Fruits are natural sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.Being naturally low in fats, sodium, and calories, fruits are an excellent diet choice for weight loss. Fruits such as watermelon, strawberries, guava, lime, tomatoes, and oranges are known to be natural fat burners.Fruits grow on trees, vines, and bushes. Most fruits can be widely classified into six categories; citrus fruits, melons, berries, core fruits, pits, and tropical fruits. Eating whole fruits is recommended rather than drinking just the fruit juice. This is because, in the juicing process, the pulp and the skin of the fruit get left out which is rich in various vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, in case of ailments and weaknesses or when one is recuperating from an illness, one cup of fresh fruit juice also serves as a rich source of essential nutrients and simple sugars.If you like reading our fruit nutrition facts article, then why not check out other interesting science articles on fig nutrition facts and cranberry nutrition facts.Fun Facts About FruitsStarting the day with easy-to-eat fruit helps improve metabolism. It also has a positive impact on the physical and mental health of a human being.People suffering from eye-related problems should include fruits such as oranges, apricots, and lemons which are rich in vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta carotene. Conversion of beta carotene into vitamin A aids in good vision, healthy skin, and a strong immune system.Fruits such as prunes, avocado, and berries are good for people with thyroid-related problems as these are rich in iodine which is essential for the production of the two thyroid hormones- triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).Regular consumption of fruits improves digestive health and reduces the chances of developing chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.It is observed that the more one consumes fresh fruit in one’s diet, the less the risk of getting heart disease or cholesterol-related problems.Each fruit that we eat has its own variation of vitamins, calories, and other nutrients and its own health benefits. Although fresh fruit and dry fruit are preferable over canned fruit, in situations when you have to opt for canned fruit, juice-packed canned fruit is preferable over syrup-packed canned fruit as syrup-packed canned fruit can have a high-fat and sugar content.Fruit can be consumed as dessert after having food, however, it is advisable to leave a gap of 30 minutes in between. Dry fruit such as pistachio, cashew, and raisins are used in cooking and decorating different food items. Apples, grapes, and peaches can be consumed by fermenting and producing wine and vinegar. Fermented foods are easily digestible and have high antioxidants and induce anti-atherosclerotic activity.Nutritional Facts About FruitsAs the saying goes ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Fresh fruits such as apples, avocadoes, cherries, cantaloupe, custard apple, papayas, mangoes, oranges, peaches, berries like raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, and dried fruit like dates, apricot, raisins, and fig are immensely beneficial for our health and can be consumed daily. Fruits are excellent immunity boosters and their appropriate consumption on a regular basis can keep many chronic diseases away.Seasonal fruits: Freshly produced seasonal fruits have the highest amount of antioxidants, phytonutrients, and nutrition. Seasonal fruits are a must-have in the diet of every individual as they supplement the nutrients your body needs for the season.Dried fruits: Dried fruit contains a great amount of dietary fiber and healthy fats so it is great to eat. Dates are instant energy boosters. Rich in iron, cashew nuts help control cholesterol and high blood pressure, fig reduces hypertension, raisins protect from vision-related problems and pistachios stabilize blood sugar. They are excellent sources of antioxidants and polyphenol.Berries: Loaded with antioxidants, berries help improve insulin responses and lower cholesterol levels. They are very good for the skin and help fight inflammation. The healthiest berry is the blueberry whose regular consumption in small amounts boosts immunity and reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It is better to have raw berries which contain more nutrients than canned or salted berries as they will have more sodium and a higher calorie content.Melons: Rich sources of vitamin C, K, and B6, melons have high water content which keeps you hydrated and they have low calories which makes them weight loss friendly. They have high dietary fiber, and low sodium and fat content. Melons are basically summer foods and are best if consumed as fresh fruits. They help to release the heat out