Father Solanus Casey was a priest in the Catholic Church in the United States.Not just a spiritual counselor, Father Solanus was an inspirational guide to all seeking peace by the grace of God. Father Solanus Casey taught his disciples the significance of the present moment and the beauty of life.We all seek to vent when harsh circumstances befall us. We seek it in the company of others, where while some turn a deaf ear, some others aren’t able to pacify us even if they try. Father Solanus was one such man who devoted and dedicated his entire life to provide solace and comfort to his disciples, to be able to draw them out from the pandemonium of their lives. Father Solanus was a rescuer, a guiding light in dark times and a true believer in the grace of God. His words, even today, continue to be a torchbearer for each one of us who is looking for a silver lining in the mayhem of their cloudy life.If you’re looking for more related content, do check worship quotes and [St. Ignatius quotes].Best Father Solanus Casey QuotesThese Fr. Solanus Casey quotes will enable you to have a closer look on life and will help think over your purpose and distinction of choice. Have a calming read, people!1. “The only science that gives purpose to every other science is the science of religion - the science of our happy relationship with, and our providential dependence on God and our neighbor.”- Fr. Solanus Casey.2. “It’s ‘Heaven Begun’, for the grateful on earth.”- Fr. Solanus Casey.3. “Worry is a weakness from which very few of us are entirely free. We must be on guard against this most insidious enemy of our peace of soul. Instead let us foster confidence in God, and thank Him ahead of time for whatever he chooses to send us.”- Fr. Solanus Casey.4. “What does it matter where we go? Wherever we go, won’t we be serving God there? And wherever we go, won’t we have Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament with us? Isn’t that enough to make us happy?”- Fr. Solanus Casey.5. “Gratitude is the first sign of a thinking, rational creature.”- Fr. Solanus Casey.6. “We must be faithful to the present moment or we will frustrate the plan of God for our lives.”- Fr. Solanus Casey.7. “Have faith in God, shake off excessive worry, and thank God ahead of time!”- Fr. Solanus Casey.8. “Blessed be God in all his designs."-Fr. Solanus Casey.9. “If we only try to show the Dear Lord a good will and ask Him for resignation to the crosses He sends or permits to come our way, we may be sure that sooner or later they will turn out to have been just so many blessings in disguise."-Fr. Solanus Casey.10. “May God bless you and multiply His graces and joys in your soul."-Fr. Solanus Casey11. “How little we realize what a benefit it is that we taste sorrow now and then. Get acquainted with the Queen of Martyrs, God’s Mother’s suffering, and you will learn something of how we ought to love sorrow and pain in this life.”- Fr. Solanus Casey.12. “Death can be very beautiful - like a wedding - if we make it so.”- Fr. Solanus Casey.The Blessed Solanus Casey QuotesThese quotes from Father Solanus Casey will open new windows for you, will organically make you contemplate on the significant things in your life, will help you let go and embrace the beauty in the natural elements of life. We hope that you ave an enriching read of these blessed Solanus Casey quotes!13. “Courage therefore, and with the soul’s eye fixed on the goal of eternity, struggle on.”- Fr. Solanus Casey.14. “Gratitude is the first sign of a thinking rational creature.”- Fr. Solanus Casey.15. “May this find you with the best of outlooks, namely a lively, firm and ardent faith, hope and charity - the Triune virtues."-Fr. Solanus Casey.16. “We worry and fret about the morrow as though Our Dear Lord had never spoken a word about His Divine Providence, or proved His loving solicitude for each of us a thousand times a day."-Fr. Solanus Casey.17. “Mary gave birth to Christ in a manger at Bethlehem–the rest of us 33 years later–under the cross at Calvary."-Fr. Solanus Casey.18. “God bless you and yours!"-Fr. Solanus Casey.19. “I give my soul to Jesus Christ.”- Solanus Casey.20. “Let us prepare for our final moment on earth by patient suffering, prayer, and the Sacraments; then we will receive with joyful countenance, the final call of the Divine Lover, the Bridegroom of our souls, and gently pass into eternity.”- Fr. Solanus Casey.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Solanus Casey quotes then why not take a look at Smith Wigglesworth quotes, or faith in God quotes?

Father Solanus Casey was a priest in the Catholic Church in the United States.