Along with Lancaster County, many Amish people had also settled in other parts of North America like Ohio, Indiana, Maryland, and even Canada.The Amish are found in many parts of the United States, including New York and Wyoming, and are not limited to just Lancaster County or Holmes County as some people believe. Amish people always help each other out, for instance, if a neighbor needs to build a new barn, they will be helped by the other neighbors without even asking.The Amish pay taxes just like any other citizen of the United States. To save the cost of long-term dentists, many Amish people pull teeth out and have dentures either in early youth or in early adulthood, while others only pull out problem teeth. Amish bonnets, also known as Kapp or prayer covers, are a common sight among the Amish. Amish ladies wear them around to show respect and to indicate their position. It is a part of their lifestyle.At the same time, the men grow long beards as they believe that long beards are a sign of masculinity and maturity. They never grow a mustache as they relate a mustache with the military and the British colonial forces that once occupied the present-day USA, and, being pacifists, they do not wish to be associated with the military in any possible way.The Amish place a premium on simplicity and humility. They shun everything related to self-exaggeration, positional pride, or the enjoyment of power. The Amish believe that working in harmony with nature, the land, and the weather, and caring for animals and plants is what pleases god.Amish people exclusively marry fellow Amish people and never divorce. They come from huge households with an average of seven or eight children per couple.As you enjoy the following facts and learn something new, do also check out our Benin facts and Abenaki tribe facts to get yourself a knowledgeable dose of interesting information and facts that you might not be aware of.The Amish People - Roots And OriginsMembers of this orthodox Christian sect fled persecution in Europe for their Anabaptist convictions in the early 18th century and established an Amish settlement in Pennsylvania.With a population of over 30,000, the USA’s Pennsylvania Dutch Amish population in Lancaster County is the country’s oldest and biggest Amish community.The Mennonite community gave birth to the Amish. Both were members of the early Anabaptist movement in Europe during the Reformation period. Only adults who have confessed their religion should be baptized, and they should stay distinct from the rest of society - according to the Anabaptists.Menno Simons, a young Catholic priest from Holland, joined the Anabaptist movement in 1536. Anabaptist groups known as Mennonites were brought together by his writings and leadership. Then, Jacob Amman, a Swiss bishop, split from the Mennonite church in 1693. His adherents were dubbed Amish.Despite multiple splits, the Amish and Mennonite religions still have similar views in regards to baptism, non-resistance, and core Bible concepts; and they follow them in the same way as their ancestors did centuries ago.As part of William Penn’s ‘holy experiment’ of religious tolerance, the Amish and Mennonites both moved to Pennsylvania. In the 1720s-1730s, the first group of Amish came to Lancaster County, and other small groups also settled in places like Maryland and Ohio.Lancaster County or the Amish Country is home to three Amish families or Anabaptist-related groups: the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren. The Anabaptist belief, which requires a personal choice to accept God, is shared by all three sects.Adults are the only ones who get baptized according to Amish Communities.Religion And Customs Of The Amish CommunityThe Amish religion arose in 16th-century Europe when Anabaptist leader Jakob Ammann founded his community after the Anabaptist church split due to his strict convictions.His teachings shaped the Amish religion’s ideals, thus putting the ‘Am’ in Amish. The Amish have been practicing their faith since its inception. In simple terms, the details of the Amish religion are similar to traditionalist Christians.In terms of formal religious theology, the Amish religion and that of the Mennonites are similar. Both groups participate in foot washing and celebrate Holy Communion twice a year. Baptism occurs when a young Amish person reaches the age of 17-20 years and is accepted to official membership in the Amish church.Religious services are held in Pennsylvania in Dutch and High German. The Martyr’s Mirror, a book documenting Amish history and Amish tradition, and honoring the numerous Amish, Mennonite, and Anabaptist forefathers who died for their religion, has a particular place in an Amish family beside the Bible.The Amish’s cornerstones are humility, family, community, and seclusion from the world (and its corruptions). A set of unspoken rules guide every part of Amish life.Amish men wear broad-brimmed hats, suits, and solid colored shirts that represent similarity in them. Amish women in the community wear calf-length gowns in subdued hues, as well as bonnets and aprons.Any Amish woman does not wear jewelry, just like no Amish man grows a mustache.The Language And Beliefs Of The Amish PeopleLancaster County’s Amish speak Pennsylvania Dutch as their primary language. It is regarded as their first and only language. However, the Amish learn to read, write, and speak English to communicate with non-Amish people in the modern world.Pennsylvania German, in general, is not a written language. Attempts to transfer the language into a written form have been undertaken, though. Some works have been published in the dialect, and dictionaries have been established. It is the first language taught to Amish young men. Before they attend school and are in the first grade, most Amish children have had little exposure to English.In Amish schools, instruction is given in English, with some High German lessons thrown in for good measure. According to Amish beliefs and practices, the whole community is required to attend school and get a formal education, but till the eighth standard only.Their dressing is also a part of their religious beliefs’ visual representation. As per their beliefs, all Amish people should have large families. Amish church members are instructed not to perform any military service as they believe in non-resistance. They are also taught not to use or own any musical instruments or listen to music made from any instruments. Things like photos are banned as they can cultivate personal vanity in individuals, which is against the values of the church.Orthodox Amish believe that secular values and individualism threaten community harmony.Why do the Amish not use electricity?Amish lifestyle is guided by Ordnung, an unwritten set of rules that they have to follow. It dictates shunning modern technological advancements.So as electricity is considered to be a part of modern technology, it is against the rules their community follows to use electricity. They firmly believe that to stay separated from the world, they must denounce any modern equipment or technology.All these rules and customs are still followed in many church districts of the Amish where between 20-40 families live together, and every Sunday, worship services are held in any members’ home.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 23 Amish facts: explore unheard details on history and Amish community, then why not take a look at are mongoose dangerous? Do they attack us or only ‘rattle’ snakes? Or baffling Bermuda Triangle facts: deep diving into this marine mystery.

Along with Lancaster County, many Amish people had also settled in other parts of North America like Ohio, Indiana, Maryland, and even Canada.