1936 was a busy and exciting year, full of rich pop culture history and controversial and defining athletic achievements.In 1936, the Great Depression persisted, with unemployment remaining at 16.9%, and Hitler’s Nazi Germany continued to show the society that it was unafraid of anybody. Finally, however, Hitler was humiliated in the 1936 Olympic games, when his so-called ‘Aryan Supermen’ were crushed by the great Jesse Owens.In World War II, Germany’s Hitler, Italy’s Mussolini, and Japan established an alliance to reveal the true cause for their formation. Many jobless Americans traveled to California in search of employment, but the local police chief stationed guards at important access points, preventing ‘undesirables’ from entering. This was unlawful and was subsequently discontinued. The Boulder Dam was eventually dubbed the Hoover Dam once it was constructed.A number of notable events in radio station transmission occurred in 1936. All commercial radio transmission in Germany were phased out, and the first radio transmission from New Zealand’s Parliament took place. After years of trial and error, All India Radio was finally aired. Pittsburgh became the first city in the United States to get a 50,000 watt (‘blowtorch’) radio station.In May, Congress enacted the Rural Electrification Act, which was passed into law by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The bill gave rural farmers low-interest loans to help them form cooperative electric power firms. The cooperatives would then provide power to families in rural areas throughout the US. While electricity was widely available in American cities at the time, most of rural America lacked it. Lawmakers thought that introducing it to less densely populated regions would enhance the quality of life for residents. By incorporating more of the countryside into the contemporary environment and balancing the prospects of urban and rural populations, the legislation changed rural America.In the year 1936 in Canada, Barbara Hanley was appointed mayor of Webbwood, Ontario, making her the country’s first female mayor.The Moose River Gold Mines became no longer operational.Earl Bascom of Raymond, Alberta, planned and supervised the building of Mississippi’s first rodeo arena and grandstands.The British Parliament approved the His Majesty’s Declaration of Abdication Act 1936, legitimizing King Edward VIII’s abdication.The West Toronto Nationals of the Ontario Hockey Association won their lone Memorial Cup by beating the Saskatoon Wesleys of the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League 2-0 in games.If you like reading about 1936, then keep reading to discover more interesting facts. There is a lot of information on pop culture history from 1936, and many questions have been answered for you.Fun Facts About 1936Let’s take a look at some fun facts:President Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected again to a second term as the President of the United States of America.In the 12th round of their renowned heavyweight battle at Yankee Stadium, Max Schmeling knocked out Joe Louis.Jesse Owens famously broke the world record in the Olympics, winning not one gold medal but four.The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) launched the world’s first three-hour-per-day television service.The first electric guitars made their appearance.Margaret Mitchell’s ‘Gone With The Wind’ was released.In addition to the Mallo Cup, the Boyer Brothers shifted their at-home business to an industrial facility and began adding other delectable delicacies. This move resulted in the creation of Smoothie Cups and Peanut Butter Cups.Eugène Schueller, a French chemist and the creator of the famed brand L’Oreal, produced a commercial sunscreen in 1936.Dawson hastened King George V’s death on the night of Jan 20, 1936, while he was dying of bronchitis. Dawson gave him deadly injections of cocaine and morphine. Dawson said that he acted to protect the King’s dignity, to relieve the additional burden on the family, and to ensure that the King’s death, which occurred at 11:55 p.m., was revealed in the morning papers of ‘The Times’ rather than ’less appropriate… evening journals’.AT&T installed the first coaxial wires for television and telephone communications between New York and Philadelphia.In Cooperstown, New York, the Baseball Hall of Fame was established. In the inaugural Hall of Fame balloting, Ty Cobb received more votes than Babe Ruth. Ty was a fantastic player, but he didn’t seem to be popular among his peers. His funeral was attended by just four members of the baseball community.The Great Stork Derby was a competition conducted in Toronto from 1926 to 1936 in which women raced to have the most kids in order to earn $750K set aside in a rich lawyer’s estate. The award was eventually shared among four ladies, each of whom had nine children. Historical Facts About 1936In 1936, Hitler’s armies marched into the Rhineland, which Germany lost to France after World War I, in defiance of the Versailles Treaty. Hitler bet that the French would not want to fight for the Rhineland, and he was proven correct. A new pact was proposed by Hitler, which would ’ensure peace for the next 25 years.