Peanuts, also known as groundnuts, are a classic nibble preferred by game lovers at many events.These are adorable and crunchy snacks with all-time and worldwide fans. Your favorite nut is not a tree nut, it is a legume that grows underground.Most of us might remember buying shelled peanuts and roasting them at home for evening snacks, and munching boiled peanuts for hours is a childhood memory. Peanuts are the best source of plant-based proteins and other vitamins, fibers, and minerals. We can have them roasted, boiled, chocolate-coated, and in many more ways. They are loaded with calories but work wonders for the human body when taken in proper portions. Most weight watchers are worried about including this protein-rich food because of its calorie count. In daily servings, 1-2 lb (453.6-907.18 g) of peanuts is recommended, which can be replaced with 0.9 oz (28.3 g) of peanut butter.Peanuts are oilseeds used for making peanut oil. They are a source of a variety of vitamins and minerals, including biotin, manganese, copper, vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, and thiamine.The health benefits of having peanuts are numerous. Most of us do not give equal importance to peanuts, just like almonds, cashews, and walnuts. But scientists suggested that they have equal nutritional value, similar to the expensive nuts. We all know that almonds and walnuts are heart-healthy foods because of their high levels of unsaturated fats. However, never underestimate the low-cost and tasty peanuts, which help keep heart disease at bay by lowering cholesterol levels. These super nuts also stop forming small blood clots and reduce the risk of stroke. They prevent the formation of gallstones in both men and women. Peanuts help in maintaining a healthy weight when taken in average measurements.Risk factors of having peanuts: As these nuts are high in phosphorous, excessive intake results in less absorption of iron and zinc. Some people are allergic to nuts, so when taken cause severe breathlessness. The other allergic reactions include itchy skin, runny nose, hives, and nausea. Swollen throats, confusion, and dizziness sometimes prove to be life-threatening. Such people should entirely avoid these nuts.Let us explore the different types of peanuts worldwide and the benefits of including them in your diet. To learn more interesting and nutty facts about peanuts, you must also read are peanuts poisonous and how are peanuts grown.Best Kinds Of PeanutsThere are different kinds of peanut types produced all around the world. The most amusing thing about these legumes is that they can be eaten raw, roasted, boiled, and in many food varieties such as peanut butter, toppings on salads, and processed oil. Four significant peanut types are available primarily in US markets: Virginia, Spanish, Runner, and Valencia peanuts. All the varieties differ in size, nutritional value, flavor, oil content, and size but are evolved from the same plant having a common ancestor by the biological name Arachis hypogaea.Among these four varieties, Runner variety is considered the best legume variety and is consumed widely in peanut butter and roasted nuts. The Runner varieties are the first and preferable choice because of their delicious flavor, high yields, and excellent roasting characteristics. Runner peanuts are medium-sized nuts widely grown in Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and Texas because of the warm temperatures.So why are Runner peanuts the most preferable legumes? Because they have seeds or small kernels and are unique in size, when they are roasted, they are perfectly and evenly roasted, which eventually results in a similar taste in every jar of peanut butter. 54% of Runners grown in the US are just used in peanut butter production.Different Varieties Of PeanutsPeanuts are cultivated in warmer climates. Asian countries such as India and China are significant contributors to world peanut production. They produce almost 50% of the peanut production, and Africa and Australia cultivate this edible crop. Though America shares 3% of the world’s acreage of peanuts, it contributes nearly 10% of the world’s crop because of higher yields per 1 ac (0.4 ha).India is the second-largest producer of peanuts and cultivates different types of peanuts. The Indian varieties include Natal, Java, or Spanish, Bold, or Runner. The main peanut varieties in India are Kadiri-2, Kadiri-3, Amber, Parkash, Kaushal, Chitra, Chandra, Kuber, GAUG-1, BG-1, GAUG-10, etc.The four major types of peanuts cultivated in the US are Virginia, Spanish, Runner, and Valencia. In other parts of the content, we have already mentioned the Runner, Virginia, and Spanish peanuts. Let us know about the Valencia peanuts.Valencias are very sweet peanuts, with three or more kernels per pod. The nuts have bright red skin and are sold in a roasted form and in shell form. Boiled peanuts of the Valencia variety taste delicious. They are primarily cultivated in New Mexico but contribute less than 1% of US production.Comparison Between Red And White PeanutsWhen you go grocery shopping, you might find peanuts in different