A name is not just a name but much more than that.Researchers say there is a surprising relationship between the name of a person and their personality. It has the capacity of affecting the success of the person.The first letter of your last name is significant because it reveals a great deal about your talents, character and potential. Surnames beginning with V are a good choice because V is for victory, virtue, and valiant etc. People whose surnames start with V are believed to be strong and loyal people who cannot easily be intimidated. Their heart is genuine and they always keep up their word. Surnames beginning with V are quite unique. Let’s have a look at some of the last names that start with V that have their origin from various parts of the world.To help you further in your search for surnames, take a look at Surnames Starting With T and Nature Last Names.Last Names Inspired By AnimalsBelow given are some of the unique last names that start with V which are related to animals in the United States. Let’s have a look at the surnames starting with V.1.  Vacca, (US origin) Vacca is one of the most common surnames starting with V in the United States. It means “a cow”.2.  Vaccaro, (Italian origin) It is one of the occupational surnames that start with V originating from Italy used for cowherds.3.  Vadas, (Hungarian origin) means “wild”.4.  Van Bokhoven, The meaning of this surname is “goat yard” in Switzerland.5.  Vance, (English origin) This surname means a “resident who lives at the fern”.6.  Varela, (Scotland origin) means “animal herder”.7.  Vlcek, This is one of the census popular surnames which means “wolf”.8.  Vogel, This is one of the surnames beginning with V that means “bird”.9.  Voronin, (Russian origin) This is one of the common Russian surnames which mean “crow”.10.  Vrubel, This is one of the census approved surnames which means “sparrow”.Last Names Inspired By Nature  Below given are some of the never before seen last names that start with V. These are the surnames which are close to nature and the name that starts with V are quite attractive.11.  Van Agreten, (Dutch origin) This is one of the unique Dutch last names starting with V which means “a place at the end of the road”.12.   Van Aller This is one of the other common German last names that start with V. It refers to a river in Germany.13.   Van Alst This is a US census name meaning a “living place”.14.  Van Amelsvoort It is a US last name and means “ford of the river”.15.  Van Amstel When you search for this word, then it means “river area”.16.  Van Andel When you search for this name it means “upper forest”.17.  Van As This is one of the unique last names which means “ash tree”.18.  Van Dallen Another surname beginning with V. When you search for this word, it means “valley”.19.  Van Den Akker This is one of the last names beginning with V. It means “field”.20.  Van Den Berg This is one of the last names starting with V which means “mountain”.21.  Van Der Aart This is a last name starting with V which refers to a farmer.28.  Van Der Zee This is one of the rare surnames start with V. It means “living in the coastal region”.22.  Van Donk This is one of the surnames beginning with V which means “hill”.23  Vandroogenbroeck, (Mexican origin) This is one of the Mexican last names that start with V. It means “harsh regions”.24. Van Hassel, (US origin) In the United States, this is another surname beginning with V. It means “hazel tree”.29. Van Middelburg, (Dutch origin) This surname means a “middle fortress” in the Dutch language.27. Vann This is one of the last names starting with V. It means a “person living in a swamp place”.25. Van Ophoven This surnames beginning with V as per the census. It means “upper gardens and courtyards”.26. Van Wieren This surnames beginning with V. It means “seaweed”.30. Verboom This is one of the last names which means “tree”.31. Verhoeven This is the last name which indicates a farm area person.32. Vernon, (English origin) This is one of the English last names which refers to an elderly person.33. Vervloet This is one of the most popular last names which start with V. It means “stream area”.34. Villaverde This is one of the surnames beginning with V and it means “farm settlement”.35. Vincent, (English origin) means “black island”.36. Vinogradov, (Russian origin) This is one of the surnames beginning with V which means a “vineyard”.37. Vipond, This is a common habitational census surname which means the “bridge area”.38. Virag, (Hungarian origin) This is one of the high-ranking surnames beginning with V which means “an exotic flower”.39. Virtanen This census surname means a “stream”.40. Visser This surnames which means a “fisherman”.41. Voll This is one of the census popular surnames which mean a “field area”.42. Von Brandt, (German origin) means the “area cleared by fire”.43. Von Essen, (German origin) This is one of the German surnames and it means “ash tree”.45. Vogel This is one of the most common surnames beginning with V and means a “bird catcher”.44. Vonnegut This is one of the major surnames beginning with V, which means “hunting track”.Last Names Inspired By Other Elements  Let’s have a look at some of the last names that start with V which are based on the other elements. This list has quite interesting V last names list.45. Vaduva This is one of the common V surnames as per the census in the United States. It means “widow”.46. Vaidehi, (Indian origin) This is a last name that means “furrow”.47.  