‘Let’s look at some other historical facts:Following the death of his father, Prince Farouk ascended to the throne of Egypt.Hindenburg, a massive German airship, crossed the Atlantic in a record-breaking 98 hours and 28 minutes.Between Nevada and Arizona, on the Colorado River, the $120 million historic Hoover Dam opened to the public.King Edward VIII of England abdicated the throne in order to marry twice-divorced American Wallis Simpson. Albert George, the King’s younger brother, replaced him (George VI). To witness a fictionalized account of the year’s events in relation to the British monarchy and its impact on the little sibling Albert George, ‘Bertie,’ you can watch the Academy Award-winning film ‘The King’s Speech’, a truly motivating film.Generalissimo Francisco Franco arrived in Cadiz with Fascist forces from Morocco to seize power in Spain. As Franco’s army made their way across Spain to the capital, Madrid, accounts of horrific crimes from both sides of the civil war emerged. Assassinations and home searches for rebels and guns were reported in Barcelona and Madrid. In August, following a Fascist victory in Badajoz, Fascist forced lineup Loyalists (Republicans) against a wall and killed them.The Italian army captured Addis Ababa, Abyssinia’s (Ethiopia’s) capital, overwhelming the troops of Haile Selassie, Ethiopia’s reigning emperor. The Italian air force sprayed mustard gas on residents and armed personnel to calm the frantic metropolis.French Premier Leon Blum, a socialist, offered collective bargaining rights, salary hikes, binding arbitration in labor disputes, a 40-hour workweek, and two weeks of paid vacation per year to the French people, who were suffering from the global economic downturn.On Jul 26, 1935, the FDA (Federal Register Act) was passed, and the first edition of the Federal Register was printed on 16 Mar 1936. The Federal Register (FR or Fed. Reg.) is the official publication of the US government, which publishes agency regulations, proposed regulations, and public notifications. Except for federal holidays, it’s printed every weekday.In 1936, the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister was Stanley Baldwin. Because of Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald’s waning popularity, he was compelled to retire in 1935, and Baldwin was chosen as his replacement. An election was set for October of that year, but because of widespread popular support for peace, Baldwin opted to campaign on behalf of the League of Nations, condemning ‘big weapons’, and instead focus on housing, unemployment, and financial distress.Facts About 1936 OlympicsThe 1936 Berlin Olympics was the first televised Olympic Games. During the 1936 Berlin games, public viewing rooms were set up in Berlin and neighboring Potsdam, allowing nearly 150,000 people to watch black-and-white broadcasts of the various disciplines. Let’s explore some more facts:Athletes in the Olympic Village could also watch live coverage at Hindenburg Hall, an entertainment center. The distinction of the ‘Nazi Games’ being the first Olympics to incorporate live video broadcasting was a propaganda success for a state keen to emphasize the supremacy of German technology, despite the fact that the material was of poor quality by contemporary standards.The torch relay from Olympia began in 1936 when German Olympic leader Dr. Carl Diem proposed that runners carry a flaming torch from Mount Olympus to Berlin’s Olympic Stadium. A symbolic torch was carried 2126 miles (3,422 kilometers) from Greece to Germany, passing through Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Austria by 3,422 runners, each covering 1,000 meters in a relay. Reference to both Greek and Roman customs and style became a typical component of National Socialist ideology for a state that attempted to depict itself as the true successor to the glories of an ancient civilization.Adi Dassler designed the shoes that Jesse Owens wore when winning his four gold medals: Adolf ‘Adi’ Dassler, a Bavarian shoemaker, persuaded not just German athletes but also Jesse Owens, an American athlete, to use his handmade leather track shoes in 1936. The fact that Jesse went on to accomplish not just one gold medal but four of them while wearing Adi Dassler’s shoes helped propel his modest athletic shoe firm onto the global arena — a company that would eventually take his name and come to be known as Adidas. Adidas is a company that created world history as one of the leading producers of sports shoes.Jesse Owens triumphed four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics and established three world records in less than 45 minutes the year before that created world history: Jesse Owen’s effort in the 1936 Summer Olympics, winning not one gold medal but four in the 100 m, generic Glucophage 200m, long jump, and 4 × 100 m relay, was truly incredible. Although the feat he performed one year earlier at the Big Ten Championships in Ann Arbour, Michigan, was even more fascinating. Owens achieved three world records in 45 minutes despite having an