The year 1968 is considered to be a year of tragedy and triumph.International and national events changed the scene of America. 1968 is frequently viewed as a significant year in modern history, especially in America, as political and social issues.Some historians consider 1968 as the year of social disturbance in modern times in America. It was not just a summit of the last decade’s politics, but it also carried a storm for power with it, and not every bit of it was positive.History is a progression of twisted events, each prompting the other, and tiny shifts can fundamentally alter their course. It was a defining moment for a long time. Different major historical events of 1968 had impacted the world, and most led to the change in direction. Here we have listed in detail some important events of 1968. If you enjoyed reading our article, you could also read about 1967 referendum facts and ’70s facts.1968 Flu Pandemic (Pandemic)In 1968 many important events happened, loaded up with change, disturbance, misfortune, and achievement. We have highlighted the main events to let you know how it was a turbulent year.Some of the defining events in U.S. history until 1968 or significant events in American history are that America reached its peak by presenting the initial 747 and orbiting the moon. Kennedy Space Center launched the Apollo, an outstanding achievement against the Soviet Union. The great astronauts who flew on Apollo 8 were Jim Lovell, Frank Borman, and Bill Anders. The toys introduced in 1968 were Hot Wheels or die-cast toys.U.S. Navy intelligence boat was lost, riots in Washington DC, North Korea seized the USS Pueblo, cold war tensions, Farmington Mine disaster in West Virginia, and the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1968.Civil Rights Act of 1968 is a Fair Housing Act that forbids discrimination related to financing, rental, or sale of a house based on national origin, religion, race, and sex. Because of the relentless and turbulent events, 1968 was a watershed year in American history.Spokesman and leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy were assassinated. America was shocked by the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy.1968 is considered a year of upheaval because of Vietnam War’s Tet Offensive and increased social agitation over the Vietnam War.On 30 January 1968, North Vietnamese communist forces dispatched the Tet Offensive against South Vietnam and the U.S., where the troops were positioned.On the night of 4 April 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down by James Earl Ray at his hotel after giving a speech at an event in favor of the striking sterilization laborers in Memphis, Tennessee.Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who was the brother of John F. Kennedy, was shot before a crowd of people following a triumph in the California primary election at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on 5th June 1968.The year 1968 also saw the rise of many artists- John Fred and his playboy band became popular, Family Stone and Harper Valley were famous. American actor Elvis Presley and American actress Elizabeth Taylor made it a memorable year. John Steinbeck was a great American writer. Debra Barnes was crowned as Miss America.Another significant strife was the Flu Pandemic in 1968. The Flu Pandemic in 1968, also known as the Hong Kong 1968 Flu Pandemic or the Hong Kong flu in 1968, was a worldwide episode of influenza.In July the year of 1968, influenza started in China from 1969 to 1970. Hong Kong flu was similar to the H1N1 virus influenza pandemic in 1918–19 and the H2N2 flu pandemic in 1957.The 1968 flu pandemic killed around four million people, far less than the influenza pandemic in 1918–19, which had around 25-50 million people. The 1968 flu pandemic is believed to be caused by developing a virus identified as influenza A subtype H3N2. According to research, the 1968 flu pandemic was caused by the virus strain of the pandemic in 1957 .The 1957 pandemic influenza virus has developed through H3N2 through an antigenic shift interaction. The hemagglutinin antigen on the external surface of the infection went through hereditary change to create the new H3 antigen.Since the new virus held the neuraminidase antigen N2, people infected by the 1957 virus had immunity against the 1968 virus. It clarifies the gentleness of the 1968 episode in comparison with the pandemic of 1918–19.The 1968 flu pandemic caused changing levels of seriousness among populations. For instance, while the disease impacted only some individuals in Japan, it was inescapable and destructive in America. Contamination caused respiratory side effects of common flu and delivered indications of fever, chills, weakness, and pain in the muscles.United States Presidential Election Of 1968The ’60s was an exceptionally turbulent decade, loaded with cultural change and political movements endeavoring to change the world. 1968 was a significant year, which saw the blast of strain developed throughout the ’60s and in various social developments. The first black woman elected was Shirley Anita Chisholm in 1968 for the United States Congress.The presidential election of 1968 in the United States was the 46th quadrennial presidential election. It was a twisting public encounter, led against a setting that incorporated the death of Civil Rights Movement leader Martin Luther King Jr. also ensuing race revolts the country over, the death of official competitor Robert F. Kennedy, a violent protest against the Vietnam war among the police and antiwar dissidents at the 1968 Democratic National Convention and in New York City in Columbia university and college campuses. New York City Police Department tried to stop the protestors. Mass demonstrations also took place in Mexico City, Poland, Paris, Italy, West Germany.Some consider the election of 1968 a renewal in the political decision that forever disturbed the New Deal Coalition that had ruled presidential politics for quite a long time. It was additionally the last election in which two contradicting candidates were vice-presidents. On 5 November 1968, the Republican