Robert De Niro is counted among the most acclaimed American actors and producers in the world.He is best known for his versatile choice of roles and outstanding performances in movies like ‘The Irishman’, ‘The Intern’, ‘Casino’, ‘Heat’, ‘Goodfellas’, and ‘Taxi Driver’. In his five-decade acting career, Robert De Niro won several awards, including two Academy Awards and a Golden Globe Award.Besides engaging in acting and production, Robert De Niro has also ventured into direction. If you love watching movies and want to learn how the entertainment industry works, read the Robert De Niro quotes below.Best Robert De Niro QuotesGet a glimpse into the famous actor’s life by reading the following Robert De Niro quotes.“I don’t want to preach. I don’t know whether it can help or not; it depends on who sees it and what they want out of it.”— November 1993,“I’m just happy that I’m still here, and that I’m healthy and can keep on working."— January 16, 2020,“I think it’s important to have had at least a few years of obscurity, where people treat you like everybody else.”- November 2009,, Lee Child.“People are going to do what they do for themselves, and they have their reasons. It’s not for me to ask why.”- November 30, 2009,, Stephen Whitty.“I don’t really think of retirement because I don’t know what else I would do other than do what I’m doing, I guess."-, Marvin R. Shanken.“As you get older, the more complicated things get. It’s almost therapeutic to be doing simple things with the kids.”- December 31, 2002,, Cal Fussman.“Money makes your life easier. If you’re lucky to have it, you’re lucky.”- December 31, 2002,, Cal Fussman.“I’ll just say this: I’m not good at editing how I feel. And those personal things that I feel—like maybe who I would talk to in the past or something—are not something that I care to let anybody know about. That’s my own personal thing.”- January 1989,“At this point in my career, I don’t have to deal with audition rejections. So I get my rejection from other things. My children can make me feel rejected. They can humble you pretty quick.”- December 31, 2002,, Cal Fussman.“You get older, you get more cautious.”- January 2011,“I didn’t have a Plan B. I never quite got to the point of needing one. I did one thing, then the next. I was able to sustain myself.”- November 2009,, Lee Child.“I know people who don’t want to talk about things in their life. It’s a personal thing and it’s really nobody’s business.”- January 1989,“I don’t mind giving advice. I’ve had more experience, just by virtue of being alive longer, so I don’t mind doing that–if people ask. I don’t want to be preachy.”- November 2009,, Lee Child.“New York is more exciting, I guess, than even Paris or London. New York’s the center of something; I don’t know what, really - the center of a lot of things. With all its problems and chaos and craziness, it’s still a great place to live."— November 1993, De Niro Quotes From Movies(Find below the best Robert De Niro quotes to learn his views on money, friends, and acting.)Read some of the most memorable Robert De Niro quotes from his best movies below.“Look at me, never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut.”— James Conway, ‘GoodFellas’.“Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk.”— Travis Bickle, ‘Taxi Driver’.“You talkin’ to me?"— Travis Bickle, ‘Taxi Driver’.“I make him an offer he don’ refuse. Don’ worry.”— Don Vito Corleone, ‘The Godfather: Part II’.“Listen to me very carefully. There are three ways of doing things around here: the right way, the wrong way, and the way that I do it. You understand?”— Sam ‘Ace’ Rothstein, ‘Casino’.“Lady, I never walk into a place I don’t know how to walk out of.”— Sam, ‘Ronin’.“War is show business - that’s why we’re here."— Conrad Brean, ‘Wag The Dog’.“Oh, boy, you don’t know how fast time goes by until you get there.”— Frank Sheeran, ‘The Irishman’.“Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime.”— Rupert Pupkin, ‘The King Of Comedy’.“The more scribbled the name, the bigger the fame.”— Rupert Pupkin, ‘The King Of Comedy’.“I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy one, I will indulge the other."— Frankenstein. ‘Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’.“The days go on and on…they don’t end. All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don’t believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention, I believe that one should become a person like other people.”— Travis Bickle, ‘Taxi Driver’.“Three people can keep a secret only when two of them are dead."— Frank Sheeran, ‘The Irishman’.“We’re not gonna have a war, we’re gonna have the appearance of a war.”— Conrad Brean, ‘Wag The Dog’.“Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."— Neil McCauley, ‘Heat’.“I know life is short, whatever time you get is luck. You want to walk? You walk right now. Or on your own… on your own you choose to come with me. And all I know is… all I know is there’s no point in me going anywhere anymore if it’s going to be alone… without you.”— Neil McCauley, ‘Heat’.“Retirement is an ongoing, relentless effort in creativity. You can try yoga, like to cook, bought some plants, took classes in Mandarin. Believe me, I’ve tried everything. I just know there’s a hole in my life and I need to fill it… soon.”— Ben, ‘The Intern’.“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”— Ed, ‘The War With Grandpa’.“The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.”— Lorenzo Anello, ‘A Bronx Tale’.“War is no game, Peter. Only kids and fools and generals think that. War hurts and kills and is misery.”— Ed, ‘The War With Grandpa’.“Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt.”— Sam, ‘Ronin’.“Now I see this clearly. My whole life is pointed in one direction. There never has been a choice for me.”— Travis Bickle, ‘Taxi Driver’.“Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There’s no escape. I’m God’s lonely man.”— Travis Bickle, ‘Taxi Driver’.“I know, Jerry, that you are as human as the rest of us, if not more so.”— Rupert Pupkin, ‘The King Of Comedy’.Famous Robert De Niro QuotesFind some of the most famous Robert De Niro quotes on friends, family, and work below.“I can get around pretty easily. People don’t expect to see me walking around.”— November 1993,“The sad fact of this business is that you never ever leave it—it tends to leave you."— January 16, 2020,“Sometimes if you have financial restraints, it’s a benefit. It forces you to come up with a more creative way.”- January 2011,“If you don’t go, you’ll never know. I tell that to my kids.”- January 2011,“It’s important not to indicate. People don’t try to show their feelings, they try to hide them.”“Reality is this moment.”- January 2011,“It’s hard to describe yourself. You try your best in life to do the right thing, and you can’t always do the right thing—you can always disappoint somebody."-, Marvin R. Shanken.“Be brave, but not reckless.”- January 2011,“The hardest thing about being famous is that people are always nice to you. You’re in a conversation and everybody’s agreeing with what you’re saying – even if you say something totally crazy. You need people who can tell you what you don’t want to hear.”- December 31, 2002,, Cal Fussman.“Italy has changed. But Rome is Rome.”- January 2011,“I like it when interviews are brief. Are we done yet?”- December 31, 2002,, Cal Fussman.“There is a certain combination of anarchy and discipline in the way I work.”- ‘Wired: The Short Life and Fast Times of John Belushi’, Bob Woodward.“Good advice can save you a little aggravation.”- January 2011,“If you don’t do it the right way now, it’ll never be what it should be — and it’s there forever.”- January 2011,“No matter how you do it, you gotta hold your ground at times. Other times you’ve got to compromise. But never a compromise that you can’t live with.”“Some people understand what it is to create something special, and others are thinking what they can get out of it.”- January 2011,‘‘When it comes to the arts passion should always trump common sense. You weren’t just following dreams; you were reaching for your destiny.’’- May 2015, Tisch School of Arts, New York, USA.“If it’s the right chair, it doesn’t take too long to get comfortable in it.”- January 2011,“Those who say don’t know. Those who know don’t say. That holds up over time.”- January 2011,“My only rule is if I’m in discomfort, If I’m not feeling right about it, I back off and don’t even subject myself to it.”- January 1989,“I’ve never been one of those actors who has touted myself as a fascinating human being. I had to decide early on whether I was to be an actor or a personality.““I always say people can call me anything they want as long as they don’t call me late for supper.““Being an actor can take you places, but you never lose sight of who you are."— January 16, 2020,“You discovered a talent, developed an ambition, and recognized your passion. When you feel that you can’t fight it, you just go with it.”- May 2015, Tisch School of Arts, New York, USA.“The talent is in the choices."“People ask me my proudest moment across all those roles—simply, they are all my best because I got the opportunity to play them in the first place."— January 16, 2020,“I go to Paris, I go to London, I go to Rome, and I always say, ‘There’s no place like New York. It’s the most exciting city in the world now.““I love to find new people. It’s not for the sake of their being new; it’s because if you find someone who perfectly fits a part, that’s such a great thing.““The mind of a writer can be a truly terrifying thing. Isolated, neurotic, caffeine-addled, crippled by procrastination, consumed by feelings of panic, self-loathing, and soul-crushing inadequacy. And that’s on a good day.““What bothered me was that people who went to war became victims of it; they were used for the whims of others.”- January 1989,“There are real times and places for everything, and when it’s not the right time, it’s upsetting.”- January 1989,“I am also not one for regrets. I don’t regret any film I’ve made, because there was a reason for making it at the time. If it hasn’t worked out, then don’t spend time worrying about why and how. Just move on to the next project.”“One of the things about acting is it allows you to live other people’s lives without having to pay the price.““As an actor, you try to be as honest as you can.”- December 2017, Mad Talks, Tariq Qureishy.“Simple is hard.”- January 1989,“Time goes on. So whatever you’re going to do, do it. Do it now. Don’t wait.”- November 30, 2009,, Stephen Whitty.“In this business, You’re only ever as good as your last couple of pictures."— January 16, 2020, De Niro Quotes On ActingRead the following Robert De Niro quotes to learn how the actor prepares for his character and what the real situation on movie sets is like.“As an actor who’s starting out, you can’t say, ‘Hey, I’m too good for this.’ You gotta do it because people see you, your name gets around, and it has a cumulative effect.”— November 1993,“I didn’t have a problem with rejection, because when you go into an audition, you’re rejected already. There are hundreds of other actors. You’re behind the eight ball when you go in there.”- December 31, 2002,, Cal Fussman.