Lord Of The Flies is a novel that dates back to 1954.‘Lord Of The Flies’ was written by British author William Golding. The book tells readers the story of a few boys from Britain who are stranded on an uninhabited island.Some of the themes that the author touches on in the book include individuality, groupthink, morality, and rationality. The author named the book ‘Lord Of The Flies’ to be a symbolic representation of the evil present in the hearts of the stranded boys.Even though the book received a lukewarm reception initially, eventually it became popular with readers, with Jack’s quotes from ‘Lord Of The Flies’ and quotes in ‘Lord Of The Flies’ about the conch going on to become timeless. The story symbolizes how dependent we are on social structure, as it is the only thing that distinguishes humans from so-called savagery. It showed that the characters were capable of doing things that went against human nature as the threat of punishment was removed from their understanding of the world.In this article, we are going to take you through some ‘Lord Of The Flies’ important quotes that include ‘Lord Of The Flies’ Jack quotes and quotes about the conch in ‘Lord Of The Flies’.Jack’s ‘Lord Of The Flies’ QuotesJack is one of the most important characters in ‘Lord Of The Flies’. We kick things off in this ‘Lord Of The Flies’ quotes article by revisiting some of the most iconic quotes from Jack in ‘Lord Of The Flies’. In the novel, Jack is portrayed as an egomaniacal and strong-willed character and you’ll be able to make out from his quotes that what he really wants is power.1. ‘I ought to be chief… because I’m captain chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp.’- Jack, Chapter One2. ‘I agree with Ralph. We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English, and the English are best at everything. So we’ve got to do the right things.’- Jack, Chapter TwoThis nationalistic comment reveals that Jack views the English as a superior race and depicts his attempt to control the boys. The mention of the English in this way aims to make the descent into savagery a lot more impactful.3. ‘His specs - use them as burning glasses!’- Jack, Chapter TwoJack snatches Piggy’s glasses here and uses them to start a fire. His action foreshadows the role that Piggy’s glasses will play in the development of the plot and brings his dominance to light.4. ‘We’re strong - we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat - !’- Jack, Chapter FiveJack makes clear with this statement that he is tough and is capable of hunting down the beast. Drawing attention to his strength, he establishes himself as a better provider and protector when compared to Ralph.5. ‘No! How could we - kill - it?’- Jack, Chapter Ten6. ‘The mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness.’- William Golding, Chapter Four7. ‘Ralph is like Piggy. He says things like Piggy. He isn’t a proper chief.’- Jack, Chapter EightJack believes that a chief needs to be strong and doesn’t see intelligence as being compatible with strength. Because both Ralph and Piggy are logical and reason clearly, he doesn’t consider Ralph to be fit to be chief.8. ‘…fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream. There aren’t any beasts to be afraid of on this island… Serve you right if something did get you, you useless lot of cry-babies!’- Jack, Chapter Five9. ‘We don’t want you… three’s enough.’- Jack, Chapter OneThis sets the tone for Jack’s treatment of Piggy and hints at a more sinister treatment in-store if Piggy ever tries to argue with Jack.Ralph’s Lord Of The Flies QuotesRalph is another important character in ‘Lord Of The Flies’, and in this section, we’re going to take you through some of the most memorable ‘Lord Of The Flies’ Ralph quotes. We’ll also be covering quotes about Ralph in ‘Lord Of The Flies’ here. Read on to know what he says.10. ‘Don’t you want to be rescued? All you can talk about is pig, pig, pig!’- Ralph, Chapter ThreeThis is said by Ralph in response to an argument with Jack where Ralph is more concerned about their security and safety while Jack seems to be more concerned about hunting pigs. Ralph wants help with starting a signal fire so that they have better chances of being rescued.11. ‘We ought to have more rules. Where the conch is, that’s a meeting. The same up here as down there.’- Ralph, Chapter Two.This quote shows Ralph’s attempt at prioritizing a signal fire and the need for proper rules governing communication and meetings. The conch symbolizes the need for organization in their world.12. ‘That was Simon… that was murder.’- Ralph, Chapter Ten.Ralph is the only one to acknowledge the brutality of the act they’ve committed. He realizes that it was no imaginary beast they attacked, but instead, one of their own - Simon. His acknowledgment is a return to reality.13. ‘The fire’s the most important thing. Without the fire, we can’t be rescued. I’d like to put on war paint and be a savage. But we must keep the fire burning. The fire’s the most important thing on the island, because, because - ‘- Ralph, Chapter EightThis quote shows that Ralph has returned to his earlier civilized nature, where his utmost concern is to keep the fire alive so that they may be rescued. The fire here represents hope in society.14. ‘I’m frightened of us. I want to go home. Oh, God. I want to go home.’