Why Most Interesting Man In The World Quotes?If you know about the most interesting man in the world, you can recognize him when he says his signature slogan, “I don’t always drink beer. But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis”. However, the face of the most interesting man in the world was changed as ‘Dos Equis’ wanted their ambassador to be more in line with contemporary times, and relatable to the recent drinkers so that the brand does not become out of date. The new most interesting man in the world is actor Augustin Legrand. The Most Interesting Man In The World was a Dos Equis beer promotional campaign. By auditioning for the part, Goldsmith secured the Dos Equis contract. The finishing line was given to the auditioners “…and that’s how I arm-wrestled Fidel Castro” and told to improvise. By pulling one sock, Goldsmith began his performance and then experimented for 30 minutes before hitting the final line. The character was inspired by Fernando Lamas, his late sailing partner, and companion. Although Jonathan Goldsmith is no longer the most interesting man in the world, he will always be an icon for it. This list of the best most interesting man in the world quotes includes quotes from the most interesting man in the world and the new most interesting man in the world quotes.What Parents Should KnowJonathan Goldsmith is said to be The Most Interesting Man in The advertisements for Dos Equis beer which features an older bearded, debonair gentleman.The advertisement shows Jonathan sitting in a social setting surrounded by beautiful young women. It offers viewers brief opinions on specific subjects.His face alone can take you to the top of fashion shows and award ceremonies, and his touch alone can make anyone’s life the best day.What To Talk About With KidsJonathan Goldsmith is an American actor who was born on September 26, 1938.He started his career on the New York stage and later in film and television.He is mentioned as the most Interesting Man in an advertisement.He is shown rescuing an enraged bear from a painful-looking bear trap and firing billiard trick shots in front of an audience.Most Interesting Man In The World Quotes By Jonathan GoldsmithThese are some of the best most interesting man in the world quotes from the brand ‘Dos Equis’ beer from the most interesting man in the world himself, Jonathan Goldsmith. Enjoy this list of quotes Jonathan Goldsmith has to say about his life as the most interesting man in the world. It makes us wish to be that charming and successful in life someday, and that our blood smells like cologne. Go on, enjoy these short quotes from the comfort of your home.1. “I never say something tastes like chicken.. not even chicken.“2. “Stay thirsty my friends.“3. “Superman has pajamas with my logo.“4. “I don’t always talk about schizophrenia, but when I do, so do I.“5. “My tears can cure cancer, too bad I never cry.“6. “Sharks have a week dedicated to me.“7. “The circus ran away to join me.“8. “The dark is afraid of me.“9. “Bear hugs are what I give bears.“10. “I once made a weeping willow laugh.“11. “I once brought a knife to a gunfight… just to even the odds.“12. “In museums, I am allowed to touch the art.“13. “When I met the Pope, the Pope kissed my ring.“14. “I once won a fist fight only using my beard.“15. “My friends call me by my name, my enemies don’t call me anything because they are all dead.“16. “A bird in my hand is worth three in the bush.“17. “If I were to visit the dark side of the moon, it wouldn’t be dark.“18. “The Holy Grail is looking for me.“19. “My passport has no photograph.“20. “Roses stop to smell me.“21. “When I drive a car off the lot, its price increases in value.“22. “Bigfoot tries to get pictures of me.“23. “Once a rattlesnake bit me, after five days of excruciating pain, the snake finally died.“24. “I once turned a vampire into a vegetarian.“25. “My cinco de Mayo party starts on the 8th of March.“26. “I never wear a watch because time is always on my side.“27. “My feet don’t get blisters, but my shoes do.“28. “Batman watches Saturday morning cartoons about me.“29. “I once went to the psychic, to warn her.