nominee, Vice President Richard Nixon, won the election against Vice President Hubert Humphrey, the Democratic nominee. Nixon ran a campaign that vowed to reestablish law and order.The Democratic Party was in disarray. The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago exhibited how the Democratic party had become separated. Students and individuals from the nonconformity made up one group called the new left, while the New Deal Democrats were known as the old left. The show plummeted into absolute disorder as many antiwar activists joined in Chicago, where law enforcement officers charged them with nightsticks and threw teargas.President Johnson decided not to run for reelection as he was disheartened with the absence of progress in the Vietnam war and upset by the factionalism breaking the Democratic Party. Instead, Hubert Humphrey, Johnson’s vice president, was nominated by Democratic National Convention to run the election against Alabama Governor George Wallace and Republican Richard Nixon.Richard Nixon’s 1968 presidential campaign was eminent for various reasons. Into the confusion of 1968 ventured Richard Nixon with a promise to reestablish traditional American values, law, and order and end the war in Vietnam. He stressed the subject of law and order, which he comprehended would interest the silent majority, the white middle-class Americans who were restless and unfortunate and afraid of social change.Nixon used the word law and order to aim at the activists, student protesters, and practically any individual who looked to shake things up of American society. Nixon also embraced the Southern strategy, which tried to engage Southern racists angry at civil rights gains and President Johnson’s government anti-poverty programs. Nixon won the presidential election, earning 43.4% of the popular vote while Humphrey got 42.7%. For an independent candidate, George Wallace got a 13.5% vote.Vietnam War There is no doubt that a couple of struggles have been fierce, durable, and complex. Vietnam is divided into the northern, central, and Southern parts regarding geography issues.The Vietnam war started in 1954 after Vietnam was parted into two sections - North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnamese supported communism, its political and economic system. In contrast, South Vietnam fought back to keep this from happening.The United States helped South Vietnam in the war; however, in 1975, North Vietnam won the war. Before long, Vietnam was unified as a communist country. The Vietnam war killed millions of people. More than 1.3 million Vietnamese soldiers died, around 58,000 U.S. troops were killed, and around two million civilians died.Before the World War II, Vietnam had been a province of the French. During World War II, the Japanese took over Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh, the North Vietnamese revolutionary, and communist wanted freedom for Vietnam. However, all allies declared that Vietnam belonged to the French.Ho Chi Minh and its rebels started to fight against the French in the long run for containment. Ho’s warriors in the north were known as the Viet Minh. Ho Chi Minh attempted to get U.S. help; however, they did not want to help him as they feared socialism would spread in Southeast Asia. When Ho started to win against the French, the U.S. became more concerned and sent their troops to help them in Vietnam in 1950.In 1954 the French lost a significant battle to the Vietnamese and chose to pull out of Vietnam, so the U.S. tried to help in the war. The nation was split into a communist Northern Vietnam and Southern Vietnam, so communist leaders were trying to get Vietnam under a single territory in 1956. As the United States did not want the communist to rule in Vietnam, they helped Ngo Dinh Diem get chosen in the South.The United States President Lyndon had a war strategy. He helped the Southern Vietnamese win the battle against the communist North Vietnamese with every support. By setting boundaries for the soldiers and not permitting them to assault Northern Vietnam from 1965 - 1969, the U.S. got no opportunity to win.United States President Lyndon acknowledged progress in the Paris peace talks and stopped bombarding in Northern Vietnam. Olympic Winter GamesThe Olympic games are the world’s leading athletic competition. More than 200 countries are interested in this competition that happens after every four years, and every two years, they interchange with the Summer and Winter Olympics.The Grenoble Games were the tenth event of the Winter Olympic Games. Grenoble 1968 Olympic Winter Games was held from 6th February to 18th, 1968.The 1968 Winter Games, held by French President Charles de Gaulle, was a victory for France. However, the industrial city of Grenoble spent a lot of cash to prepare for the games, its absence of offices brought about many challenges being held in distant regions.Onlookers had to travel much distance to get a glimpse of the event, and seven separate Olympic Villages were built, which critics guaranteed cheapened the kinship of the Games. Grenoble additionally was tormented by the developing discussion over athletic supports.The International Olympic Committee threatened to ban the skiers who had ads on their clothing and gear. The skiers, thus, have taken steps to pull out altogether. In the end, an understanding arrived, the skiers will have to remove the advertisements before attending any interview or being photographed. Also, the black power salute was given by two African-Americans at the 1968 Olympics.Thirty-seven nations, and more than 1,100 competitors, contended at Grenoble. Interestingly East and West Germany contended as separate teams. Jean-Claude Killy (France) was the best athlete, winning all Alpine skiing events. In the 200-meter dash, America’s Tommie Smith and John Carlos won gold and bronze medals. They protested against the poverty of African-Americans by raising glove fists during the national anthem.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 1968 facts, then why not take a look at 1981 facts or 1980 fun facts?

The year 1968 is considered to be a year of tragedy and triumph.