Alexandrite gemstones are one of the most expensive gemstones known for their physical properties.It is a gemstone with a light source and is referred to as the Russian alexandrite gemstone because of its various shades of physical property. The natural alexandrite is a rare gemstone that has multiple uses.Alexandrite gemstones are one of the Russian stones found in Russia in 1830. The gemstone is named after Alexander II, who was one of the future czars. However, later, many gemstones of the same category were found in Sri Lanka, India, and Brazil. These gemstones are rare and expensive due to their physical property of changing color. The color changes with the change in the surroundings, such as it being emerald-green or blue-green in color, bluish-green in the daylight, ruby by night or ruby-red, and purplish-red when the gemstone is in incandescent light. It is also used in jewelry as prescribed by the astrologers according to the birth month as it is the birthstone of those born in the month of June.The synthetic alexandrite is a man-made stone composed of beryllium aluminum oxide. This is because of the atomic structure of the stone. There are impurities of Cr3+ with the atomic structure of BeAl2O4 that have a more significant absorption spectrum, concentrating on the yellow light spectrum.Depending upon the light intensity, the stone is known to scatter different colors like green, blue, and red, which is directly proportional to the light intensity. However, many believe that the color change property, or alexandrite effect, of the gemstone cannot be the only basis for the above facts. The alexandrite gemstone is known to exhibit more color change in comparison to other stones.As the stone is rare and is a piece of jewelry, this special stone is used by many as their birth sign gemstone. The real alexandrite color makes it extremely rare and it is more expensive than a diamond. The gemstone is believed to be used for healing health problems as it is thought to aid in the preservation of physical and internal energies during prolonged illness.Alexandrite gem in weights of one carat may sell in the market for $15,000 per carat, while the price for more than one carat varies from $50,000-70,000 per carat.Alexandrite Physical FeaturesThe Alexandrite gemstone is a well-known durable stone that has incredible color-changing properties.The alexandrite gemstone is one of the birthstones associated with the month of June. The color of these stones varies from purple, red, brownish-red, and green. It is mostly used in jewelry because of its durability and beautiful color. The alexandrite gemstone is a variety of chrysoberyl, which has other varieties such as cat’s eye.In sunlight or daylight, the color of the stone is bluish-green, while the color changes to ruby-red by night. In artificial light, the color is more reddish-purple in comparison to the blue-green color of natural light. The color change property of the gemstone is due to the presence of chromium. Due to the traces of chromium, the stone appears emerald green in color.The Smithsonian Institution’s exhibit houses the world’s largest studded 66-carat alexandrite. The Sauer Alexandrite, weighing 122,5400 carats, was discovered in 1967 in Bahia, Brazil. This stone was the biggest unprocessed precious stone and gem-quality alexandrite sample ever discovered. The shining stripes of white color in the gemstone make it appear similar to that of a cat’s eye.Therefore, the alexandrite is also famous worldwide for its chatoyancy. As the stone is moved along with the fluorescent light, the stripes of white color are visible on the surface of the stone. It also changes color, and the color change property makes the stone unique in its own kind. Alexandrite, alongside moonstone, tourmaline, and aquamarine, is indeed in the category of gemstones with the best chatoyancy.The physical properties of the cat’s eye make the stone valuable in jewelry designs. Alexandrite is known to be one of the most expensive and high-priced stones, which is now being morphed as synthetic alexandrite. It is believed to be more expensive than emerald, ruby, and sapphire. Many times, it is even costlier than diamonds because of its rarity.The synthetic alexandrite is relatively cheaper than the natural alexandrite, and each carat price differs in those cases. Alexandrite stone is mostly used in round or cushion cuts. These cuts are more specific to the stone because it is easier for the workers to work on these small stones. If you ever see an alexandrite stone, it will be more commonly found in necklace and ring designs having the above-mentioned shapes.The alexandrite gemstone in the round cut shape is also used in the bracelets. One of the largest alexandrite ever discovered is housed in the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum in Washington, DC. The alexandrite gemstone is one of the jewelers’ favorite gemstones to work with due to its hardness. It has a rank of 8.5 on the scale of