“30. “Mosquitoes refuse to bite me, purely out of respect.“31. “If I were to punch you in the face you would have to fight off a strong urge to thank me.“32. “When I go to Spain, I chase the bulls.“33. “Whatever side of the tracks I am currently on is the right side, even if I cross the tracks I’ll still be on the right side.“34. “Time waits on no one, but me.“Advert QuotesThe best most interesting man in the world quotes also includes best commercial sayings from all over the world. It has made the Dos Equis beer a craze around the world. Each day his photograph appears on an advert, fans all across the world go crazy. After all, his blood smells like cologne. Each photograph tops the previous in the list. Enjoy these award-worthy sayings from the best most interesting man in the world quotes that appeared in advertisements. These quotes about the most interesting man in the world have been sourced from various campaigns and adverts of Dos Equis, although there is no proper documentation of this. Let us know, if you know, which campaign these most interesting man in the world quotes are from.35. “His former landlord uses him as a reference.”- Unknown.*36. “Regardless of the temperature you can never see his breath.”- Unknown.*37. “He’s won the same lifetime achievement award twice.”- Unknown.*38. “His mother has a tattoo that reads son.”- Unknown.*39. “He’s never had to make a reservation for Valentine’s Day.”- Unknown.*40. “The police often question him just because they find him interesting.”- Unknown.*41. “His blood smells like cologne.”- Unknown.*42. “He has inside jokes with complete strangers.”- Unknown.*43. “He’s on the upgrade list for flights he hasn’t even checked into.”- Unknown.*44. “His guacamole inspired the term ‘holy guacamole’.”- Unknown.*45. “He can speak French… in Russian.”- Unknown.*46. “His piñatas fight back.”- Unknown.*47. “Bikers walk their motorcycles past his home.”- Unknown.*48. “He can identify UFOs.”- Unknown.*49. “His words carry weight that would break a less interesting man’s jaw.”- Unknown.*40. “The Aztec calendar has his Cinco de Mayo party chiseled on it.”- Unknown.*51. “When he has a 50/50 shot, the odds are 80/20 in his favor.”- Unknown.*52. “He has never relied on mistletoe.”- Unknown.*53. “If he were to mispronounce your name, you would feel compelled to change it.”- Unknown.*54. “He is the only person to ever find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.”- Unknown.*55. “If opportunity knocks, and he’s not home, opportunity waits.”- Unknown.*56. “He can make orange juice out of apples.”- Unknown.*57. “His two cents is worth $37 in change.”- Unknown.*58. “He has written piano concertos on the Ukulele.”- Unknown.*59. “If he were to pat you on the back, you would list it on your resume.”- Unknown.*60. “Presidents celebrate his birthday.”- Unknown.*61. “He once ran a marathon, because it was on his way.”- Unknown.*62. “Aliens have asked him to probe them.”- Unknown.*63. “His shirts never wrinkle.”- Unknown.*64. “Only he knows why the mariachi band never stops smiling.”- Unknown.*65. “When it is raining, it is because he is thinking of something sad.”- Unknown.*66. “His pronunciation is impeccable, even under water.”- Unknown.*67. “His beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man’s entire body.”- Unknown.*68. “In a past life, he was himself.”- Unknown.*Funny QuotesThe most interesting man in the world is believed to have taught Chuck Norris quite a few skills in his day. Everything that comes in touch with Jonathan Goldsmith is believed to improve. Even his blood smells like cologne, so we can only imagine what his touch is worth. Here are some best the most interesting man in the world quotes that are funny enough to paint a photograph in your mind. Keep reading. These quotes about the most interesting man in the world are fictitious and we would love to know the sources of their origin.69. “On every continent in the world, there is a sandwich named after him.”- Unknown.*70. “He has crossed the point of no return – on several occasions.”- Unknown.*71. “His hands feel like rich brown suede.”- Unknown.