Joe Dispenza, commonly known as Dr. Joe, is a world-renowned chiropractor, researcher, neuroscientist, and author.Dr. Dispenza has a Bachelor’s degree from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington and a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. He is currently teaching at the Quantum University in Honolulu, Hawaii.Dr. Dispenza opened his chiropractic clinic in Rainier, Washington in 1998. He has traveled over 33 countries to give lectures on how to discover the full potential of the human brain and how to use it for personal improvement. He taught over fifty thousand people and has three New York Times bestselling to his name.For more related content take a look at mind over matter quotes and James Allen quotes.‍Life QuotesBest Dr. Joe Dispenza quotes on life and its various effects on the human mind.1. “That which we are seeking is seeking us.”— Joe Dispenza.2. “Most people wait for something outside of them to change how they feel inside.”— Joe Dispenza.3. “The subconscious is where all your bad habits and behaviors that you want to change reside.”— Joe Dispenza.4. “Here’s my definition of intention: getting clear on what you want.”— Joe Dispenza.5. “An emotion from a past experience is the chemical residue of the past.”— Joe Dispenza.6. “We are who we practice to be. So if you practice gratitude, you’ll be grateful.”— Joe Dispenza.7. “You can’t wait for that healing to feel wholeness. You have to feel wholeness for that healing to occur.”— Joe Dispenza.8. “We’ve been hypnotized and conditioned into believing that we need a reason for joy, that we need a reason for gratitude.”— Joe Dispenza.9. “There’s nothing wrong with the analytical mind, of course. It has served us well for our entire waking, conscious lives.”— Joe Dispenza.10. “The privilege of being a human being is that we can make a thought seem more real than anything else.”— Joe Dispenza.11. “Where we put our awareness, and for how long, maps our destiny.”— Joe Dispenza.12. “All of the adversity in our life is to initiate us into greatness. It’s to call out something greater in us.”— Joe Dispenza.13. “Life is about the management of energy, where you place your attention, is where you place your energy.”— Joe Dispenza.14. “We cannot create a new future, by holding on to the emotions of the past.”— Joe Dispenza.15. “Spend time, contemplating who you want to be. The mere process of contemplating who you want to be, begins to change your brain.”— Joe Dispenza.16. “Never make it be about the end result. Make it be about effort.”— Joe Dispenza.17. “And if we have negative thoughts, we make chemicals that make us feel exactly the way we are thinking.”— Joe Dispenza.Wise quotesSome of the wisest Joe Dispenza quotes you can learn from!18. “The best way to predict your future is to create it, not from the known but from the unknown. What thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain?”— Joe Dispenza.19. “To truly change is to think greater than your environment.”— Joe Dispenza.20. “If you become aware of your automatic habits and you are conscious of your unconscious behaviors so you cannot go unconscious again, then you are changing.”— Joe Dispenza.21. “If your personal reality is creating your personality, you are a victim. But if your personality is creating your personal reality, then you are a creator.”— Joe Dispenza.22. “If we have good thoughts, we make chemicals that make us feel good.”— Joe Dispenza.23. “Learning is forming new connections in the brain and memory is maintaining/sustaining those connections.”— Joe Dispenza.24. “Knowledge is power, but knowledge about yourself is self-empowerment.”— Joe Dispenza.25. “We perceive reality based on how our brain is wired.”— Joe Dispenza.26. “Keep your mind clear. Master the next moment… master the next moment, and ultimately you’ll master yourself.”— Joe Dispenza.27. “When you believe in yourself, you believe in possibility. You can’t have one without the other.”— Joe Dispenza.28. “The moment you decide to make a different choice, get ready to be uncomfortable.”— Joe Dispenza.29. “My definition of creation is when I forget about myself, because that’s when you’re free.”— Joe Dispenza.30. “All of the adversity in our life is to initiate us into greatness. It’s to call out something greater in us.”— Joe Dispenza.31. “As long as you are thinking equal to your environment, you keep creating the same life.”— Joe Dispenza.‘Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself’ QuotesJoe Dispenza quotes from one of his most popular books ‘Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself’.32. “A memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom.”— Joe Dispenza.33. “If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself, and reinvent a new self.”— Joe Dispenza.34. “Meditating is also a means for you to move beyond your analytical mind so that you can access your subconscious mind.”— Joe Dispenza.35. “The quantum field responds, it does so in a way that one couldn’t predict.”— Joe Dispenza.36. “As you release chemicals from your brain to your body, you truly hate yourself.”— Joe Dispenza.37. “The process of change requires unlearning first, then learning.”— Joe Dispenza.38. “You can change your brain just by thinking differently.”— Joe Dispenza.39. “Let go of the past and create a new future.”— Joe Dispenza.40. “By itself, conscious positive thinking cannot overcome subconscious negative feelings.”