Flowering plants, also known as angiosperms are plants with roots, leaves, and stems.Angiosperm seeds are located in the flower of the plant. These plants make up around 80% of the world’s flowering plant population, in fact, both the largest flower and smallest flower in the world are angiosperms!Angiosperms are known by the name flowering plants because the seeds in these plants grow in the organs of the plant and form various fruits. Angiosperms evolved in the Cretaceous period and with the rise of insects, pollination of pollen became easier and the number of angiosperms grew. These plants grew fruit and flowers to attract insects by developing various shapes, smells, and sizes to attract their pollinators. After the pollination, the seed would grow into a fleshy fruit. Both the flowering plant and the pollinators co-evolved.It is estimated that the angiosperms were the youngest plant groups as they appeared later than the first land plants that existed around 450 million years ago. Archaeological findings have placed the earliest angiosperm occurrence to 130 million years ago. However, there is implied evidence in the form of flowers and seeds that angiosperm first appeared 250 million years ago!If you like this article about facts about flowering plants, be sure to check out articles about what do peanut plants look like and what do carnivorous plants eat, too!Fun Facts About Flowering PlantsThe Bee orchid (Ophrys apifera) is a unique flower in its own way as it evolved over the years and took the form of a mimic bee to attract male bees to pollinate them!Flowering plants or angiosperms are divided into two groups, dicots, and monocots. Other plants like ferns and mosses are neither monocots nor dicots.Angiosperms are a vast species and there are around 24,000 species in the daisy family; 17,000 species in the Orchid family; 10,000 species in the grass family and around 19,000 species in the legume or bean family.Titan arum, also known as the corpse flower is an endangered flower species that can be found in Indonesia. The flower lacks leaves, stems, or roots which allow the plant to live a healthy life. The corpse flower is actually infamous for the foul smell it emits (hence the name) that is similar to the smell of a rotting body. These flowers have also been labeled the ugliest flower in the world.Ancient Egyptians considered the lotus a sacred flower. The flower was seen as a symbolism of eternal life and resurrection because of how the flower blooms even in dirty rivers and wetlands. Lotuses were used in burial rituals too.The Rafflesia arnoldii holds the title of the largest flower in the world! It can reach sizes of 2.5-3 ft (0.7-0.9 m), and has a body mass of 14-15 lb (6.3-6.8 kg). In comparison, the smallest flowering plant in the world, Wolffia, is as small as a rice grain.Moon flowers are one of the most unique flowering plants in the world because of the flower’s capacity to bloom under the moonlight!Some flower species are also used as a food source. The vegetable Broccoli is actually a flower! Saffron, a spice, comes from the crocus flower family.Marantha arundinacea, a plant native to India, is known for its powder that resembles cornstarch. The powder was used to remove toxins from the wounds of poisoned arrows.It is said that after Achilles’ mother dipped Achilles in a bath filled with yarrow tea which was assumed to have shielding properties. The flowers of this plant were also used during World War I to heal wounds.Bamboo flowers are so hard to come by they are considered to be rarely seen at all! Some bamboo species produce flowers when they are 65 years old or even 120 years old. On reaching its flowering age, bamboo flowers, and produced seeds.The Rosaceae family is considered to be one of the most important crop plant families economically! This family consists of apples, roses, pears, plums, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, apricots, peaches, almonds, and blackberries.The Puya raimondii is the largest member of the bromeliad species and is known as the slowest-flowering plant because the flowers emerge when these plants are 80-150 years old! The plant dies after the flower blossoms.Before Tulips became popular in Europe, these flowers were discovered in the mountain ranges of Kazakhstan. Soon tulips were seen as a symbol of wealth and power. Sultan Suleyman, also known as Suleiman the Magnificent, the first Sultan of the Ottoman Empire wore tulip on his turbans and gifted the flowers to guests, hence popularizing the flower. Tulips were considered to be one of the most expensive flowers in the world back in 17th century Holland. One bulb of the flower fetched a price of more than $2,000!The agave plant, also known as “the century plant” is known for its capacity to survive without growing flowers. However, at the end of its lifespan, the plant will bloom one flower and then die.Scientific Facts About Flowering PlantsAngiosperms evolved throughout their history to be where they are now and that too in massive numbers! It is estimated that almost 80% of the plant and flower population that exists now are members of the angiosperm family. The angiosperm family can be found in each and every corner of the world, even in the extreme temperatures of Antarctica! This has led to them reigning the plant kingdom with their vast numbers.Angiosperms made use of the photosynthesis method to thrive in the early periods of their existence. The flowers produced by these flowering plants helped them procreate through the spread of pollen that gave birth to new plants. Plants have small openings called stomata that help them in intaking carbon dioxide which helps in the production of sugar in the plant. Angiosperms were able to become the dominant plant species because they had a massive amount of stomata, helping them in photosynthesis and helping them flourish in their natural habitats through various geographical and weather changes.Gas plants are famous for their pink and white blooms, however, these plants are also known to emit colorless gases. These gases are assumed to be flammable!Sunflowers are one of the most well-known flowers in the world and are loved for their beauty. Sunflowers can in turn harm other flower species by preventing their growth because of their allelopathic compounds. These compounds are also known for preventing the assimilation of weeds.Flowers are actually the reproductive part of flowering plants! The flower pollen is spread by birds or insects that suck its nectar. The pollen is then carried by the animals from the pistil of one flower to another’s (flower’s female part) by the carriers. Plants attract animals with their flowers which helps in the spreading of pollen from one flower to the other.Compared to Gynmosperms, angiosperms or flowering plants do not need to expose their seeds. Pollination is the basic way of reaching the reproductive part of other flowers in the vicinity. Seeds and flowers never come in contact with angiosperms. After successful pollination, one sperm cell will fertilize the egg while the other sperm will fertilize a different cell and create an endosperm. Coconut milk and coconut meat are endosperm examples.The count of flowering plants or angiosperms is in the thousands! It is estimated that there are at least 270,000 species of flowers in the world. The rose species make up around 35,000 of the total species count.Some flowering plants species are carnivorous! Flowers like the butterworts, venus flytrap, and pitcher plants are known to prey on insects, bugs, and small animals. These flowering plants are known as insectivorous plants.Dandelions leaves and flowers are actually nutritious! These flowers are a great source of iron, potassium, calcium, and vitamins A and C.Facts About Flowering Plants’ LifecycleThe lifespan of flowering plants comprises of production of seeds, germination, growth, reproduction, pollination, and spreading of seeds.Generally, plants reproduce sexually and asexually. Sexual reproduction involves the spreading or pollination of seeds to other plants by insects and birds which help in the creation of a new plant. Asexual reproduction involves the production of bulbs like in the case of snowdrops and daffodils.Names Of Flowering PlantsFlowering plants have been a part of the world for millions of years and some of them have seen much larger popularity because of their looks, smell, or cultural significance that they have.Some of the most famous flowering plants are Rose, Bougainvillea, Cardinal flower, Chrysanthemum, Daffodil, Dahlia, Daisy, Dandelion, Fuchsia, Hibiscus, Hyacinth, Jasmine, Lavender, Lilac, Lily, Lotus, Magnolia, Marigold, Pansy, Poppy, Roses, Sunflower, Tulip, and Waterlilies.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 111 facts about flowering plants for the budding botanist in you then why not take a look at are algae plants, or plants in the arctic.

Flowering plants, also known as angiosperms are plants with roots, leaves, and stems.