Death Valley National Park is considered to be the largest national park.The hottest and driest spot in America is Death Valley. Death Valley is known to be 1.7 billion years old.Death Valley is also known as the desert valley and it is located in eastern California. It is the hottest region on Earth during the summer, and the deserts of the Middle East, including the Sahara, are among them. Death Valley is the point where the lowest elevation is in North America. It is about 282 ft. (86 m) below sea level. On July 10, 1913, the highest temperature are recorded is 134 °F (56.7 °C) at Furnace creek. Furnace Creek has the highest air temperature.The intense heat in Death Valley, apart from its other natural conditions, contributes to solar heating. It is exacerbated by the valley’s dry, clear air. During the day the warm air rises and the winds are warm in many ways. On August 16, 2020, the temperature is 129.9 °F (54.4 °C) at the furnace creek. The lowest temperature in Greenland on January 2, 1913, is 15 °F (-9.4 °C). The surface temperature in Death Valley is 201 °F (93.9 °C). The maximum temperature in the consecutive days is 100 °F (37.8 °C).Ecology Of Death Valley National ParkThe ecology of Death Valley national park is contrary to its name, as the Death Valley national park is very much alive.The land of Death Valley is an extreme - the hottest, driest, and also for the lowest elevation national park. Death Valley is a unit within the national park services which are popular just because of its complexity, exposure, uniqueness, and diverse geological resources. Death Valley National Park is the largest national park in the United States, with incredible terrain and biological variety. The ecology of Death Valley National Park includes diverse landscape, climate, life in death valley, animals, endangered plant species, and many more.Temperature In Death ValleyWhen it comes to the temperatures, Death Valley has a hot desert climate, which means you can expect the extremely the hot summers, mild winters, and little rainfall.Meteorologist Daniel Berc recently stated that being in the Death valley clearly felt like being in an oven. At that point, it was a dry heat; Humidity had dropped to 7%. It continued the entire week. Tourists took selfies by the thermometer placed at the visitor center. They had been warned not to touch metal surfaces with bare skin. Let us just take a moment to think how it would seem in the summer seasons. In the Death Valley National Park, the average high is 47 °F (8.3 °C) and the average low is 24 °F (-4.4 °C). This area has the highest ground temperature recorded at 201 °F (93.9 °C) at the furnace creek on July 15, 1972.Winters In Death ValleyThe climate in Death Valley is subtropical, it has the hottest desert climate with little rainfall. Death Valley is an extremely dry place. On July 5, 1918, the lowest temperature in Death Valley is 110 °F (43.3°C). But on July 12, 2012, the highest temperature after 1918 is 107 °F (41.7 °C). And in the same year, the world’s warmest temperature is 117.5 °F (47.5 °C). There is a certain mountain that lies between Death Valley and the ocean. During the years 1929, 1953, and 1989 there was no rain recorded. The wettest month was in January 1995.Winters are something to cherish here. The average temperatures can range from the 38.3°F (3.5°C) to 65.1°F (18.4°C). The cool conditions also combine with a clear, sunny day, making it fun to explore the national park any time in winter.Animals In Death ValleyDeath Valley has a variety of wildlife.The animals that can live with fresh water may find it difficult to live in the place. Despite its unforgiving climate, Death Valley is home to a variety of species with adaptations to such extremities. Canyons, Sidewinder Rattlesnake, and Desert Bighorn Sheep are some of the animals found in mountains and they live without water for many days. Mountain Lion, Desert tortoises, coyotes, and similar animals are adapted to that environment so there is no difficulty to live. The heat in summer is another challenge or problem for the animals that live in death valley. However, it is interesting to note that the tortoise is an expert in avoiding heat and they spend most of their time underground. Still, there are some animals you can find in the daytime, even in extreme heat.Facts About Death ValleyDeath Valley is at North America’s lowest point. Also, did you know the Badwater basin is situated 282 ft (86 m) below sea level? Many visitors think that it is covered with snow but the fact is that it is covered with salt. The rain and minerals dissolve with rocks and form salt.The heat is extreme in Death Valley and we believe that fact has been very well established. The hottest day on the planet was July 18, with an average temperature of 108 °F (42.2 °C). In the daytime, the temperature used to be 127 °F (52.7 °C). The visitors take some extra water for drinking and staying hydrated and now, with global warming, things are becoming worse.The wildflowers are the main attraction of the desert. The national park is famous for its rare, desert flowers that blossom in such weather. Also, the mountain is covered with pink, white, gold flowers.There are some rocks that move on their own or so it is said. Or it is stated that it moves because of the plain surface.The roadrunner is the most common species and the bird has a high body temperature. And due to the volcanic effect, there is a great mark in Death Valley. It is 600 ft (182.9 m) deep and half a mile wide.Also, Death Valley National park is in the list of the largest