Born on October 17, 1956, Mae C Jemison is known worldwide as the first black woman to travel into space.She was the mission specialist, serving in the space shuttle Endeavour when she was selected for the STS-47 mission. In the mission, she orbited the earth for nearly eight days in September 1992.Jemison received her medical degree from Cornell University. She was a doctor for the Peace Corps in Liberia and Sierra Leone from 1983 till 1985. In pursuit of becoming an astronaut, she applied to the NASA agency and became the first African American woman to travel to space. She made several discoveries whilst conducting medical experiments on weightlessness and motion sickness on the crew who served aboard the shuttle Endeavour in September 1992.After she became the first African American woman in space in September 1992, Jemison left NASA in 1993 and supported a technology analysis company. She later shaped a non-profit academic foundation and, through the foundation, is the principal of the one hundred year spacecraft project funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.Jemison was more than just an astronaut and a medical doctor. She never married and focused on achieving extraordinary heights in her career. She is even a trained dancer too, with a dance studio in her home!We have collected the best Mae Jemison quotes from the first black woman to travel in space that are truly inspiring. If you like these Mae Jemison quotes, check out these Katherine Johnson quotes and Madam CJ Walker quotes too.‍The Best Mae Jemison Famous QuotesAre you ready to discover the best Mae Jemison quotes? Here are some Dr. Mae Jemison quotes, a great black scientist and the first African American woman to travel in space. These Mae Jemison quotes inspire us all!1. “Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination.”- Mae Jemison.2. “What we find is that if you have a goal that is very, very far out, and you approach it in little steps, you start to get there faster. Your mind opens up to the possibilities.”- Mae Jemison.3. “As an astronaut, you have a very defined set of tasks to do. Those tasks may require you to work 60, 70, or 80 hours a week.”- Mae Jemison.4. “I like to think of ideas as potential energy. They’re really wonderful, but nothing will happen until we risk putting them into action.”- Mae Jemison.5. “Science provides an understanding of a universal experience. Arts provide a universal understanding of a personal experience.”- Mae Jemison.6. “Some people say they feel very small when they think about space. I felt more expansive, very connected to the universe.”- Mae Jemison.7. “You have the right to be involved. You have something important to contribute, and you have to take the risk to contribute it.”- Mae Jemison.Mae Jemison: The First Black Female Astronaut QuotesEnjoy these Mae Carol Jemison quotes, she became the first black astronaut to go to space after she served aboard the space shuttle Endeavour.8. “There is a fascination with the idea that one has seen someone else do something before one can achieve it. I knew what I wanted to do.”- Mae Jemison.9. “Greatness can be captured in one word: lifestyle. Life is God’s gift to you, style is what you make of it.”- Mae Jemison.10. “There have been lots of other women who had the talent and ability before me. And I hope it means that I’m just the first in a long line.”- Mae Jemison.11. “More women should demand to be involved. It’s our right. This is one area where women can get in on the ground floor and possibly help to direct where space exploration will go in the future.”- Mae Jemison.12. “I don’t know that having been in space gives me a better idea of whether life might exist on other planets. The reality is that we know that this universe, that our galaxy, has billions of stars. So the likelihood that there is life somewhere else to me is just absolutely there.”- Mae Jemison.13. “It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.”- Mae Jemison.Mae C Jemison Inspirational QuotesAs the first black woman in space, Mae Jemison quotes are certainly inspiring. Here are some inspiring Mae Jemison quotes from the physician and NASA astronaut that can be shared around the world.14. “I think one of the things that we have to think about it is, we are all part of the universe.”- Mae Jemison.15. “In space, you need to exercise your heart since it’s not pumping blood around at the same rate.”- Mae Jemison.16. “Some of the most fun people I know are scientists.”- Mae Jemison.17. “The arts and sciences are avatars of human creativity.”- Mae Jemison.18. “The future never just happened. It was created.”- Mae Jemison.19. “Space travel belongs to all of us. There is science in dance and art in science.”- Mae Jemison.20. “Images show us possibilities. A lot of times, fantasy is what gets us through to reality.”- Mae Jemison.21. “The biggest challenge is to overcome the things in yourself that keep you from moving forward.”- Mae Jemison.22. “The thing that I have done throughout my life is to do the best job that I can and to be me.”- Mae Jemison.23. “Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations. You can hear other people’s wisdom, but you’ve got to re-evaluate the world for yourself.- Mae Jemison.24. “Don’t let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity.”- Mae Jemison.25. “We look at science as something very elite, which only a few people can learn. That’s just not true.”- Mae Jemison.26. “I always knew I’d go to space.”- Mae Jemison.27. “My parents were comfortable with me exploring areas that they were not proficient in.”- Mae Jemison.28. “I wanted to be a professional dancer for a period of time, and I did a lot of dancing and choreography and got paid for it.”- Mae Jemison.29. “I knew full well that people expected me to behave in a certain way. I bucked the system.”- Mae Jemison.30. “I am as much a part of this universe as any speck of stardust.”- Mae Jemison.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the 30 best Mae Jemison quotes, why not look at these Alice Walker quotes or Simone Biles quotes to find more inspiring quotes?‍

Born on October 17, 1956, Mae C Jemison is known worldwide as the first black woman to travel into space.