‘Song Of Solomon’ was a book written by Toni Morrison and published in 1977.It is an African-American work of literature. The book poses as a fiction that is irrevocable and is classified as an impressionistic coming-of-age novel focusing on a few aspects of magical realism as well.‘Song of Solomon’ is the journey of Milkman and the company that he kept throughout his life leading to the adventures and explorations mentioned in the book. Toni Morrison was rewarded with the ‘Nobel Prize In Literature’ for ‘Song Of Solomon’ in 1983. Why? Because it is a flawless story about a man who learns to fly acknowledging the interesting ways in which he as well as we discover who and what we are and being kind to ourselves, through the truly exciting journey penned down on the pages.  As one of the Toni Morrison, ‘Song Of Solomon’ quotes goes, “You wanna fly, you got to give up the stuff that weighs you down”, check the quote list below for influential quotes from the book for the young and free minds. For more quotes by Toni Morrison check ‘The Bluest Eye’ quotes and [‘Beloved’ quotes]. ‘Song Of Solomon’ Love Quotes By Toni MorrisonLove is a theme that strongly adheres with ‘Song Of Solomon’. Check this list to see what a woman and a man can get out of this mere human emotion of a kiss and being loved.1. “Her steady beam of love was unsettling, and she had never dropped those expressions of affection that had been so loveable in her childhood.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.2. “This tall man who had flesh on the outside and, feelings on the inside that she knew nothing of, but somebody did know enough about him to want to kill him”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.3. “The lengths to which lost love drove men and women never surprised them.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.4. “What I’m doing ain’t about hating white people. It’s about loving us. About loving you. My whole life is love.”- Guitar, ‘Song Of Solomon’.5. “And black women, they want your whole self. Love, they call it, and understanding. “- Guitar, ‘Song Of Solomon’.6. “And if it means so little to you that you can just give it away, hand it to him, then why should it mean any more to him?”- Guitar, ‘Song Of Solomon’.7. “Hagar, don’t. It’s a bad word, ‘belong.’ Especially when you put it with somebody you love. Love shouldn’t be like that.”- Guitar, ‘Song Of Solomon’.8. “Pilate trumpeted for the sky itself to hear, ‘And she was loved!’”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.9. “Pilate put her hand on Hagar’s head and trailed her fingers through her granddaughter’s soft damp wool…”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.10. “I wish I’d a knowed more people. I would a loved ‘em all. If I’d knowed more, I would a loved more.”- Pilate, ‘Song Of Solomon’.Inspirational Life Quotes From ‘Song Of Solomon’Life lessons are a free Bible to living life knowing and acknowledging who you are. These quotes are sure to open your eyes and give you company in rough times while living life.11. “It was the absence of a navel that convinced people that she had not come into this world through normal channels.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.12. “Well, night black is the same way. May as well be a rainbow.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.13. “He had always hated that name, all of it, and until he and Guitar became friends, he had hated his nickname too. But in Guitar’s mouth, it sounded clever, grown-up.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.14. “The decision he made would be extremely important, but the way in which he made the decision would be careless, haphazard, and uninformed.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.15. “I’d hate to pull this knife out and have you try some other time to act mean to my little girl.”- Pilate, ‘Song Of Solomon’.16. “It was more affliction than affection. It literally knocked her down at night, and raised her up in the morning.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.17. “Be nice… And if it’s her head that’s left behind, well, there are some towels in the closet on the shelf in the back.”- Guitar, ‘Song Of Solomon’.18. “It sounded old. Deserve. Old and tired and beaten to death. Deserve. Now it seemed to him that he was always saying or thinking that he didn’t deserve some bad luck or some bad treatment from others.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.19. “Guitar had never seen Milkman give anybody a hand, especially a stranger.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.‘Song of Solomon’ Important Quotes To RememberAn influential quote about leaving things behind and opening your eyes to find new, free ways or a door to a life that can be better.20. “The only reason they got a second was cause she was the first. And the only reason they gave it to her was because of them cameras.”- Hagar, ‘Song Of Solomon’.21. “Pilate can’t teach you a thing you can use in this world. Maybe the next, but not this one. Let me tell you right now the one important thing you’ll ever need to know: Own things.”- Macon Dead, ‘Song Of Solomon’.22. “As the stars made themselves visible, Milkman tried to figure what was true and what part of what was true had anything to do with him.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.23. “It as all very tentative, the way he looked, like a man peeping around a corner of someplace he, is not supposed to be, trying to make up his mind whether to go forward or to turn back.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.24. “It’s not about you living longer. It’s about how you live and why. It’s about whether your children can make other children.”- Guitar, ‘Song Of Solomon’.25. “Too much tail. All that jewelry weighs it down. Like vanity. Can’t nobody fly with all that… Wanna fly, you got to give up the stuff that weighs you down.”- Guitar, ‘Song Of Solomon’.26. “Nobody can choose what to die for.”- Milkman, ‘Song Of Solomon’.27. “If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it.”- Narrator, ‘Song Of Solomon’.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Song Of Solomon’ quotes then why not take a look at ‘The House On Mango Street’, or [Maya Angelou love quotes]?

‘Song Of Solomon’ was a book written by Toni Morrison and published in 1977.