parks with the lower 118.8 °F (48.2 °C) as the highest recorded temperature. It is recorded in the area of the Death Valley of the furnace, the creek is at 134 °F (56.6 °C). There are also many kinds of flora and fauna that you can find in this location. The most important fact in this is that most of the flora and the fauna have adapted very well to the harsh environment.Adaptations To Survive In Death ValleyDeath Valley is the hardest place to survive in, not only for humans but for animals as well. The beings need a natural ability for such adaptation.Reportedly 320 people live in the location and surprisingly, the population is increasing. Though the place has electricity, mobile services, television services, enough water for a living, it is expected that people need to be connected to nature to comfortably live in the place. Apart from that, the place has so much to offer. The current valley citizens agree that it’s very uncomfortable to stay there but they enjoy it. They love the silence and often count stars for entertainment. They even say in the peak days they suffer some harsh environmental changes and it is difficult to physically cope with it as the human body is not made to withstand that temperature. People continue to stay indoors when this happens.For animals and plants, things are different. The location seems to be their natural habitat and every animal has its own way of feeding itself and surviving the climate. For example, Jackrabbits have big ears to radiate heat from the body.Did You Know?In California, the Mojave Desert has the world’s hottest and driest place called Death Valley. In the late 1800s, a group of men got lost in the area. Above 120 °F (48.8 °C) of temperature made the pioneers almost die. One of them died there and others could have had the same fate if two officials of the valley national park did not reach them on time. John Rogers and William Lewis rescued them. One of the pioneers shouted ‘Goodbye, Death Valley!’ and that is how the place got the nickname.Death Valley is full of mysteries as you might conclude from when you listen to the name. Some say that some rocks in the Death Valley area move on their own leaving trails behind. Some rocks even weigh up to 700 lb (317.6 kg) and those have trails for almost 2000 ft (609.6 m). This has, however, been a mystery for years now. But in 2014, a team of researchers found out the real cause of it. In the wintertime, the dry lake beds, also known as the playa, are covered with dew. This cold air forms a thin layer of ice. During the day, that layer breaks into pieces and makes the surface slippery. Winter air then pushes rocks, causing the movement, and leaves trails behind on the soft mud beneath it.The Death Valley’s high mountain ranges have trapped hot air in the valley making the valley super hot. And the low point of the death valley is below 282 ft (86 m) above sea level. The valley national park authorities also request visitors to keep their cars’ air condition off to avoid the overheating of the car as the floor of the Death Valley area radiates most of the heat.Without the heat, this area has much more to fear about. More people die here in car accidents than for the heat. The fact about death valley is that the whole valley area has unstable tunnels and hidden shafts. That can often mess with a visitor’s car. In the shafts, there are bad air pockets. That contains poisonous gas which can also take one’s life.Black widow, rattlesnakes, scorpions are very common here and usually hide in the terrain. So that creates a chance to step over by a visitor which can cost them their life.The hottest time here is in July and August when the temperature rose to 130 °F (54 °C). But typically in summer temperatures, it hits 120°F (48.8 °C) in the middle of the day, and it is 90F (32.2 °C) in the evenings. A report says in 2001 the place had above 100 °F (37.7 °C) for consecutive 154 days. But just because Death Valley doesn’t get much rain doesn’t mean it’s wholly devoid of moisture. There are approximately 600 springs and ponds in the area, including Salt Creek (which is home to some prehistoric pupfish) and Travertine Springs, which are located near the Furnace Creek campground.The average rainfall here is 2 in (5.08 cm). If you are difficult to understand, other deserts have 10 in (2 5.4 cm) of annual rainfall. That’s why it’s the world’s hottest and driest place. The geographical location makes Death Valley this dangerous.The name Death Valley brings chills to anyone but with some knowledge about the national park service, you would know all the reasons you should visit already. Large parts of the Death Valley National Park are below sea level. Death Valley featured sand dunes, salt flats, colorful rocks, and tall mountains. In fact, one of the interesting tourism facts about Death Valley is that the sand dunes are the easiest to visit in the Death Valley National Park service. The sand dunes in this Death Valley National Park are formed by an accumulation of loose sediment. Practically, the Death Valley’s sand dunes are formed due to erosions.The history of Death Valley is long and interesting. The Death Valley’s region is the heart of mining for gold, silver, copper, tungsten, lead, zinc, antimony, and borax. The formation of the Death Valley National Park is also something worth noticing. You must surely have a visit to this beautiful place. You may not want to miss out on what this place has to offer, so make sure you visit it at least once.

Death Valley National Park is considered to be the largest national park.