— Joe Dispenza.41. “To change is to act greater than the familiar feelings of the memorized self.”— Joe Dispenza.42. “Like clay, the energy of infinite possibilities is shaped by consciousness: your mind.”— Joe Dispenza.43. “You have to feel so much gratitude that your body begins to change ahead of the actual event, and accept that the new ideal already is you.”— Joe Dispenza.44. “To be empowered, to be free, to be unlimited, to be creative, to be genius, to be divine - that is who you are.”— Joe Dispenza.45. “Change as a choice, instead of a reaction.”— Joe Dispenza.46. “The universal intelligence that animates the existence of all things will both surprise and delight you.”— Joe Dispenza.47. “What you mentally rehearse and what you physically demonstrate is who you are on a neurological level.”— Joe Dispenza.48. “You can change who you are from brain cell to gene, given the right understanding.”— Joe Dispenza.49. “Like everything else in the universe, we are, in a sense, connected to a sea of information in a dimension beyond physical space and time.”— Joe Dispenza.50. “If you become less angry, you’ll be less frustrated, hateful, judgmental, envious, and so on.”— Joe Dispenza.51. “Wisdom is accumulated knowledge that has been gained through repeated experience.”— Joe Dispenza.52. “The combination of your thoughts and feelings is your state of being. Change your state of being… and change your reality.”— Joe Dispenza.53. “To fully break the habit of being yourself, say good-bye to cause and effect and embrace the quantum model of reality.”— Joe Dispenza.54. “What syncs together, links together.”— Joe Dispenza.55. “Technology is a great distraction and a powerful addiction.”— Joe Dispenza.56. “When your life is over and you cannot rely on your external world to define you, you will be left with that feeling you never addressed.”— Joe Dispenza.57. “We can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering, or we can do so in a state of joy and inspiration.”— Joe Dispenza.58. “When one holds a dream independent of the environment, that’s greatness.”— Joe Dispenza.59. “And we remember who we are based primarily on what we know and the things we do.”— Joe Dispenza.60. “The more we live impacted by stress hormones, the more their chemical rush becomes our identity.”— Joe Dispenza.61. “The process of change requires unlearning. It requires breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing a new self.”— Joe Dispenza.62. “Since your brain is equal to your environment, then each morning, your senses plug you into the same reality and initiate the same stream of consciousness."— Joe Dispenza.63. “Ultimately, you will create transparency. When how you appear is who you are, you are truly free.”— Joe Dispenza.64. “We should never wait for science to give us permission to do the uncommon; if we do, then we are turning science into another religion.”— Joe Dispenza.65. “We gain the freedom to live and think and act independent of the restraints or constraints of that feeling.”— Joe Dispenza.66. “Your associative memories exist in the subconscious mind.”— Joe Dispenza.‘You Are The Placebo’ QuotesJoe Dispenza quotes from his book on the latest research of the famous placebo effect.67. “We’ve in fact conditioned ourselves to believe all sorts of things that aren’t necessarily true—and many of these things are having a negative impact on our health and happiness.”— Joe Dispenza.68. “To be happy with yourself in the present moment while maintaining a dream of your future is a grand recipe for manifestation.”— Joe Dispenza.69. “When you feel so whole that you no longer care whether ‘it’ will happen, that’s when amazing things materialize before your eyes.”— Joe Dispenza.70. “Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.”— Joe Dispenza.71. “Your personality creates your personal reality. It’s that simple.”— Joe Dispenza.72. “We’re addicted to our beliefs; we’re addicted to the emotions of our past.”— Joe Dispenza.73. “The hardest part about change is not making the same choices you made the day before.”— Joe Dispenza.74. “If you string a series of attitudes together, you create a belief."— Joe Dispenza.75. “We can’t create a new future while we’re living in our past. It’s simply impossible.”— Joe Dispenza.76. “If we have very strong beliefs about something, evidence to the contrary could be sitting right in front of us, but we may not see it because what we perceive is entirely different.”— Joe Dispenza.77. “We see our beliefs as truths, and not as ideas that we can change.”— Joe Dispenza.78. “You and I are at our absolute best when we get beyond ourselves.”— Joe Dispenza.79. “We see our beliefs as truths… not ideas that we can change.”— Joe Dispenza.80. “We can never find the present moment, because our brains and bodies are already living in a known future reality based on the past.”— Joe Dispenza.81. “In short, the more you learn about the ‘what’ and the ‘why,’ the easier and more effective the ‘how’ becomes.”— Joe Dispenza.82. “Thinking the same thoughts leads us to make the same choices. Making the same choices leads to demonstrating the same behaviors.”— Joe Dispenza.83. “Just as thoughts are the language of the brain, feelings are the language of the body. And how you think and how you feel create a state of being.”— Joe Dispenza.84. “The moment you imagine a new future for yourself, think about a new possibility.”