashion.Pierre Cardin Quotes On CreativityRead some of the fun Pierre Cardin Quotes to unleash your creativity.“I was very lucky, I was part of the post-war period when everything had to be redone.““I don’t stop, I need it, just like a painter or a writer. I need to express myself. My reason for being is fashion.““When I finish with one thing very well, I start some other thing, I don’t like to stop.““My aim was the street, that my name and my creations be on the street. Celebrities, princesses were not my cup of tea. I respected them, I dined with them, but I could not see them in my dresses. In any case, they would have looked ridiculous.““A table leg, a root, a tree, a leaf, all can give me ideas. I am capable of seeing an artichoke and making an artichoke dress!““Never stop in life. Once you are done with one thing, move on to the next. There’s plenty of things out there for you to achieve. Always have a goal set before your eyes.““Form comes first. Then the material that expresses the volumes, the flow, the flexibility. Colour comes last.“Pierre Cardin Quotes On FashionTake a look at these fashionable Pierre Cardin Quotes to let loose your inner fashionista.“We undress men and women, we don’t dress them any more.““The jean! The jean is the destructor. It is a dictator! It is destroying creativity! The jean must be stopped!““The clothes I prefer are those I have created for a life that does not yet exist, the world of tomorrow.““My great stroke of genius was ready-to-wear at a time when there was only haute couture. They told me it would not last two years. I charged on, believing in my idea. I was criticised, made fun of.““Fashion design is so diverse. It does not have clear identities as before with Balenciaga, Chanel, Cardin, Courreges. ““Design is about being recognised without a label, elegance alone is not sufficient.““Your dress should become a part of your body. The elegance with which you wear your dress should reflect your personality.““I forgot I was young.““I do not believe there has ever been a name as important as Pierre Cardin in the general history of couture.““The norms of fashion have changed. The way you look at fashion and style is radically different from what once was before. Now, what people like is minimalism, making the most with least.“Pierre Cardin Quotes On Identity (Pierre Cardin considered himself capable of creating an ‘artichoke dress’ inspired by the vegetable.)These Pierre Cardin Quotes on identity will help you figure yourself out.“I have a name, I have to take advantage of it.““I can go all over the world with just three outfits: a blue blazer and gray flannel pants, a gray flannel suit, and black tie.““The dress is a vase which the body follows, my clothes are like modules in which bodies move.““Age is just a number. What matters is how you truly feel at heart. You become old not when others tell you but when you really feel like it.““Own your designs. Wear your dress such that it distinguishes you from the crowd. Elegance and style is not the only thing that is needed, you should become a brand in yourself.“Pierre Cardin Quotes On Self BeliefRead some of the fascinating Pierre Cardin Quotes on self-belief to motivate you through hard times.“Think ahead of your time. Sometimes, what you do today will only be appreciated years later. If you have an idea, bring it to fruition. If it’s good enough, there will always be people who will appreciate it.““Never style in life. Just because you achieve one thing does not mean you stop there. Dream a bigger dream and chase that. Never stop proving yourself.““The only one who is alive today and still being talked about is Pierre Cardin.““They said pret-a-porter will kill your name, and it saved me.““If I have made money with my licences, it is to be free, do something other than fashion. By changing profession I distract myself. There would not be a bigger punishment than forcing me to play the game.““My old vintage designs are so popular now, I must have been on to something.““My name is more important than myself.““I like to continually prove myself."“I own 100 percent of everything, I am self-sufficient. I can drink my own wine, go to my theatre, eat in my restaurants, sleep in my hotels, dress, wear my own perfume…”

Pierre Cardin was not only a French designer but also a great businessperson.