‘Cool Hand Luke’ is a 1967 American prison drama film directed by Stuart Rosenberg.‘Cool Hand Luke’, set in the 1950s, is based on Donn Pearce’s novel by the same name. Oscar-winning performances by Paul Newman and George Kennedy and a sought-after 100% rating on rotten tomatoes are in and of itself enough reason to make ‘Cool Hand Luke’ worth a watch.Set in 1950s Florida, ‘Cool Hand Luke’ follows the decorated war veteran Lucas Jackson aka Luke’s journey and will to defy authority in the Florida prison farm. Luke’ bravado in the face of intimidation by the sadistic warden Dragline makes him a rebel hero that not only inspires those in the prison but also the audience. Relive the prison madness by revisiting these awesome ‘Cool Hand Luke’ movie quotes.If you like these ‘Cool Hand Luke’ quotes, then you could also check out ‘Shawshank Redemption’ quotes and ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ quotes.‍Famous Quotes By Luke Of ‘Cool Hand Luke’Keep reading these amazing Luke quotes for a fun read.1. “You’re gonna hafta kill me…"-Luke.2. “Is that your answer, Old Man? I guess You’re a hard case, too."-Luke.3. “Well, you know. Small town, not much to do in the evenings."-Luke.4. “Nah -Calling it a job don’t make it right, boss."-Luke5. “I don’t know. Well, things are just never the way they seem, Arletta, you know that. A man’s just gotta go his own way."-Luke.6. “John-boy, lemme tell you something. You know, them chains ain’t medals. You get ’em for making mistakes. And you make a bad enough mistake, and then you gotta deal with the Man. And he is one rough old boy."-Luke.7. “Oh come on. Stop beatin’ it. Get out there yourself. Stop feedin’ off me. Get out of here. I can’t breathe. Give me some air."-Luke.8. “I never planned anything in my life."-Luke.9. “Don’t hit me anymore…Oh God, I pray to God you don’t hit me anymore. I’ll do anything you say, but I can’t take anymore."-Luke.10. “Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand."-Luke.11. “I can eat fifty eggs…..Nobody ever eat fifty eggs."-Luke.Famous Quotes From ‘Cool Hand Luke’These interesting ‘Cool Hand Luke’ quotes are sure to brighten your day.12. “Any man playing grabass or fightin’ in the building spends a night in the box."-Carr.13. “Them clothes got laundry numbers on them. You remember your number and always wear the ones that has your number. Any man forgets his number spends a night in the box. These here spoons you keep with you. Any man loses his spoon spends a night in the box."-Carr.14. “To smoke, you must have both legs over the side of your bunk. Any man caught smoking in the prone position in bed… spends a night in the box. You get two sheets. Every Saturday, you put the clean sheet on the top… the top sheet on the bottom… and the bottom sheet you turn in to the laundry boy."-Carr.15. “Any man turns in the wrong sheet spends a night in the box. No one’ll sit in the bunks with dirty pants on. Any man with dirty pants on sitting on the bunks spends a night in the box. Any man don’t bring back his empty pop bottle spends a night in the box."-Carr.16. “Nobody can eat fifty eggs."-Dragline.17. “My boy says he can eat fifty eggs, he can eat fifty eggs."-Dragline.18. “What we’ve got here is… failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it… well, he gets it. I don’t like it any more than you men."-Captain.19. “Sorry, Luke. I’m just doing my job. You gotta appreciate that."-Boss Paul.20. “You got a grudge against another man, you fight him Saturday afternoon."-Carr.21. “He was smiling… That’s right. You know, that, that Luke smile of his. He had it on his face right to the very end. Hell, if they didn’t know it ‘fore, they could tell right then that they weren’t a-gonna beat him. That old Luke smile. Oh, Luke. He was some boy. Cool Hand Luke. Hell, he’s a natural-born world-shaker."-Dragline, said after Luke was shot dead.22. “Oh Luke, you wild, beautiful thing. You crazy handful of nothin’."-Dragline.23. “Why, we always thought you was strong enough to carry it. Was we wrong?"-Arletta.24. “You gonna get used to wearin’ them chains after a while, Luke. Don’t you never stop listenin’ to them clinking. ‘Cause they gonna remind you of what I been saying. For your own good."-Captain.25. “First bell’s at five minutes of eight when you will get in your bunk. Last bell is at eight. Any man not in his bunk at eight spends the night in the box. There is no smoking in the prone position in bed. “-Carr.26. “That ditch is Boss Kean’s ditch. And I told him that dirt in it’s your dirt. What’s your dirt doin’ in his ditch?"-Boss Paul.27. “Nothin’! A handful of nothin’. You stupid mullet head, he beat you with nothin’, just like today when he kept comin’ back at me, with nothin’."-Dragline.28. “He ain’t in the box because of the joke played on him. He back-sassed a free man. They got their rules. We ain’t got nothin’ to do with that. It would probably have happened to him sooner or later anyway, a complainer like him. He gotta learn the rules the same as anybody else."-Dragline.29. “Well, lookie here. I knew they’d get you. Them chains and a bonus of a couple of years… Your running days are over forever, boy. Hell, I’d like to see you try to run again. You know, you getting so you smell so bad I can track you myself."-Dog Boy.30. “Git outa my eyeballin’ seat, you Newmeat dummy!"-Dragline.31. “Ya know, sometimes I wished people was like dogs, Luke."-Arletta.32. “I always hoped to see you well fixed. Have me a crop of grandkids to fuss around with."-Arletta.33. “You’re an original, that’s what you are!"-Dragline.34. “That’s my darling Luke. He grins like a baby but bites like a gator."-Dragline.35. “Hey, buddy. Take it easy. You’re making me look bad."-Dragline.36. “You was eyeballin’, Luke. You can’t gitcha mind on them weeds if yer eyeballin’…"-Boss Paul.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Cool Hand Luke’ quotes then why not take a look at Tommy Boy quotes, or ‘True Romance’ quotes.

‘Cool Hand Luke’ is a 1967 American prison drama film directed by Stuart Rosenberg.