*72. “Two countries went to war to dispute HIS nationality.”- Unknown.*73. “He is left-handed and right handed.”- Unknown.*74. “When his wife gave birth to their 1st child, everyone congratulated…the child.”- Unknown.*75. “If he were to mail a letter without postage, it would still get there.”- Unknown.*76. “UFOs report sightings of him.”- Unknown.*77. “If he were to punch you in the face, you would have to fight off the urge to thank him.”- Unknown.*78. “Jesus wears a bracelet saying what would He do….”- Unknown.*79. “His business card simply says ‘I’ll call you’.”- Unknown.*80. “His charm is so contagious vaccines have been created for it.”- Unknown.*81. “Cuba imports cigars from him.”- Unknown.*82. “His cereal never gets soggy. It sits there, staying crispy, just for him.”- Unknown.*83. “He bowls overhand.”- Unknown.*84. “He wouldn’t be afraid to show his feminine side if he had one.”- Unknown.*85. “He is fluent in all languages including three that he only Speaks.”- Unknown.*86. “He once punched a magician.”- Unknown.*87. “He tips an astonishing 100%.”- Unknown.*88. “He is the only man to have ever aced a Rorschach test.”- Unknown.*89. “Once while sailing around the world, he discovered a short cut.”- Unknown.*90. “His legend precedes him the way lightning precedes thunder.”- Unknown.*90. “Panhandlers give him money.”- Unknown.*91. “Elephants visit his dead ancestors.”- Unknown.*92. “If he were to say something costs an arm and a leg, it would.”- Unknown.*93. “When he dines at a fine restaurant the waiter tips him.”- Unknown.*94. “His organ donation card also lists his beard.”- Unknown.*95. “He once killed five birds with one stone.”- Unknown.*96. “He has never walked into a spider web.”- Unknown.*97. “He doesn’t believe in using oven mitts, nor potholders.”- Unknown.*98. “The star on his Christmas tree is tracked by NASA.”- Unknown.*99. “He has amassed an incredibly large DVD library and it is said he never once alphabetized it.”- Unknown.*100. “Respected archaeologists fight over his discarded apple cores.”- Unknown.*101. “He has been known to cure narcolepsy just by walking into the room.”- Unknown.*102. “Even his tree houses have fully furnished basements.”- Unknown.*Most Interesting Man In The World Quotes About Jonathan GoldsmithHis face alone can make it to the first of any fashion list or any award show. His touch alone can make it the best day of anybody’s life. He is none other than Jonathan Goldsmith or the most interesting man in the world who endorses Dos Equis beer. This is a list of the best short quotes about Jonathan Goldsmith, or the best most interesting man in the world quotes, which you can read alone or share with your friends first. Some of these most interesting man in the world quotes have been made up by various people who remained anonymous and some have been passed around. If you know the attribution to these most interesting man in the world quotes, we would love to hear from you.103. “His wallet is woven out of chupacabra leather.”- Unknown.*104. “He once got pulled over for speeding, and the cop got the ticket.”- Unknown.*105. “He once caught the Loch Ness Monster….with a cane pole but threw it back.”- Unknown.*106. “The dark is afraid of him.”- Unknown.*107. “He’s never lost a game of chance.”- Unknown.*108. “He once won the Tour-de-France, but was disqualified for riding a unicycle.”- Unknown.*109. “His garden maze is responsible for more missing persons than the bermuda triangle.”- Unknown.*110. “He is allowed to talk about the fight club.”- Unknown.*111. “He was on a recent archaeological dig and came across prehistoric foot prints that lead out of Africa into all parts of the world. On close inspection, it turned out that the prints were his.”- Unknown.*113. “When he holds a lady’s purse, he looks manly.”- Unknown.*114. “He once taught a German shepherd how to bark in Spanish.”- Unknown.*115. “His shadow has been on the ‘best dressed’ list twice.”- Unknown.*116. “No less than 25 Mexican folk songs have been written about his beard.”- Unknown.*117. “He has taught old dogs a variety of new tricks.”- Unknown.*118. “The Nobel Academy was awarded a prize from him.”