colors, sizes, and shapes. Some peanuts are red while some others are white. So, some of us might be confused about which variety of peanuts holds good nutritional value. Let’s get into the facts.Why are some peanuts red and others white? It depends on how long the nut has been grown and how mature the legume is. The less matured one results in a light color, while the dark color signifies the more matured one.The red-skinned peanuts have a slightly sweeter taste compared to the white variety. People who require blood tonifying or nurturing effects may choose red peanuts. The red skin of this variety has nutritional value, and the best way to eat this variety is in your soups with cold vinegar. Red skin peanut skin has abundant antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, good for the skin, heart, and nervous system.You might have noticed that white peanuts are slightly more significant when compared to white ones. They are also called Baisha, and these varieties are rich in vegetable protein and taste perfect when deep-fried.The two varieties hold different nutritional values, but it is not good to compare them. When consumed in moderation, both varieties hold rich nutritional value, so it helps to improve your daily nutritional requirements.Best Peanut Variety For Peanut ButterAfter reading about peanut butter, you are probably feeling the sudden urge to jump into your kitchen, grab the bottle of peanut butter, and have a spoonful of it secretly. Who doesn’t want to do that, right? Most people use peanut butter as a nighttime cheat treat to satisfy odd late-night cravings.Peanut butter is low in carbs, high in healthy fats, rich in antioxidants, and a good source of aflatoxins. Although it is difficult to resist our temptations, a limited quantity of peanut butter is advisable because of its high-calorie load.Do you know what arachibutyrophobia is? It is a phobia created because of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.Here is a simple recipe for homemade peanut butter that tastes yummy and is easy to prepare. The ingredients required to prepare this simple homemade peanut butter are two cups (0.4 l) of dry roasted peanuts, salt to taste, and 0.9 oz (28.3 g) of sugar or honey to taste. Make a fine paste of roasted peanuts in a food processor for at least four to five minutes. Because of the oil content in the nuts, the fine, crunchy nuts turn into smooth, creamy, runny peanut butter during the grinding process. Then add the honey and salt as per your taste. Honey helps to balance the salt content in the peanuts. This recipe can be stored at room temperature or in the fridge.Peanut butter is a spread prepared from ground peanuts that created a storm in American history. Centuries have passed, but the craze for this spread has never ended. The craze has even caused Americans to celebrate January 24 as Peanut Butter Day. It is a nutrient-rich food with good calories, vitamins, and minerals. It is the primary breakfast dish worldwide and is included in spreads, smoothies, and desserts, and is used as a substitute for almond butter. Do you know that to make one peanut jar, almost 500 peanuts are used? Peanuts are considered a lifesaver in backward countries for kids suffering from malnutrition.As already mentioned, Runner peanuts are the best peanut variety for making peanut butter. After Runner peanuts, the other peanut varieties suited for peanut butter are Spanish peanuts. Apart from peanut butter, Spanish peanuts are also used in peanut candies or snacks. The peanuts with smaller kernels and bright reddish-brown skin are easily differentiated from other varieties. Spanish peanuts have a high oil content and are grown widely in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.What are Virginia variety peanuts?Virginia peanuts, also called cocktail nuts, have larger kernels. Because of their size, they are widely used in confections, salting, and even in-shell peanuts. They are a popular gourmet food and are used as cocktail nuts, but don’t give the best taste when used in peanut butter. Though they are widely grown in Virginia, they are also cultivated in other US states like New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas. Let us explore more facts about Virginia variety peanuts.How are Virginia peanuts different from other types of peanuts? Well, Virginia peanuts are large with a unique crunchy flavor, so they are preferred for snacking rather than in the preparation of peanut butter. They are a popular snack at baseball games, and fans call them ‘Ballpark peanuts’. This type of peanut grows in running or bunch form, and it grows to a maximum height of 18-22 in (45-55 cm).If Runner peanuts contribute to 80% of peanut production, Virginia contributes 15 % of peanut production in the US.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created many interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 23 different kinds of peanuts that are fun to know about, then why not take a look at where do peanuts come from, or peanuts quotes?

Peanuts, also known as groundnuts, are a classic nibble preferred by game lovers at many events.