Driving your own car can offer you some of the best experiences of your life, but at the same time, motor vehicle accidents can yield the worst outcomes.Are you passionate about driving a car or bike? Then it’s time to learn road rules by heart.It is aptly said that prevention is better than cure, but on roads, prevention is the only cure. One has to pay a hefty cost for showing negligence on roads. Teen drivers indisputably exhibit better skills at driving any motor vehicle, but it doesn’t obscure the fact that they’re also prone to the most fatal car crashes and injuries. Statistical data reveals that many teens residing in the United States lose their lives due to car crash deaths, and the most disheartening part remains that a greater part of these car accidents is preventable. Among all deaths from car crashes, an average of six youngsters belonging to the age group of 16 - 19 die per day. The mortality rate of young drivers is comparatively higher (three times to be precise) than that of experienced adult drivers over the age of 20. However, this doesn’t mean that teenagers should be completely restricted from hitting the roads. Here are some informative facts that explore the reasons behind motor vehicle accidents and the ways to avert them.You can also check out these enlightening truck driver facts and facts about nurses.Rules Of Teen Drivers For Driving In USAThe rules of the road play a crucial role, whether you’re the driver or just a pedestrian. To ensure safety, young drivers who have just stepped into their driving shoes need to be well-acquainted with the rules and follow them diligently. Here are the mandatory rules that you need to remember before hitting the road.Being teenage is characterized by an undying adventurous spirit and zest for life, which is why they never think twice before trying new things and challenges. However, driving is a different ball game altogether, which involves the risk of life. Due to several factors, young drivers often fail to judge the hazards or risks associated with driving a motor vehicle, due to which they’re mostly on the receiving end. To minimize the risks that can lead to accidents, special rules have been implemented by the United States.Firstly, rules regarding the acquisition of a driver’s license differ from state to state. For instance, states like Michigan, Alaska, and Kansas offer learner’s permits to 14-year-old kids, while Kentucky, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York have set a higher age bar at 16 years. Most states grant the full license at the age of 17 or 18. A specific set of common rules are also followed by the states, which include restrictions on drink driving as well as nighttime driving. Teens often outshine adults with their excellent driving skills. However, expertise and alertness are required for nighttime driving. Most teenagers lack both, due to which the maximum number of motor vehicle crashes take place between 6 p.m. to midnight, especially on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. States like Alabama and North Carolina have enacted night curfews to restrict teen driving. Alabama restricts newly licensed youngsters from driving on roads from midnight to 6 a.m. On the other hand, the permissible legal limit of blood alcohol content (BAC) prescribed by law is 0.001 fl. oz (0.03 mg) or 0.03% of alcohol in 3.3 fl. oz (100 ml) blood. So, while driving, the blood alcohol content must not exceed the legal prescription.Are you aware of the average annual cost of insuring a teen driver? It’s approximately $2,267! Now, this insurance rate largely depends on the age group. For instance, it has been calculated that the average annual cost of insuring a 16-year-old can shoot up to $2,999.Motor Vehicle Signs For Teen DriversDuring the course of training, numerous motor vehicle signs and symbols are taught. Since teenage drivers are new to the field, they must be mentored properly about the usage and value of these signs.Motor vehicle signs are nothing but a set of instructive graphic symbols that communicate the regulations of the road. These signs come in handy to understand the meanings of road markings and are vital in ensuring road safety. The ‘Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices’ and the ‘Standard Highway Signs’ are two significant volumes that teach the meanings of road signs to new drivers. However, these signs are not just meant for the car drivers but also targeted towards pedestrians, regular commuters, cyclists, as well as motorists. Signs such as ‘Stop’, ‘Go On Slow’, ‘Wait On Stop’, ‘No Right Turn’, ‘Keep Left’, ‘No Parking’, and other speed limit symbols reduce crash risk when they’re followed properly. Generally, car accidents among young drivers occur while taking a left or from the rear end. Speeding is another common factor that leads to collisions and terrible accidents. A greater section of young drivers and motorists participate in stunts that involve accelerating the speed of the vehicle. Rash actions like these come with some grave consequences. As per an analysis of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), the number of teen crashes would go down drastically with the implementation of the latest crash avoidance technologies. Although these technologies cannot prevent 100% of car crashes, they can surely curb the alarming number of most teen crashes.Distractions To Avoid For Teen DriversWhile on-road, drivers need to be highly focused and attentive because a slight amount of distraction can lead to fatal crashes claiming lives. Distracted driving must be avoided at all costs. Did you know that a large percentage of teen drivers involved in fatal accidents are caused due to distractions?As per the computations of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2019, around 1,603 drivers between the age group of 15 and 20 succumbed to death from car accidents where 880 were passengers. In comparison to 2018 with a reported 1,723 deaths, numbers have gone down by 7% only. Distraction has been regarded as one of the contributing factors behind innumerable accident cases involving teen drivers. While behind the wheel, steer clear of any kind of distraction that potentially leads to accidents. This is especially important when a teen driver is accompanied by a teen passenger or passengers, as the chances of fatality increases considerably. Using gadgets like a cell phone can be detrimental for both the driver as well as the accompanying passengers. 