This book tells the story of the fictional town of Macondo, of its beginning, prosperity, and inevitable downfall.The story takes place between the early 1800s and the mid-1900s. And as it progresses, we find out that it’s not merely the documentation of the history of the place, but also of the people who found it. It tells the story of how humans are connected to places, to the people around them, and also to solitude.Told from a third-person point of view, this book covers the story of the Buendía family over a century. It recounts their experiences with love, heartbreak, marriages, birth, death and war. It is considered a great book because it expresses all the emotions we feel as humans. We have tried to compile here a taster of the novel a few quotes. If you are searching for ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’ quotes, Gabriel García Márquez quotes, or ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’ magical realism quotes, you can find them here.If you want to read more articles like this, check out Gabriel García Márquez quotes and [‘The Kiterunner’ quotes].‍Best ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’ Quotes’One Hundred Years Of Solitude’ is a book, that resonates with everyone because of its charming storytelling, whether you want to read about famous ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’ quotes or Gabriel García Márquez quotes from ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’, you will find them here.1.  “Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.2.  “Tell him, that a person doesn’t die when he should but when he can.”- Colonel Aureliano Buendía, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.3.  “Then he made one last effort to search in his heart for the place where his affection had rotted away, and he could not find it.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.4.  “Intrigued by that enigma, he dug so deeply into her sentiments that in search of interest he found love, because by trying to make her love him he ended up falling in love with her.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.5.  “That everything written on them was unrepeatable since time immemorial and forever more, because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.6.  “Things have a life of their own, it’s simply a matter of waking up their souls.”- Melquíades, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.7.  “And both of them remained floating in an empty universe where the only everyday and eternal reality was love.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.8.  “We won’t call her Ursula because a person suffers too much with that name.”- Ursula, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.9.  “For many hours, balancing on the edge of the surprises of a war with no future, in rhymed verse he resolved his experience on the shores of death.”- Aureliano Buendia, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.10.  “At that time Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.11.  “Finally, in another moment of inspiration, she forced the lock on the trunk and found the letters tied with a pink ribbon, swollen with fresh lilies and still wet with tears, addressed and never sent to Pietro Crespi.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.12.  “Every night on her way back from her bath Meme would find a desperate Fernanda killing butterflies with an insecticide bomb.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.13.  “A person does not belong to a place until there is someone dead under the ground."- José Arcadio Buendía, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.14.  “He was sure that sooner or later he would get a daguerreotype of God, if He existed, or put an end once and for all to the supposition of His existence.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.15.  “Look at the air, listen to the buzzing of the sun, the same as yesterday and the day before. Today is Monday too.”- José Arcadio Buendía, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.Important Quotes From ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’This book is riddled with so many ambiguous characters who give so many different perspectives on life that we can barely keep up. If you are looking for quotes from Gabriel García Márquez, you will find them here. These are some of the best Gabriel Garcia Marquez quotes from ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.16.  “Don’t be simple, Crespi. I wouldn’t marry you even if I were dead.”- Amaranta, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.17.  “Colonel Aureliano Buendía left his room in December and it was sufficient for him to look at the porch in order not to think about war again.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.18.  “He stood up unhurriedly, as if he only intended to stretch, and with a perfectly regulated and methodical fury he grabbed the pots with the begonias one after the other, those with the ferns, the oregano, and one after the other he smashed them onto the floor.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.19.  “He became lost in misty byways, in times reserved for oblivion, in labyrinths of disappointment.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.20.  “Right there across the river there are all kinds of magical instruments while we keep on living like donkeys.”- José Arcadio Buendía, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.21.  “He drew it in rage, evilly, exaggerating the difficulties of communication, as if to punish himself for the absolute lack of sense with which he had chosen the place.”-  The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.22.  “It seemed as if some penetrating lucidity permitted her to see the reality of things beyond any formalism.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.23.  “The mayor, at the urging of Bruno Crespi, explained in a proclamation that the cinema was a machine of illusions that did not merit the emotional outbursts of the audience. “- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.24.  “He wanted to stay beside that skin forever, beside those emerald eyes, close to that voice that called him “sir” with every question, showing the same respect that she gave her father.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.25.  “On another occasion, he felt at least a confused sense of shame when he found the smell of Úrsula on his own skin, and more than once he felt her thoughts interfering with his.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.26.  “The only one who had not lost for a single minute the awareness that she was alive and rotting in her wormhole was the implacable and aging Amaranta.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.27.  “Alone, abandoned by his premonitions, fleeing the chill that was to accompany him until death, he sought a last refuge in Macondo in the warmth of his oldest memories. “- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.28.  “Three months later, when he entered Macondo in triumph, the first embrace he received on the swamp road was that of Colonel Gerineldo Márquez.”- The Narrator, ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘One Hundred Years Of Solitude’ quotes, then why not take a look at ‘Life of Pi’ quotes, or ‘The Book Thief’ quotes.‍

This book tells the story of the fictional town of Macondo, of its beginning, prosperity, and inevitable downfall.