“Auditions are like a gamble. Most likely you won’t get the part, but if you don’t go, you’ll never know if you could have got it."— November 1993,“Of course, the industry evolves so quickly these days—big screen, small screen, special effects, prequels, sequels—and this is coming from the perspective of someone who is slowing down.”— January 16, 2020,“Of course, I appreciate the advantages of these kinds of devices. It’s much faster and more efficient—but communication is something I like to do face-to-face… I’m an actor, after all.”— January 16, 2020,“It’s not so much a race to get up to the top, it’s the effort to stay where you are without sliding all the way back down again.”— January 16, 2020,“When I was a kid I was pretty quiet—I didn’t talk much to people and stuck to myself. That’s one of the reasons I went to acting school because it helped me open up and become less reserved, but I am still that same person.”— January 16, 2020,“In acting, I always try to go back to what would actually be the real situation, the real human behavior in life. It’s the most difficult thing and the easiest thing, and it’s all you need–the truth of the moment. If you give too much, if you telegraph things, you weaken it.”- November 2009,, Lee Child.“And you have to balance what is good for the picture and what you want. It’s a constant give and take that’s always there when making films because they cost a lot. Even the lower-budget films."-, Marvin R. Shanken.“Good directors can bring certain things out of you, with their intensity or gentleness or sensitivity or understanding. They can make an actor feel he can do no wrong.”- November 2009,, Lee Child.“I always tell actors when they go in for an audition: Don’t be afraid to do what your instincts tell you. You may not get the part, but people will take notice.”- January 2011,“As an actor, I try to find as much as I can about a character and the world around him and I use parts of myself whatever I feel is applicable to the part.”- December 2017, Mad Talks, Tariq Qureishy.“Movies are hard work. The public doesn’t see that. The critics don’t see it. But they’re a lot of work. A lot of work.”- December 31, 2002,, Cal Fussman.“We just did the movie the way we wanted to do it and that was it. Of course, you always want people to see it and hope that it will be OK, but it’s more important to do movies that have a meaning and some relevance 50 years from now.”- January 1989,“I’d rather be part of a movie like that than of a movie that’s not gonna be around.”- January 1989,“When you’re working on a movie, you never really get full satisfaction, it’s always anticlimactic. You’re too connected to it to really be objective.”- January 1989,“A director has to leave you alone and trust you.”- January 1989,“You draw on whatever’s relevant to the part you’re playing; it makes it more personal.”- November 30, 2009,, Stephen Whitty.“If it’s a very emotional scene, you’re kind of relieved when you’ve done it, kind of spent. And there are times when you can be rattled, certain characters if they’re hyper, that can carry over, the residue of that. But I try to leave it on the set.”- November 30, 2009,, Stephen Whitty.“I always go back to how people behave. If you watch how people actually behave in a situation, it’s very simple and honest, and contained. You don’t need to use as much expression, as much feeling. “- November 30, 2009,, Stephen Whitty.“Certain animals give you certain feelings. I can use the image, take one little thing from that, and it can help me do something. Take a different slant to how you can approach a character, give you an idea, a different rhythm.”- January 1989,“I think Hollywood has a class system. The actors are like the inmates, but the truth is they’re running the asylum.““You always feel like you could’ve done it better. If I’d had my way, I would’ve been creating material during the playing, instead of re-creating the illusion of what was being played.”- January 1989,“I’ve always been interested in people seeing parts of themselves in something I do, as opposed to just seeing something that they’d like to be.”- January 1989,“Like actors working together—you have to jibe together, play off one another, have the same kind of tempo; your rhythms may be different, but somehow, you pick up from the other one, you’re not at odds. It’s important that actors have some kind of connection.”- January 1989,“There’s a kind of thread there as to why people become actors, and if you’re intimidated by the situation and not encouraged, it’s not helpful.”- January 1989,“I spent lunchtime in a grave during the filming of ‘Bloody Mama.’ When you’re younger, you feel that’s what you need to do to help you stay in character. When you get older, you become more confident and less intense about it - and you can achieve the same effect.““To have done enough research on the character to feel that you have the right to play that character the way you see it—bringing what you’ve experienced, what you’ve learned, making it your own.”- January 1989,“When I’m working, I believe in rhythms of things. One thing complements another; it’s a complete arc—a beginning, a middle, and an end that comes about nicely. Make the point and move on.”- January 1989,“It’s a very stressful thing, directing a movie. You have the budget, you have the schedule, you are in certain confines, and you have everybody giving you advice about what to do."“If you’re an actor, always be true to your character. If you are not an actor, have character and always be true to yourself.”

Robert De Niro is counted among the most acclaimed American actors and producers in the world.