Mohs, which makes the stone one of the hardest minerals on the Earth.In jewelry design, this stone can be easily fitted in, making the ornaments more beautiful. If alexandrite is compared with other stones such as garnet, then it is harder, while in comparison to sapphire, it is softer. Sapphire also fits well in the jewelry designs. The alexandrite stone is one such gemstone that does not require much furnishing or treatment.If any type of replica is being tried to be made similar to that of the above stone, then in the modern day with the latest technology, alexandrite gemstones can be easily identified with their originality. The synthetic alexandrite is a little cheaper in comparison to the one taken out of the mine. Still, the price of the alexandrite makes it difficult for the average consumer to afford it.Colors Of AlexandriteAlexandrite is one of the beautiful stones that has a color-changing physical property and is appreciated for its beautiful shades ranging from red to green.One carat of alexandrite is in itself the most expensive. This jewelry piece is quite beautiful and has color-changing properties. It is a rare gemstone that changes its color under natural and artificial light sources. When it is in ambient daylight, the color is more emerald green, while the color is ruby-red in incandescent light.Even under the candle or lamplight, the color is ruby red and red-purple. The color change in the stone is evident because of the presence of impurities in the stone, specifically chromium. The stone is known to absorb light. Despite the fact that its emission spectrum is in the yellow spectral range of light, no acceptable description of something like the process has been provided.The alexandrite effect is thoroughly described here by taking into account the von-Kries paradigm of the natural chromatic stability process. This means that the color stability process is accurate, and so it is largely tailored to adjust for the color intensity of a dark-skinned beam. The green color of the alexandrite makes it beautiful in jewelry in the daytime, while at night, the color of the jewelry stone changes to ruby-red.Uses Of AlexandriteAlexandrite stone is used for multiple things, such as physical healing, metaphysical healing, and emotional well-being healing.It is believed that multiple healings have been done using the stone alexandrite. It is one of the purest gemstones and is thought to possess effective healing in the crystal healing process. It is also thought to bring on good destiny and good fortune; it encourages one to build on their resilience level and have enhanced self-esteem. It casts off negative energies while bringing in positive energies from the individual’s surroundings. The gemstone is believed to be an emblem of glory, grace, and joy.It helps people enlighten themselves with laughter, pleasure, and beauty. It helps in cleansing the energies with a major shift in the self-esteem level of the people who own it. The long-term ailment is believed to be healed by stone if it is kept close to the person who is suffering from it. It is thought to provide major healing for the inner mind, body, and soul of the individual.The gemstone is thought to have the power to bring good health back with good blood circulation all over the body. It is also said that one can detoxify their body with the help of this gem. It is also believed to help the heart chakra. Once the heart chakra of the person is cleared, it is pure and open. It helps to alleviate the power of the individual. The alexandrite is also known to be the crown chakra cleanser. The crown chakra is only responsible for depression and anxiety in a person. So, it is believed by some people to make use of such stones for the natural healing process.Where is Alexandrite found in nature?Alexandrite is known to have been founded first in Russia near the Ural mountains. Apart from the same place, the gemstone is found in India, Burma, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Brazil.Alexandrite was founded in the early 1830s in Russia near the Ural Mountains by a French mineralist named Nils Gustaf Nordenskiold. However, some do not agree with the facts above and believe that the stone was originally found in the latter years of 1700. At the first site of alexandrite, it was thought to be another stone emerald but was a newly founded gemstone. The chemical composition of the stone is rare, which makes it both rare and expensive.The gemstone’s name was derived from the name of the Russian czar, Alexander II. He was killed in 1881. The gemstone is thought to bring good fortune and enable one to build up their self-esteem. Previously, the Ural mountains were not known to produce stones of such gem quality. Alexandrite is now found in the mines of Brazil, Sri Lanka, and Africa. This gem, alexandrite, is extremely rare, making it one of the most expensive stones.

Alexandrite gemstones are one of the most expensive gemstones known for their physical properties.