12% of fatal crashes due to distracted driving were reportedly teenagers aged between 15 and 19. Statistically, 33% of high school students all over the nation engage in sending emails or exchanging texts while driving. On the other hand, 56% of the youngsters acknowledge their usage of cell phones for talking, 13% confess texting, and 48% are teenage passengers who admit to being in cars operated by drivers using their cell phones while steering the car. Did you know that a young driver’s reaction time is similar to that of an old man of 70 while entertaining a phone call? As the young driver’s reaction time is slowed down, it undoubtedly doubles the chances of crash risk. In Colorado, young adults make up for 30% of motor vehicle crashes due to distractions. The total number of motor vehicle crashes between 2012 and 2015 was 57,298. The number is more than the total population of Greenland!Drunk driving is another risk factor and a major cause of car accidents. Drinking and driving is a common fad among teenagers who love to boast of their daredevil skills. It needs to be hardwired into teenage minds that drunk driving isn’t cool. It is dangerous for the self as well as the surrounding people. 25% of teen crashes are a consequence of this noxious habit. More than 50% of teens residing in California are involved in traffic crashes due to drunk driving. Considerable cases of traffic accidents are reported in the month of May, peaking in August. Even high school students with little knowledge of the road admit to having driven a car or some other vehicle in an inebriated state. Sadly, when teens drive vehicles under the influence of alcohol, they become incapacitated to respond properly. They become mindless and often forget to wear seat belts, accounting for 60% of drinking and driving deaths. Around 27% of teen male drivers and 15% of teen female drivers are faced with fatal motor vehicle crashes.Safety Measures Teen Drivers Should FollowBefore gifting your teenaged kid a brand new car for their birthday, make sure to educate them about the precautionary measures they should adopt while driving. Firstly, professional training and guidance are obligatory. Some safety measures must be taken to avert life-threatening road accidents. Let’s go through a few essential precautions that can be a real life-saver.Did you know that 78% of deaths caused by teenage motor vehicle crashes included passenger vehicle occupants? In these cases, the drivers were aged between 16 and 19. Most importantly, teens must not have access to car keys, and they should be permitted to take the motor vehicle for a drive only when they successfully complete the entire training procedure. Young drivers of the 15 - 20 age group with no driver education or qualification are the most vulnerable to fatal crashes. As per reports, 90% of drivers involved in fatal crashes lack proper education. Every driver should be well versed with seat belt use, but a survey reveals that just 55% of high school students have confirmed wearing a seat belt without fail. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the highest number of fatal teen car accidents chance within six months of acquiring the driving license.The first rule of the road is it is highly unpredictable, so parents should take initiative to help their teenage children learn and develop a few constructive practices from their very first drive. Since a large percentage of teenage drivers are involved in fatal crashes, it is incumbent on parents to ensure that their newly licensed kid understands the cause-and-effect relationship behind any fatal crash. Children tend to follow the footsteps of their elders, so setting an example for them can work wonders. Parents must encourage teens to incorporate safety measures while driving. Firstly, the teen has to qualify for driving after passing the written test as well as the driver’s license examination. You can read and impart knowledge gathered from the authorized handbooks to prepare your kid for all kinds of crises that might crop up on the road. Before setting the car engine on the ignition, the mirrors must be properly adjusted, and the seat belts must be fastened tightly. Fidgeting and other forms of distractions must be kept at bay. Most blunders happen when they’re least expected. Although an empty road might be tempting, speedy or aggressive driving must be avoided. None should go for a drive in a drowsy or drunken state as driving asks for high attentiveness. Even the most seasoned ones sometimes fail to make the right judgment calls, so there shouldn’t be a sense of overconfidence. Apart from these basic guidelines, parents must take some time out and accompany their kids on drives to keep track of their progress. Teaching vehicle maintenance and remaining aware of the latest driving laws is also mandatory.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 15 must know teen driver facts revealed for young drivers then why not take a look at 15 crazy monster energy drink facts to know before you try one!, or 27 unheard Toys R Us facts to learn about this captivating chain.

Driving your own car can offer you some of the best experiences of your life, but at the same time, motor vehicle accidents can yield the worst outcomes.