- Unknown.*119. “Freemasons strive to learn his secret handshake.”- Unknown.*120. “While swimming off the coast of Australia, he once scratched the underbelly of the Great White with his right hand.”- Unknown.*121. “He played a game of Russian Roulette with a fully loaded magnum and won.”- Unknown.*122. “He taught Chuck Norris martial arts.”- Unknown.*123. “He is considered a national treasure in countries he’s never visited.”- Unknown.*124. “Werewolves are jealous of his beard.”- Unknown.*125. “His pillow is cool on both sides.”- Unknown.*126. “He once started a fire using only dental floss and water.”- Unknown.*127. “When he meets the Pope, the Pope kisses his ring.”- Unknown.*128. “His sweat is the cure for the common cold.”- Unknown.*129. “He has never waited 15 mins after finishing a meal before returning to the pool.”- Unknown.*130. “Freemasons strive to learn his secret handshake.”- Unknown.*131. “His ten gallon hat holds twenty gallons.”- Unknown.*132. “Google is the one who searches him.”- Unknown.*133. “His signature won a Pulitzer.”- Unknown.*134. “The sasquatch took a picture of him instead.”- Unknown.*135. “When a tree falls in a forest and no one is there, he hears it.”- Unknown.*136. “He is ambidextrous.”- Unknown.*Meme QuotesA meme is a photograph paired with texts that unite to imply something funny. Some memes touch us and tickle our funny bones so much that they are deserving of an award. Here are some of the best most interesting man in the world quotes that are derived from memes. Since these most interesting man in the world quotes are from memes, there are no known sources for them. However we all love memes and would be delighted to know the appropriate sources for these quotes!137. “I don’t always make memes but when I do you read them in my voice.”- Unknown.*138. “I don’t always make spaghetti, but when I do I make enough to end starvation.”- Unknown.*139. “I don’t always see…but when I do, it’s what you did there.”- Unknown.*140. “I don’t always go to McDonald’s, but when I do I’m lovin’ it.”- Unknown.*141. “I don’t always carry on, but when I do, I keep calm.”- Unknown.*142. “I don’t always plant trees, but when I do they’re happy.”- Unknown.*143. “I don’t always drink beer, but when I do I drink a lot.”- Unknown.*144. “I don’t always argue with atheists, but when I do I realize they know way more about the Bible than I do.”- Unknown.*145. “I’m not always up before 7am but when I am, it’s because I haven’t gone to sleep.”- Unknown.*146. “I don’t always defy the law of physics but when I do, I get scolded by Isaac Newton.”- Unknown.*147. “I don’t always post on your Facebook but when I do, it must be your birthday.”- Unknown.*148. “I don’t always talk about mental health, but when I do, it’s to erase stigma and educate.”- Unknown.*149. “I don’t always shit in a public restroom but when I do it sounds like a Michael Bay film.”- Unknown.*150. “I don’t always put the lime in the coconut but when I do, I shake it all up.”- Unknown.*151. “I don’t always have a chopper, but when I do, I get to it.”- Unknown.*152. “I don’t always carry all the groceries on one arm but when I do, my keys are in the right pocket.”- Unknown.*153. “I don’t always read Yahoo articles, but when I do it’s for the comments.”- Unknown.*154. “I don’t normally like work but when I do, it’s on Fridays.”- Unknown.*155. “I don’t always play Starfox, but when I do I barrel roll.”- Unknown.*156. “I don’t always read the directions on toothpaste but when I do, it’s because I forgot my smartphone when I went to the bathroom.”- Unknown.*157. “I don’t always accidentally, but when I do I accidentally the whole thing.”- Unknown.*158. “I don’t always go to Starbucks but when I do, I refuse the ordering etiquette and order a large black coffee.”- Unknown.*159. “I don’t always go to the gym, but when I do, I tell Facebook.”- Unknown.*160. “I don’t always do sit ups but when I do, I immediately check in the mirror to see if my six pack has arrived.”- Unknown.*161. “I don’t always pass slow driver, but when I do I check to see if they look as silly as they drive.”- Unknown.