The esteemed Australian Governor-general was once a reputed and highly respected officer of the Australian Army.It was only after his retirement and heroic achievements that he took an oath for the office. He had fought in wars with his fellow brothers and had even received medals portraying his bravery and adding stars to his military career.Both as a young spirit and even as a retired man, he continues to contribute his bit to make the community stronger and better, making the people of Australia feel safe and at peace. Peter Cosgrove is a proud citizen of Australia and has always planned to ensure that their nation moves forward. He was regarded as Sir Peter John Cosgrove when the Queen decided to choose him as the next governor-general and presented him with the title, Dame Quentin. This was a mark of great respect as Dame Quentin was long abolished and lost in the historical accounts of royal households.It was Quentin Bryce who had actually recommended Sir Peter John Cosgrove as his successor, to become the governor-general of the new term. Quentin Bryce greatly regarded the work done by the former chief of the defense. Currently, Sir Peter John Cosgrove is 74 and has peacefully retired from his office. Facts about his life and struggles have been plastered all over the news with interpretations of his interviews and his work.Most individuals appreciate his contributions to Australia and those who know him, love his nature, talent, and the knowledge he has acquired over the years. Military men and women always retain their characteristics. No matter what field they go into after retirement from the military, discipline and patriotism in them are unending. They genuinely care for their nation and the people who reside within it. The same is true for Peter John Cosgrove.He has a beautiful wife, Lynne, Lady Cosgrove, along with wonderful children and blessed grandchildren. Reports suggest that Lady Cosgrove’s children were always supportive and family relations remained well. After marrying the now retired, chief of the defense, Lynne Payne moved around to all his postings as a constant support system, she even performed her bit in helping set up collection units and working with the locals in the areas of postings. Lynne Payne even had a talent for architecture along with a keen interest and love for watching sports.Peter Cosgrove has always appreciated his wife Lynne for her contributions in the growth of his careers, both military and political, and also her hand and making him a man of his word, someone who is destined to leave the world a better place than the one he found. He was a Roman Catholic, who wanted to follow the footsteps of his warrant officer father. Seeing his father as a warrant officer, performing his duties diligently left a mark on him. His family life was well managed in art because his wife understood the importance of the work he did and was also willing to work hard to raise the family while her husband went away on assignments and led the numerous task forces.His wife was always proud of the work he did and encouraged him unconditionally. It was probably because of her love and support that he could focus on his work, hone his skills and protect the country.Read on to know more about his relationship with the Australian Prime Minister, Australian spouse, and all the working members of the government.Education Of Peter CosgroveSir Peter Cosgrove attended a regular college in his birth city, Sydney. Later on, seeing his father and drawing inspiration from him, Peter Cosgrove decided to enroll himself in the royal military college.This was the turning point for Peter Cosgrove as it decided his future. Another source of inspiration for serving his nation was Cosgrove’s uncle. Cosgrove’s uncle had served in the Royal Australian Regiment, military divisionIn his years in the Royal Military College, he learned from the experiences of some of Australia’s finest, until he finally became one. Among all the workings, the classes, lectures, and the training, he never gave up or stopped trying. When Peter Cosgrove graduated from the university, he entered the world he had dreamed about for the last few years of his life, the Royal Australian Regiment. Being part of the defense force made him feel more alive and important in all the workings.Army Service: Peter CosgroveAt the beginning of his defense force career, he was sent off to fight in the Vietnam War. Having graduated from The Royal Military College with flying colors, the chief decided to appoint Peter Cosgrove as the commander of the rifle platoon.He portrayed exceptional courage and leadership skills along with his tactical and warfare knowledge. Cosgrove fought in the Vietnam War and using his skills saved many of his team members. After the Vietnam War came to an end, he received the Military Cross. This made the Roman Catholic, national fame.He soon rose up to become the company commander, he was later appointed as an Instructor in the Infantry after which he completed some time of training in Quantico, before becoming an esteemed member