of the body. Examples of healthy melons are muskmelon, watermelon, cantaloupe, and honey-dew melon.Stone fruits: They include, cherries, apricots, mangoes, lychees, and many others. These are vibrant fruits low in calories and fat, and rich in vitamins and nutrients. They promote healthy nerves and muscles, improve eyesight and strengthen bones and teeth. They also help fight obesity, diabetes, and supplement as dietary fiber. As nutritious as these foods are, one should stay away from the seeds of stone fruits as they contain a cyanide-producing compound called amygdalin that can be fatal.Pomes: Many fruits such as apples, pears, quince, medlars, loquats, and rowans are included in this category. These fruits are generally harvested from the end of summer until autumn and contain high fiber, water, sorbitol, and fructose. These fruits can generally be consumed with their skin intact but their seeds must be avoided (especially apple seeds). These can be termed as safe fruits as most people irrespective of any chronic ailments can consume these fruits.It is impossible to crown any one fruit with the tag of the healthiest fruit. Therefore, here is a list of the nutritional content of the five healthiest fruits in percentage daily values per 100 gm based on a 2000 calorie diet.Apples: Carbohydrate (11%), Potassium (2%), Vitamin C (8%), Iron (1%).Strawberries: Potassium (3%), Carbohydrate (6%), Vitamin C (98%), Iron (5%).Avocados: Total fat (48%), Potassium (10%), Protein (3.5%), Vitamin C (17%).Bananas: Carbohydrate (18%), Potassium (8%), Vitamin C (15%), Vitamin A (2%).Pineapple: Carbohydrate (10%), Vitamin C (80%), Magnesium (3%), Calcium (1.3%).Fruits That Can Be Harmful To YouA person’s individual need for fresh fruits can vary depending on their height, weight, sex, age, physical ability, and health conditions.With proper knowledge of nutrients and their effects, one can figure out which fruit to avoid or which should be consumed less. Regular consumption of fruits is never a problem until any particular fruit is over consumed. For example, diabetic patients should avoid fruit with relatively higher sugar content like overly ripe bananas and dried dates. Similarly, people suffering from diarrhea should avoid fruit with higher dietary fiber content like pineapples, cherries, currants, and grapes as they might elevate bowel irritation.During pregnancy, both raw and ripe papaya should be avoided as it contains latex that can cause premature contractions. It is also advised not to eat fruits such as peaches, grapes, and pineapples as they can lead to complications in the pregnancy.Overeating fruits rich in micronutrients can lead to problems related to the superabundance of those micronutrients. Overconsumption of fruits such as bananas, pineapples, and dates that are rich in natural sugars can lead to weight gain and increased blood sugar levels. Overconsumption of melons can lead to gas formation and bloating as these fruits are rich in fructose, a complex sugar.Thus, to avoid such problems, you should include a variety of fruits in your diet rather than just focusing on one fruit. It’s always good to include local seasonal fruits in your regular diet.Facts About Picking Up A Good FruitBefore you count the calories and after you have gone through the health benefits of fruits, next comes the issue of picking up good fruits. It’s simple enough; check their firmness, color, stems, and fragrance.Eating whole, raw fruits prevents overconsumption as being rich in dietary fiber, they give a feeling of fullness even when consumed in a small amount. The answer to the question, ‘are fruits are fattening?’, is no.Starchy fruits such as green bananas should not be eaten with high protein fruits such as guava as the difference in pH between the fruits can disturb the digestion process.Avoid eating melons with other fruits. Their high water content makes them easily digestible and mixing them with other fruits causes indigestion.High acidic fruits such as grapefruit and orange can be paired with sub acidic fruits such as apples and peaches but both of them should never be consumed with high starch, sweet fruits like bananas. Eating acidic fruits with sweet fruits not only causes indigestion but can also lead to problems like nausea and headache.Also, it is recommended to avoid eating fruits with vegetables. This is because both fruits and vegetables take a different amount of time to get digested and if consumed together, can cause digestive disorders like heartburn and acidic reflux.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 101 fruit nutrition facts: are they really good for you? find out then why not take a look at grapes nutrition facts, or jackfruit nutrition facts.

Fruits are natural sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.