Capoeira may not be Brazil’s national sport, but it sure is a huge part of the country’s culture.This martial art form has its roots in the unfortunate enslavement of African people in Brazil and their need to find a tool against the colonizers. The art form is a subtle yet beautiful celebration of African music.In the 16th century, this art form played a key role, and the techniques involved in it were capable of confusing armies. The rebels that knew Capoeira were therefore in a stronger position. Capoeira later came to be seen as a threat to society and was banned for several years since a lot of criminal activity broke out after the abolishment of slavery in 1888. The people who practiced Capoeira were understandably stronger and provided the administration with greater problems in terms of controlling crime.Capoeira is usually practiced in a pair, with people surrounding the two players in a circle. The uniform usually worn for Capoeira consists of a white t-shirt and white pants. The two pieces of clothing are secured together with a belt, which also signifies the level of expertise of the person in the art form.Capoeira incorporates various features such as gymnastics and the fluid motions of dance. So, you must visit a Capoeira school the next time you happen to be in Brazil!Facts About CapoeiraCapoeira is a martial art form that is widely respected around the world for the level of skill and expertise that it requires, as well as the thrill and exhilaration that the Capoeira dancers and audience experience.The origins of this Afro-Brazilian Martial Art form have been a matter of speculation for several years.The most widely accepted theory is that this form of martial arts was invented by the Africans enslaved in Brazil in order to both amuse themselves and learn self-defense.Capoeira Angola is one such form of martial arts which has its roots in African culture, which is quite notable through the moves and the rhythmic nature of the dance.The fighting techniques used in Capoeira martial arts had to be well disguised when they were being developed in the 16th century.This was because slaves were not allowed to indulge in their African culture.The Portuguese colonists were quite careful when protecting themselves against an uprising that might come about if slaves were to learn self-defense or develop a sense of pride for their own homeland or culture.Hence, for the African people, Capoeira was not only a means of learning and practicing basic self-defense but also a survival tool.Capoeira is a martial arts form that inspires an understanding of other art forms as well.Capoeira dancers often get inspired to actually learn to play the musical instruments to which they fight.Brazilian natives that now practice the dance or sport also learn how to sing since music is an integral part of this martial art.However, the history of Capoeira is tainted with some mishaps that took place in Brazil immediately after the abolition of slavery.Capoeira’s HistoryCapoeira is an integral part of Brazilian culture now, but the people of Brazil did not feel this way about the sport during its origins.Capoeira originated from the need for a survival tool for African slaves.People from West and Central Africa were being brought to Brazil by the Portuguese in order to support their own colonies.These slaves were denied the right to show any form of appreciation for their own culture or history, and hence, they were only left with the chance of bending some rules.The origins of Capoeira Angola allowed the subjugated and tormented to learn skillful and guided movements to the beat of the music.This martial art form was treated as a form of dance in front of the authorities, but it was really a mode of self-defense that was shielded under the cover of constant and deliberately fluid movements.Capoeira is important as a martial art form because it is historically focused on the art of being able to fight even when caught in largely disadvantageous situations.Effectiveness Of CapoeiraAs with other forms of martial arts, Capoeira is a dance or fight style that requires extensive discipline and skill.The people of Brazil believe in Capoeira with all their hearts, and for good reason.The movements in Capoeira are deliberate and strong.What might seem like a dance on some light-hearted occasions, this art has the capacity of saving someone’s life in a threatening situation.The effectiveness of practicing Capoeira is easily visible through the fact that Capoeira masters are often recognized through their heightened senses and virtually undefeatable nature.Capoeira movements, needless to say, are also extremely beneficial for the body and keep people healthy and in great shape.Furthermore, this martial art form can be learned and practiced by people of all ages.Capoeira movement classes are available all over the world, which shows the popularity of the sport.Capoeira TechniquesThe Brazilian government had its own reasons for having Capoeira banned until the first few decades of the 20th century.It was in the ’30s that the Brazilian government was convinced of the cultural importance of Capoeira and lifted the ban that denied people the right to practice such movements.In the time that Capoeira was banned in Brazil, a Capoeira master named Bimba convinced the authorities that the martial art was not evil.Bimba was allowed to open a Capoeira school, but not under this name.This was the beginning of the regional style of Capoeira in Brazil.As the ban was lifted later on, Brazil was blessed with two more forms.The regional style had Master Bimba’s own improvisations, while the Capoeira Angola came to be recognized as the style that was originally developed.Constant motion is an integral part of Capoeira and helps in making sure that the player is not an easy target.The fluid and unpredictable motions help the player in dodging attacks in a fight.

Capoeira may not be Brazil’s national sport, but it sure is a huge part of the country’s culture.