‘Voltron’ is an iconic animated TV series.The TV series showcases the story of five explorers of space who control a giant robot named Voltron. Voltron, the legendary defender is formed by five lions, black, red, yellow, green and blue.Though ‘Voltron’ is kid-friendly, people of all ages can enjoy this show. When it was formed, Voltron spoke ‘Form Voltron’. One of the main characters Klance, got very little screen time initially, though eventually, he got confirmed. This animated TV series came out in four different variants. ‘Voltron: The Legendary Defender’ was the last variant that was released in 2016. Here are some awesome new quotes from Voltron.If you find our content interesting then do check out new Marvel quotes and Pokemon quotes. Best Quotes From ‘Voltron’Here are some of the great defender quotes about ‘Voltron’. You will also find Lance Voltron quotes and Voltron Shiro quotes. So, turn back time and go through these quotes.1. “Coran: Scanners show that there’s no exit. It’s just nothingness. Find an exit before we run smack into the void!Allura: I can’t. I’ve lost control of the Castle.Coran: Brace yourself! We’re about to hit it! Let’s check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is taking us.”-‘Across The Universe’.2. “Zarkon: Now, I will take back what is mine!Haggar: Summon the energy again! We must fight beside our emperor!Shiro: All right, let’s hit him with the big guns. Hunk, form shoulder cannon! Fire!Haggar: Attack!”-‘Blackout’.3. “Druid One: Commander Thace, you have sent encrypted messages to outside forces. Of this, we are keenly aware.Druid Two: Encryptions can be broken, just like you.”-‘Best Laid Plans’.4. “Lance: You know what, never mind. Magic or something. Sure.Coran: Er not far off. We’re going to use the element to expand the energy particles within the cords. But first, we gotta need a yalmor.Hunk: Wait, wait, there are yalmors on this planet?”-‘A Little Adventure’.5. “My father has held the universe in a death grip for millennia, but he sees it slipping from his grip because of your efforts and because of mine. With our forces combined, we would provide the greatest threat Zarkon has ever faced."-Lotor, ‘Blood Duel’.6. “Pidge: “Did you know your nose wiggles when you’re upset?“Keith: “My fist wiggles, too!”-‘Defender Of The Universe’.7. “Pidge: We’ve never faced anything this powerful before.Shiro: One way or another, this may be our last battle. We’ve got to give everything we have. Dig deep and fight.”-‘Blackout’.8. “Zarkon: Why do you disturb me?Haggar: My apologies, sire. I fear your singular focus has–Zarkon: Has what?Haggar: I’ve overstepped my bounds. We’ve apprehended a spy within our ranks. He plans something with an outside force. I suspect an attack is imminent.”-‘Best Laid Plans’.9. “You know, I don’t mind telling you this, but I was considered a bit of an intergalactic fashion pirate in my day. I used to have a bogwaggle cape that I trained to sing my theme song whenever I entered a room."-Coran, ‘Changing Of The Guard’.10. “Your father, King Alfor, once stood side by side with Zarkon and protected the universe from harm. There was no foe the Paladins of old couldn’t defeat. Sadly, that time of peace has been lost, but together we can find it once more."-Lotor, ‘Blood Duel’.11. “Allura: We’ve tried everything and nothing’s worked. A few more trips down this wormhole and you’re going to disappear. We must find a way out.Coran: Just blast your way out! Duh!Allura: I suppose it’s worth a try. The Castle defenses might have enough firepower to destroy the tunnel.”-‘Across The Universe’.12. “We can’t always put the fate of the universe in the hands of a giant weapon. At least, that’s what your father believed."-Coran to Allura, ‘Changing Of The Guard’.13. “Activate Inter-Dimensional lock! Stealth Servo system connected! Stealth Engine at maximum! Quantum Thrusters are go! Let’s go stealth Voltron force!"