Arch of the Titus is an honorific roman monument constructed in the first century AD at the southeast Roman Forum.The monument is known as one of the world’s oldest and still standing masterpieces of all time. It was constructed by the emperor Domitian, the monument is dedicated to his father and brother.The Vespasian and the Titus, whose contribution was instrumental in the Greek and Jewish war that lasted for about eight years.To be particularly precise the location of the arch of the emperor Titus was built on the foot of the palatine hill on one of the important main streets of Rome, via sacra (important medieval times street). For many years after it was made, Roman soldiers would walk through the arch of Titus after arriving in the city after the wars! The architect of the arch of Titus is still not known! Of course, historians have certain names, but no one with solid proof has been confirmed yet! The Arch of Titus was one of the first ancient monuments to have undergone a modern restoration process! The arch of Titus is one of the only oldest monuments still standing. The number of relics found in the Arch of Titus tells the story and demonstrates the various powerful king-like positions of the Emperor’s father the Vespasian and his sibling Titus.After reading about Arch of Titus facts, also check facts about ancient Rome dome and facts about ancient Athens.Arch Of Titus HistoryArch of Titus is one of the principal historical monuments found in the Eternal City, Rome, Italy. The triumphal arch of Titus was built by emperor Domitian, in medieval times to immortalize the triumphs and victories of his father the Vespasian, and brother emperor Titus in the war of jews, Judea around 70-71 CE.This Greek-Jewish war which started around 66 CE in Jerusalem resulted in a lot of rebellion, turmoil, loss of life, and destruction of cities. But around 69 CE the Greeks gained the upper hand, sacking the great city of Jerusalem and stripping the great city of its riches and treasures.The contribution of the emperor’s father Vespasian and Titus was significant, they won the war. And Romans of course are known greatly for their outlandish and grandeur celebrations. Emperor Domitian was so overwhelmed with joy that he decided to build a monument in their names, to commemorate their win. The monument was built in Rome.Hence began the construction of one of the smallest and oldest monuments known as the Arch of Titus.Arch Of Titus Architecture DetailsThe architects of the arch of Titus indeed have done a great job in respect to the inscriptions, drawings, and carving.Each and every part of the arch tells unique compelling stories and also shows us the enormity of power the emperor and elites held. As mentioned in these facts, the arch was constructed mainly by using Pentelic marbles. One of the relics is carved in three-quarter view, which means the view of Titus riding a four-horse chariot can be seen from all three ways. The monument is also known for its first-ever attempts by architects to create the illusion of space.Arch Of Titus InscriptionAs per a picture by Steven Fine, the inscriptions are written in the Roman square capitals:‘SENATVS POPVLVSQVEROMANVS DIVOTITODIVIVESPASIANIF(ILIO) VESPASIANOAVGVSTO’Translated in English, it means, ’the Roman people and the senate dedicate the monument to the son of the divine Vespasian, the deified Titus Vespasian Augustus.’! The use of the word ‘divo’ before the name of this is to signify death.Triumphal Arch Of Titus Map And LocationThe exact location of the arch of Titus, an ancient roman architecture marvel is said to be-Via Scara 00186, Roma RM, Italy.Via Scara was one of the commercial and busiest streets of ancient Rome!Arch Of Titus TodayArch of Titus today has stood the various tests of time, and has remained as one of the greatest monuments is have built-in human history.This is mainly because of its historical and cultural significance, irrespective of the height of this grand monument, it will always remain as one of the finest examples of Roman architecture. Rome, also called the eternal city, wasn’t built in a day, but the ancient monuments, ruins, conquests, arts, kings, that were formed and created in its very heart hold a place so special to the whole of humanity.Restoration Of The Arch Of TitusThe monument was restored in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, by the various well known emperors and politicians of their time.Arch of Titus monument had to be restored not because of any architectural miscalculation but because it stood the test of time, weather, conquests.The Arch of Titus is a 1st-century honorific arch found on Rome’s Via Sacra, immediately south east of the Roman Forum.It was built by Roman Emperor Domitian shortly after the death of his older brother Titus in c. 81 AD to celebrate the official deification of Titus or consecration and triumph of emperor Titus over the Jewish insurrection in Judaea with their father, Roman emperor Vespasian. The triumphant procession celebrated in 71 AD following the Roman conquest resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem is depicted in the arch as a cultural heritage, which is one of the rare contemporary portrayals of Herod’s Temple relics.It became a symbol of the Jewish diaspora (Jewish people), and the menorah portrayed on the arch was utilized as the model for the state of Israel’s menorah. The plunder of the Temple in Jerusalem is depicted on the south inner panel (relief panel or the inner archway). The major focus is the golden candelabrum, or Menorah, which is etched in strong relief. The Gold Trumpets, the fire pans for removing the ashes from the altar, and the Table of Shewbread are among the sacred articles brought in the triumphal procession.These riches were most likely originally painted gold with a blue background. The Arch of Titus Digital Restoration Project uncovered yellow ochre paint remnants on the menorah relief in 2012. The ‘Spoils of Jerusalem’ sculpture on the inside arch of the Arch of Titus similar to the India Gate, ’the arch of the Seven Lamps of Titus and Vespasian; (where Moses’ candlestick has seven branches, with the Ark, at the foot of the Cartulary Tower,’ wrote the medieval Latin tourist book Mirabilia Urbis Romae of the monument.The Frangipani family added a second story to the vault during the Middle Ages, transforming it into a fortified tower; beam holes from the building can still be seen in the panels. It was declared the site of a yearly oath of obedience by Pope Paul IV. Personifications of victory as winged women adorn the arch’s upper left and right spandrels. The keystone is located between the spandrels, with a female on the east side and a male on the west side.The plunder of the Temple in Jerusalem is depicted on the south inner panel. The major focus is the golden candelabrum, or Menorah, which is etched in strong relief. The Gold Trumpets, the firepans for removing the ashes from the altar, and the Table of Shewbread are among the sacred articles brought in the triumphal procession. These riches were most likely originally painted gold with a blue background.The Arch of Titus Digital Restoration Project uncovered yellow ochre paint remnants on the menorah relief in 2012. The Arch was made as a respective gesture to Goddess Roma. When the Arch of Titus was integrated into medieval defensive walls, the sculpture on the exterior sides of the two great piers was lost. The arch’s attic was once crowned by further statuary, possibly of a gilded chariot.The primary inscription was once embellished with letters made of silver, gold, or another metal. Pius the Seventh, Supreme Pontiff, ordered new works on the model of the ancient exemplar to fortify and maintain this monument, which was noteworthy in terms of both religion and art. This fortified tower alongside other triumphal arches was made in the Roman province as a gesture of Roman triumph at the Roman Forum.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Arch of Titus facts then why not take a look at ancient Irish weapons or ancient wooden weapons?

Arch of the Titus is an honorific roman monument constructed in the first century AD at the southeast Roman Forum.