John Paul Jones was a revered American naval commander who played a pivotal role in the American Revolution and won many victories against the British navy.He’s most famous for defeating the British naval ships in the midst of British waters. He became a well-known mainly only in the United States, but some throughout the world have heard of him, and is remembered by many as the father of the American navy.His most famous quote is “I have not yet begun to fight!”, which is what he really said while standing on the deck of the Bon Homme Richard when his enemies asked him to surrender. He ended up being victorious, but unfortunately, it was at the cost of the lives of many of his men. His ship is well remembered not only because of its victories, but also because it was named after Benjamin Franklin. He’s one of the most celebrated heroes in the history of the United States navy, and is fondly remembered for his courage, wit, determination, and willpower. We hope you enjoy these quotes by John Paul Jones, one of the most reputed naval commanders of the United States navy!If you liked these John Paul Jones quotes, you should check out Andrew Jackson and John Witherspoon.Best John Paul Jones QuotesIf you were looking for John Paul Jones famous quotes, then you’re in the right place. John Paul Jones had so much life and character within himself that he was able to influence not only his own generation, but also the generations after him. Here are the best John Paul Jones quotes, all for you.1. “My desire for fame is infinite.”- John Paul Jones.2. “Where men of fine feeling are concerned there is seldom misunderstanding.”- John Paul Jones.3. “If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery.”- John Paul Jones.4. “It seems to be a law of nature, inflexible and inexorable, that those who will not risk cannot win.”- John Paul Jones.5. “Whoever can surprise well must conquer.”- John Paul Jones.6.  “The common class of mankind are actuated by no nobler principle than that of self-interest; this, and this only, determines all adventurers in privateers, the owners as well as those they employ.”- John Paul Jones.7. “My fortune is liberal enough, having no wife nor family, and having lived long enough to know that riches cannot ensure happiness.”- John Paul Jones.Fantastic John Paul Jones Navy QuotesIf you typed in ‘John Paul Jones sailor quotes’, or ‘John Paul Jones quotes navy’ on your search bar, then you’re in luck! We have the best John Paul Jones quotes by the father of the American navy, for you!8. “I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; for I intend to go in harm’s way.”- John Paul Jones.9. “It was my intention to lay the Bon homme Richard athwart the Enemies Bow but as that Opperation required great dexterity in the Management of both Sails and Helm And some of our Braces being Shot away it did not exactly succeed to my wish.”- John Paul Jones.10. “A navy is essentially and necessarily aristocratic.”- John Paul Jones.“And without a respectable navy - alas, America!”- John Paul Jones.11. “But I need use no arguments to convince you of the necessity of making the emoluments of our navy equal, if not superior, to their’s. “- John Paul Jones.12. “Much wisdom, and more knowledge than we possess, is in my humble opinion necessary to the formation of such a naval constitution as is absolutely wanting.”- John Paul Jones.13. “From the observations I have made, and what I have read, it is my opinion, that in a navy, there ought to be as many grades below a captain of the line, as there are below the colonel of a regiment.”- John Paul Jones.14. “My plan for forming a proper corps of sea officers, is by teaching them the naval tactics in a fleet of evolution.”- John Paul Jones.Amazing John Paul Jones Revolutionary War QuotesJohn Paul Jones quotes will provide you with a deeper insight about not only the American navy, but also the American Revolution. We have a list of marvelous John Paul Jones quotes that will blow you away! Here are some amazing John Paul Jones quotes about war and the revolution!15. “An honorable Peace is and always was my first wish! I can take no delight in the effusion of human Blood; but, if this War should continue, I wish to have the most active part in it.”- John Paul Jones.16. “A captain of the line must at this day be a tactician.”- John Paul Jones.17. “I have not yet begun to fight!”- John Paul Jones.18. “I would lay down my life for America but I cannot trifle with my honor.”- John Paul Jones.19. “I have not as yet thought of it, but am determined to make you strike.”- John Paul Jones.20. “The situation of America is new in the annals of mankind; her affairs cry haste, and speed must answer them.”- John Paul Jones.21. “There is now, perhaps, as much difference between a battle between two ships and an engagement between two fleets, as there is between a duel and a ranged battle between two armies.”- John Paul Jones.22. “For you must know, Yankees do not haul down their colors till they are fairly beaten.”- John Paul Jones.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for John Paul Jones quotes then why not take a look at William Booth quotes, or Boat quotes?

John Paul Jones was a revered American naval commander who played a pivotal role in the American Revolution and won many victories against the British navy.