- Ralph, Chapter TenAfter the murder of Simon, the other boys seem determined to deny the reality of what happened, but Ralph is scarred for life. He knows it was no accident and can’t come to terms with the person he has become.15. ‘And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy.’- William Golding, Chapter 12.This quote is found towards the end of the novel when the boys are rescued by a naval officer. Although Ralph is thankful that he is safe, he has learned something that has changed him for life. He is no longer innocent and he becomes aware of the savagery within all humans.Piggy’s ‘Lord Of The Flies’ QuotesPiggy is yet another major character from ‘Lord Of The Flies’ whose real name was not revealed throughout the book. In this section, you’ll get to read all the iconic quotes from Piggy in ‘Lord Of The Flies’. We’ll also share quotes about Piggy in ‘Lord Of The Flies’ from the author too.16. ‘Didn’t you hear what the pilot said? About the atom bomb? They’re all dead.’- Piggy, Chapter One.The novel is structured directly against the backdrop of an atomic bomb to tie it to various geopolitical issues. This subtly predicts how future societies will appear after the war.17. ‘What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages? What’s grown-ups going to think? Going off—hunting pigs—letting fires out— and now!’- Piggy, Chapter Five.This quote shows Piggy’s innocence. Piggy says this as the sane voice among the children when he realizes that the others are descending into savagery. He wants Ralph to assert his authority as a leader without forgetting that he has a responsibility toward the children. This quote is meant to be a reminder of society’s rules and laws.18. ‘I’m scared of him… and that’s why I know him. If you’re scared of someone you hate him but you can’t stop thinking about him. You kid yourself he’s all right really, an’ then when you see him again; it’s like asthma an’ you can’t breathe…’- Piggy, Chapter FiveWhile the boys may be afraid of the beast, in reality, there are no beasts. The real danger of the beastly nature in within the boys and that is what is terrifying.Simon’s ‘Lord Of The Flies’ QuotesAnother important character in ‘Lord Of The Flies’ is Simon. In this section, we’ll be taking you through quotes about Simon in ‘Lord Of The Flies’, along with the ones spoken by him. Simon from ‘Lord Of The Flies has been studied critically by literature students in countries worldwide.19. ‘As if it wasn’t a good island… As if… the beastie, the beastie or the snake-thing, was real. Remember?’- Simon, Chapter Three.Simon believes that the boys’ fear of the island is legitimate but they should not really fear the beastie, what they should fear instead is the darkness that exists within each of them.20. ‘Maybe there is a beast. Maybe it’s only us.’- Simon, Chapter Five.Simon doesn’t believe in the existence of the beast. He indicates that the real beast is the evil residing within all of us. He senses that they will become their worst enemies early on in the novel.21. ‘You’ll get back all right. I think so, anyway.’- Simon, Chapter Seven.Simon tells Ralph that he will eventually get home. The use of ‘you’ here is reassuring for Ralph but it suggests that Simon isn’t certain about leaving the island alive.‘Lord Of The Flies’ Conch QuotesAuthor William Golding uses the symbol of a conch to represent a democratically engaged, civilized society. In this section, we’ll take you through all the iconic ‘Lord Of The Flies’ quotes about the conch.22. ‘Ralph took the conch from where it lay on the polished seat and held it to his lips; but then he hesitated and did not blow. He held the shell up instead and showed it to them and they understood.’- William Golding, Chapter Six.The symbolic conch has come to represent law and order. Ralph no longer has to blow it to call for a meeting to discuss the beast, he merely holds it up.23. ‘The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.’- William Golding, Chapter 11.With Piggy’s murder, the conch that he was holding drops and shatters. This symbolizes the end of democracy and the loss of order and rules.Lord Of The Flies’ Beast QuotesThe beast, an imaginary creature, has been used to symbolize a primal savagery instinct that’s presented as inherently found within all men in the book. In this section, we’ll share the most memorable quotes about the beast in ‘Lord Of The Flies’. These ‘Lord Of The Flies’ quotes about the beast are nothing short of legendary in literary spheres.24. ‘Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!’- Jack’s tribe, Piggy, and Ralph, Chapter SevenCompletely overcome by their savagery, the hunters fail to recognize Simon and consider him to be the beast that they need to kill.25. ‘As Simon thought this, he turned to the poor broken thing that sat stinking by his side. The beast was harmless and horrible, and the news must reach the others as soon as possible.’- William Golding, Chapter Nine.26. ‘Well then - I’ve been all over this island. By myself. If there were a beast I’d have seen it. Be frightened because you’re like that - but there is no beast in the forest.’- Jack, Chapter Five.Jack reassures the boys that after having explored the island, he has not been able to find the beast. This is symbolic as the real beast is the one that resides within the boys. 

Lord Of The Flies is a novel that dates back to 1954.