injured tailbone that prohibited him from even bending down. He improved the world long jump record by over 6 in (15.2 cm), then established new marks in the 220-yard sprint and the 220-yard hurdles within the following half-hour. Sadly, when Owens later returned to the United States after his triumph in Berlin, he struggled financially and even began racing horses during half-time performances at soccer matches.The 1936 Summer Olympics included over 3,000 competitors from over 45 countries. During the opening ceremony, many people wondered how many of those countries would offer Hitler the Nazi salute as they passed the reviewing stand. The Greek delegation led the parade of countries during the opening ceremony, followed by Germany, the host country. The Hitler salute was given by the Austrian athletes. For the whole walk around the stadium, the Turkish team offered the Nazi salute. The athletes from the United Kingdom and the United States provided a military ’eyes right’.The German audience gave the French team a standing ovation when they seemed to give the Hitler salute; however, the delegation subsequently disputed this, claiming they were offering the ‘Olympic salute.’ The sole difference between the two is that the Olympic salute is delivered with the arm raised and directed away from the body on the right side rather than straight forward. Regardless of the misunderstanding, the ‘Olympic salute’ has been banned from ceremonies since, not because of a lack of order, but because the 1948 Olympic Games were hosted in London, and the straight arm salute had, naturally, gone out of favor by that time.Germany used colorful posters and provocative magazine covers to effectively advertise the Olympics. Athletic imagery connected Nazi Germany to ancient Greece, reflecting the Nazi racial belief that a higher German civilization was the true successor of a classical ‘Aryan’ culture.The 1936 Berlin Summer Olympics were more than simply a global athletic event; they were also a display of Nazi propaganda that sparked major controversy. Despite the 1936 Games’ exclusionary ideals, nations from all around the globe consented to participate. The 1936 Olympic Games were utilized by Nazi Germany as a propaganda tool. While disguising the regime’s persecution of Jews and Roma, the Nazis projected an image of a new, powerful, and unified Germany. People in the USA, Great Britain, and Europe decided to boycott the Olympics for the first time in the modern Olympic Games’ history, citing what would subsequently be regarded as human rights violations.Despite the movement’s failure, it established a significant foundation for future Olympic boycott movements (such as those in 2008 and 2014). Following the close defeat of the boycott campaign, Germany scored a propaganda coup: the 49 countries that sent teams to the Games legitimized Hitler’s authority in the eyes of the society as well as German home audiences. With 348 athletes, Germany had the biggest team. With 312 members, which included 18 African Americans, the United States team was the second largest. The delegation was thus led by the President of the American Olympic Committee, Avery Brundage. The Soviet Union did not attend the Berlin Olympics (or any Olympic Games until the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, when many politicians, media, and athletes saw the Olympics as a crucial Cold War battleground).Overall, the Germans won the most medals, dominating the gymnastics, rowing, and equestrian disciplines. In the swimming competition, Hendrika ‘Rie’ Mastenbroek of the Netherlands received three gold medals and a silver. The United States team won basketball for the very first time in 1936, making it an Olympic sport for the first time. Facts About Inventions In 1936Volkswagen, the ‘People’s Car,’ was invented in 1936. Hitler opened the first plant to produce vehicles that, in his opinion, would accomplish for Germany what Henry Ford’s automobiles did for the United States and make regular Germans car drivers and owners. Other interesting inventions in 1936 include:On Mar 4, 1936, five years after its construction started in 1931, Hindenburg took off from the Zeppelin dockyards in Friedrichshafen for its maiden flight, carrying 87 passengers and crew. The German commercial passenger-carrying stern airship LZ 129 Hindenburg was the leading ship of the Hindenburg series, the longest class of flying machine, and the biggest airship by envelope volume.Alan Turing submitted his paper on ‘Computable Numbers’ for publication, outlining the theoretical foundations for modern computers.World Smile Day is a holiday on the first Friday of October. In 1963, Harvey Ball created the first smiling face. Mr. Ball worked in the advertising industry as a commercial artist. The image became so famous that a holiday was created in 1999 to honor the icon and smiles.Konrad Zuse invented the Z1 computer in 1936. In addition to the electric blanket, the suntan lotion and the perfusion pump were all invented in 1936.

1936 was a busy and exciting year, full of rich pop culture history and controversial and defining athletic achievements.