-Keith, ‘Changing Of The Guard’.14. “You ever notice how far the planets are from each other, Coran? Yeah, but I mean, like, they’re really, really far away. Like, say, Earth. It’s so far, I can’t even see it. The… The blue oceans, the white clouds, green grass… I… I can’t see any of it."-Lance McClain, ‘Changing Of The Guard’.Coolest Quotes From ‘Voltron’In this category, you will find the coolest quotes from ‘Voltron’. You can’t go wrong with these quotes! You will also find one or two Shiro quotes. ‘Voltron’ quotes from other characters are also here. So, don’t miss the chance and help yourself to these quotes.15.“Zarkon: Send the fighters! Surround that lion! Draw him in! I want every ship in the fleet after that lion. Get me closer!Shiro: I’ve got Zarkon on the hook. Bringing him your way. Keith, you ready? We’ve only got one shot at this!”-‘Best Laid Plans’.16.“Allura: You must get moving. Remember your training. Remember all the battles you’ve been through.Shiro: [grunts] Voltron’s still not responding. [groaning] [sighs] It’s Zarkon.”-‘Blackout’.17.“Allura: This is exactly what happened to Zarkon. Exposure to all this Quintessence turned him into a monster!Lotor: Poor Allura! All the power in the universe at your fingertips, and you still fear using it!”-‘Defender Of All Universes’.18. “Pidge: What just happened?Hunk: Who cares? Wormhole!Shiro: Coran, what’s happening?Coran: The integrity of the wormhole has been compromised. It’s breaking down!”-‘Across The Universe’.19.“Pidge: It looks like the top level is patrolled by the sentries. The second level is patrolled by floating drones. Oh, wow, that’s interesting.Lance: Good interesting?Pidge: The second level also has immobilizing foam.”-‘Escape From Beta Traz’.20. “Shiro: What was the first rank you held in Zarkon’s army? Where did you find the Red Lion? What is Zarkon’s greatest weakness?Sendak: What makes you think you can possibly defeat him?”-‘Crystal Venom’.21. “Man: Lions of Voltron, the people of Puig thank you for delivering us from the evil hands of the Galra empire.Lance: Don’t forget the Blade of Marmora. We couldn’t have done it without Kolivan and his team.Kolivan: It was our honor.”-‘Changing Of The Guard’.22. " Thank you, Ryner, for all you and the Olkari have done to assist us. Once we defeat Zarkon, it is my hope that we can continue to unite our forces and rebuild the once great coalition that my father, King Alfor, began."-Allura,‘Best Laid Plans’.23. “We’ve gotta act fast. The power will only be down for 20 minutes. The Blade of Marmora’s schematics showed four targets we need to hit. The weapons systems, the engines, the bridge, and the shield generators. Now, let’s put an end to Zarkon, once and for all."-Shiro, ‘Blackout’.24. “Emperor Zarkon: Bring me Lotor and the prisoner is yours. Meet my demands if you want to see the Earthling alive.Pidge: He’s alive! Our dad is alive! We have to get him back!”-‘Blood Duel’.25. “Coran: Remember, Princess, 70 percent of diplomacy is appearance. Then 29 percent is manners, decorum, formalities, and chit-chat. It only about one percent, uh—Allura: Serious business about fighting for the freedom of the universe?”-‘Changing Of The Guard’.26.“Coran: “Oh, hold on there, space juice. You’re going to come and help me.“Lance: “What? Why? Why me?“Coran: “Because you’re the last one here and because your activity isn’t very important.”-‘Crystal Venom’.27. “Hunk: All this Quintessence is keeping us at full power.Keith: It’s more than that. Can you hear your Lion talking to you? Voltron is capable of more than we ever imagined. ATTACK!”-‘Defender Of All Universes’.28. “I’m guessing a space ninja. Or maybe someone with magical powers? You know, just spit-balling here. I don’t know. Let’s just keep tossing out ideas."-Lance, ‘Escape From Beta Traz’.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Voltron quotes then why not take a look at inspirational Anime quotes, and ‘Zelda’ quotes!

‘Voltron’ is an iconic animated TV series.