*162. “I don’t always go to the dentist but when I do, I brush and floss the heck out of my teeth the night before.”- Unknown.*163. “I don’t always diet and exercise, but when I do I expect the results to be instant, dramatic, and spectacular.”- Unknown.*164. “I don’t always find music I like but when I do, I listen to it continuously until I don’t like it anymore.”- Unknown.*165. “I don’t always question myself, but when I do, I like my answer.”- Unknown.*166. " I don’t always use Internet Explorer but when I do, it’s to download a different browser.”- Unknown.*167. “I don’t always have a birthday, but when I do, I don’t make wishes. I grant them.”- Unknown.*168. “I don’t always watch Netflix but when I do, I spend 20 minutes trying to find a movie I’ve already seen that I’m willing to watch again.”- Unknown.*169. “I don’t always travel to the sun, but when I do, I go at night when it’s cooler.”- Unknown.*170. “I don’t always play a red shirt on Star Trek but when I do, I survive the whole episode.”- Unknown.*Best Jonathan Goldsmith Quotes171.“Being boring is a choice, those milded salsas and pleated khakis don’t buy themselves”172. ‘I gave my father “the talk”’.173. “My passport has no photograph.”174. “Once a rattlesnake bit me, after 5 days of excruciating pain, the snake finally died.”175. “Whatever side of the tracks am currently on is the right side, even if I cross the tracks I’ll still be on the right side.”176. “I can speak Russian… in French”177. “I never say something tastes like chicken.. not even chicken.”178. “Superman has pajamas with my logo.”179. “I once brought a knife to a gunfight… just to even the odds.”180. “I once won a staring contest with my own reflection.”181. “I can kill two stones with one bird.”182. “When a tree falls in a forest and no one is there, I hear it.”183. “I once got pulled over for speeding, and the cop got the ticket.”184. “My ten gallon hat holds twenty gallons.”185. “No less than 25 Mexican folk songs have been written about my beard.”186. “I live vicariously through myself.”187. “My business card simply says ‘I’ll Call You”.188. “I once taught a german shepherd how to bark in spanish.”189. “I bowl overhand.”190. “In museums, I am allowed to touch the art.”191. “I am allowed to talk about the fight club.”192. “I once won a fist fight, only using my beard.”193. “I once won the Tour-de-France, but was disqualified for riding a unicycle.”194. “My sweat is the cure for the common cold.”195. “Bigfoot tries to get pictures of me.”196. “Werewolves are jealous of my beard.”197. “I once won the world series of poker using UNO cards.”198. “I have won the lifetime achievement award… twice.”199. “If opportunity knocks, and I am not at home, opportunity waits.”200. “I once had an awkward moment, just to see how it feels.”You might also likeBest man quotesChanging the world quotesYou are my world quotes

If you know about the most interesting man in the world, you can recognize him when he says his signature slogan, “I don’t always drink beer. But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis”. However, the face of the most interesting man in the world was changed as ‘Dos Equis’ wanted their ambassador to be more in line with contemporary times, and relatable to the recent drinkers so that the brand does not become out of date. The new most interesting man in the world is actor Augustin Legrand. The Most Interesting Man In The World was a Dos Equis beer promotional campaign. By auditioning for the part, Goldsmith secured the Dos Equis contract. The finishing line was given to the auditioners “…and that’s how I arm-wrestled Fidel Castro” and told to improvise. By pulling one sock, Goldsmith began his performance and then experimented for 30 minutes before hitting the final line. The character was inspired by Fernando Lamas, his late sailing partner, and companion. Although Jonathan Goldsmith is no longer the most interesting man in the world, he will always be an icon for it. This list of the best most interesting man in the world quotes includes quotes from the most interesting man in the world and the new most interesting man in the world quotes.