of the military division. After this, in 1999, he was made the commander and head of the International Task Force East Timor (INTERFET). This task force played a major role in ensuring freedom for the people of East Timor. Peter Cosgrove stayed there until East Timor was freed. He saw joy and hope among the people of East Timor. His work in East Timor received great recognition and was acknowledged by many.The military cross that he received at the starting of his career was one among many to follow. Again, due to his excellent work and utmost dedication, he was quickly appointed the Chief of Army after being promoted to the position of Lieutenant General. Over the years, Peter received several assignments and was made the commander of numerous task forces. All the international forces were successful in their respective missions. It was on behalf of the Queensland Government, that he went to rebuild the smashed community and create the land as it was before the fierce Cyclone Larry had hit the area. Cyclone Larry has destroyed everything on its way, humans, poultry, houses, and other resources as well.After this, he took a more passive role and accepted the seat of Council of the Australian War Memorial. War and military life were his domain and although he was closer to retiring, he had the spirit to do things that really matter. He continued to work here till the chief of the defense force, Peter John, of the Royal Australian Regiment, retired and decided to join the office.Governor-General PositionChief of the defense, the once lieutenant Cosgrove ran for the office of the governor-general, but it was all very sudden, and not initiated by himself. It was the Prime Minister who in 2014 had announced general Cosgrove as a principal knight, referring to him as General Sir Peter.As Sir Peter Cosgrove retired from his military life, he devoted himself completely to the necessary administration and rulemaking. General Sir Peter described much about his father, grandfather, and his life in general in the ABC News interview following his appointment. He had also spoken to ABC News after General Cosgrove came back from the Iraq War, stating his confusions about whether to be happy or sad with this landslide victory.On becoming the governor-general Cosgrove, he made sure and paid extra attention to the functioning of the universities of the land. He believed that the key to a better future is providing the new generations with adequate and appropriate forms of information. He also feels that serving in the military and being part of the military division, international task forces, being promoted from Lieutenant Peter to Chief General Peter, are all achievements that were possible only because he had received a quality education.Fun Facts About Peter CosgrovePeter was a true person of the people. When there were unnecessary killings of the Afghans in Afghanistan by Australian SAS soldiers, he had publicly shown his dissatisfaction with the conduct.Interestingly, he completed his early education from his birthplace, Sydney, which is located in New Whales. As Cosgrove’s term came to an end, the substantive captain was succeeded by another great patriot, David Hurley. The change of office and the finishing of terms is a regular cycle in the Australian office, rarely are people re-elected for the same position.The Prime Minister named Cosgrove as the new governor-general of Australia, a commonwealth nation. The foreign minister and the defense minister, all were in sync with the decision made by the queen. Peter Cosgrove is considered to be an important figure in Australia because of his numerous contributions to the growth and safety of Australia, both as an Australian general and also as a defense member during his active service days. He has an Australian spouse and was part of the Australian army, everything about him was Australian.Even though Peter had carried out numerous task forces and assignments, his biggest contribution is considered to be his work with the Royal Australian Regiment and the International Force that aimed to save East Timor. Then again, in a separate assignment, rebuilding those homes that were badly destroyed by cyclone Larry, gave him a sense of purpose and feeling that they were helping people get back on their feet and not just fighting one war after another, causing destruction and damage on the way.Becoming Australia’s chief, after being in the Australian army, helped him understand the differences in the works of a chief of the defense and governor-general. He used his military tactics and knowledge to bring about discipline. Sir Peter Cosgrove lives happily after he retired and is still consulted on serious matters. A fun fact about Peter Cosgrove is that he even acted in a horror film. He was referred to as Cosgrove Rose on the set.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Peter Cosgrove facts then why not take a look at Peter Salem facts, or Peter Tchaikovsky facts.

The esteemed Australian Governor-general was once a reputed and highly respected officer of the Australian Army.