Valdemar When you search for this name, it means “a famous ruler”.48.  Valdez, (Spanish origin) This last name means “son of a brave person”.49.  Valkyrie, (Old Norse origin) It is a mythological name.50.  Valmai, (Australian origin) It is one of the rare surnames and means “hawk of May”.51.  Vamos, This is one of the Hungarian surnames beginning with V and it means “custom officer”.52.  Van Ankeren This is one of the common last names that start with V, which means “from the anchor”.53.  Van Baarle If you search this word, then it means a “resident of Belgium”.54 Van Der Stoep This is one of the last names that start with V. It means “entrance to the house”.55.  Van Der Veen This is another surname beginning with V. It means a “resident living in a colony”.56.  Van De Vliert, (Dutch origin) This is a unique surname beginning with V. It means “elderberry”.57.  Van Dijk This is one of the last names beginning with V. It means “dike”.58.  Vanig, (American origin) means “maiden of the van”.59.  Van Willigen, (English origin) This is one of the English last names that start with V. It means “willow”.60.  Varga, (Hungarian origin) This is one of the popular Hungarian surnames beginning with V and means “cobbler”.61 Vargas This is one of the location-based last names starting with V. It means “hut”.62.  Vass It is one of the occupational surnames and means an “iron factory worker”.63 Vastag This is one of the Hungarian surnames starting with V which means “stout or thick”.64.  Vaughan It means “little”.65.  Vega (Spanish origin) This is one of the major surnames beginning with V which means “meadow”.66. Vela, (Spanish origin) This is one of the last names that start with V, which means to “stay watchful”.67.  Vemulakonda (Telugu origin) This refers to a person who lives on the banks of Andhra Pradesh in India.68.  Venalainen This refers to people livings on the Russian side of the border.69.  Ventimiglia (Italian origin) This is one of the major Italian historical city which is situated near the French borders and is one of the topographic surnames.70.  Vergoossen, (Dutch origin) means “son of Goswin”.71.  Verity, (Latin origin) This is one of the Latin surnames starting with V. It means “an honest person”.72.  Vermeulen, (Dutch origin) means “from the mill area”.73.  Verona (Italian origin) This is one of the last names in the census. It means the “historical city in Northern Italy”.74.  Ververs It means a “dyer”.75.  Vescovi It means “bishop”.76.  Vesely It is one of the cute surnames starting with V and means “cheerful”.77.  Vespa, (French origin) It means “wasp” in French.78.  Vico, (Spanish origin) This surname means a “major town”.79.  Vilar This is one of the surnames beginning with V and meaning “hamlet or farm”.80.  Villa This is  one of the surnames beginning with V. It means “an exotic staying place”.81.  Villanueva (Spanish origin) This is one of the most sought after surnames which mean “new town”.82.  Villalobos (Spanish origin) This is one of the most favorite surnames which mean “town of wolves”.83.  Virgo This is one of the high-rank surnames which means a “shy person”.84.  Viteri This is a common census surname which means “uncertainties”.85  Vivas This census surname means “wishing good luck”.86. Vlahovic (Slavic origin) This refers to a person from Rome and one of the popular surnames to start with V.87. Vlasak This is a census popular surname which means a “person who buys or sells hair”.88. Vlasic This is a high-ranking surname which means “Romanian”.89. Vodenicharov This means a “miller” in the Russian language.90. Vogt This means a “lawyer” in the German language.91. Volk, (German origin) means “people”.92. Voltolini This surname is the name of one of the most popular alpine valley in Northern Italy.93. Von Ingersleben This is one of the common surnames which means “houses”.94. Voros This is one of the censuses approved surnames which means a “person with red hair or face”.95. Voss This census popular surname means a “clever person” or a “person with red hair”.96. Vroom, (Anglo Saxon origin) This is one of the Anglo-Saxon surnames which mean"highly pious" or “devout”.97. Vrley This means a “person who is a resident of France”.98. Vui, (Vietnamese origin) This is one of the Vietnamese surnames beginning with V and it means “cheerful”.99. Vulk, (Slovenian origin) It means “wolf” in Slovenian language.100. Vyomini It means “divine”.Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for Surnames Beginning With V then why not take a look at Cuban Last Names, or for something different take a look at Tiefling Last Names.

A name is not just a name but much more than that.