— Joe Dispenza.85. “Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions for increasing your level of suggestibility.”— Joe Dispenza.86. “When you string a succession of thoughts and feelings together so that they ultimately become habituated or automatic, they form an attitude.”— Joe Dispenza.87. “Once we achieve consistency, we’re on the precipice of a new scientific paradigm—because anything that’s repeatable is science.”— Joe Dispenza.88. “The human body is its own best apothecary and because the most successful prescriptions are filled by the body itself.”— Joe Dispenza.89. “Our bodies do have an innate intelligence that enables them to serve us with a chemical array of natural healing compounds.”— Joe Dispenza.‘Evolve Your Brain’ QuotesGreat quotes from the book ‘Evolve Your Brain’ where Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how chemical reactions are created inside us when we experience emotions.90. “Conscious thoughts, repeated often enough, become unconscious thinking.”— Joe Dispenza.91. “Knowledge is power. Power is control.”— Joe Dispenza.92. “Free will is what makes individual human beings so different from one another.”— Joe Dispenza.93. “Depending on what we are thinking and feeling, we create our state of being.”— Joe Dispenza.94. “Through contemplation and self-reflection, we can become aware of our unconscious scripts.”— Joe Dispenza.95. “Thinking creates feeling, and then feeling creates thinking, in a continuous cycle.”— Joe Dispenza.96. “The only tool we have for truly understanding the mind has been to observe the workings of the living human brain.”— Joe Dispenza.97. “To evolve is to overcome the conditions in our life by changing something about ourselves.”— Joe Dispenza.98. “There is an infinite field of energy that exists beyond our present concept of space and time, which unites all of us.”— Joe Dispenza.99. “Change is a powerful word and it is completely feasible if you choose it.”— Joe Dispenza.100. “Our attention brings everything to life and makes real what was previously unnoticed or unreal.”— Joe Dispenza.101. “When we can use the conscious mind together with the subconscious mind, we will be able to modify our hardware and upgrade our operating systems.”— Joe Dispenza.102. “As human beings, we are privileged to have the ability to act voluntarily and consciously.”— Joe Dispenza.103. “If we want to be a new person or exhibit new behaviors, we shouldn’t limit ourselves to what we have previously stored in our brain.”— Joe Dispenza.104. “If mind is the brain in action or the brain turned on, then new neural networks are making new levels of mind.”— Joe Dispenza.105. “To change our brain, then, is to change the future.”— Joe Dispenza.‘Becoming Supernatural’ QuotesIn ‘Becoming Supernatural’ Dr. Joe Dispenza encourages us to undergo health challenges and helps us to create a new body and mind. Here are some of the best quotes from the book.106. “The hormones of stress cause us to give all our attention to our outer world because that’s where the danger lurks.”— Joe Dispenza.107. “When you are living in survival mode under the burden of the hormones of stress (such as adrenaline), you draw from this invisible field of energy and turn it into chemistry.”— Joe Dispenza.108. “Countless history books could be written through the lens of incoherent emotions.”— Joe Dispenza.109. “If your brain chemistry is right, your body will be totally and completely sedated.”— Joe Dispenza.110. “The stronger the emotional quotient from an event in your life, the more the experience leaves a lasting impression in your brain.”— Joe Dispenza.111. “We could say that your energy is equal to everything in your past-present reality—and you are recreating the past.”— Joe Dispenza112. “If you’re going to disconnect from the outer world, you have to learn how to change your brain waves.”— Joe Dispenza.113. “The hardest part of every war is the last battle.”— Joe Dispenza.114. “If you were to take your attention off your life or get beyond the memory of your life, your life should turn into possibility.”— Joe Dispenza.115. “Remember: If you are going to create the unlimited, you have to feel unlimited. If you are going to heal in a magnificent way, you have to feel magnificent.”— Joe Dispenza.116. “Bless your body, bless your life, bless your soul, bless your future as well as your past, bless the challenges in your life, and bless the intelligence within you that is giving you life.”— Joe Dispenza.117. “When you activate the heart by calling up elevated emotions, you are not only broadcasting that energy to every cell; you are also radiating those feelings out into space.”— Joe Dispenza.118. “The brain may think, but when you turn your heart into an instrument of perception, it knows.”— Joe Dispenza.119. “If feelings and emotions are a record of the past, and those feelings are driving your hardwired thoughts and behaviors, you’ll keep repeating your past and therefore become predictable.”— Joe Dispenza.120. “The more whole you feel the less lack you experience, and therefore the less you want.”— Joe Dispenza.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Joe Dispenza quotes then why not take a look at spiritual growth quotes, or [Carl Rogers quotes].

Joe Dispenza, commonly known as Dr. Joe, is a world-renowned chiropractor, researcher, neuroscientist, and author.