Neville Goddard, through his works, focused on the importance of believing in yourself and flourishing your imagination.The American author, Neville Lancelot Goddard wrote about the Bible, mysticism and self-help. Through the concepts of the Bible and through Worldly matters, he shared his views on the importance of respecting, believing and loving yourself.His writing has a philosophical touch to it, though he used many religious concepts, too. Here are the best Neville Goddard quotes from the self-help author. These will surely get you thinking about the times, and when to let yourself and your imagination down, and will give you the strength to get everything right. Read on for the best Neville Goddard quotes, plus some manifesting quotes, too!If you enjoy this article, make sure to check James Allen quotes and Bob Proctor quotes.‍Neville Goddard Sharing QuotesThe most important person in a human being’s life is himself. Believing in you is very important for a peaceful and happy life. Here are some quotations on imagination along with visualizing quotes from Neville Goddard which will show you the importance of believing in yourself.1. “You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it.”– Neville Goddard.2. “Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to re-infect yourself.”– Neville Goddard.3. “Everything depends upon our attitude towards ourselves. That which we will not affirm as true of ourselves cannot develop in our life.”– Neville Goddard.4. “Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.”– Neville Goddard.5. “Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.”– Neville Goddard, ‘Your Faith Is Your Fortune’.6. “Instead of fighting against the evidence of the senses you claim yourself to be that which you desire to be. As your attention is placed on this claim, the doors of the senses automatically close against your former master (that which you were conscious of being).”– Neville Goddard, ‘Your Faith Is Your Fortune’.7. “The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself.”– Neville Goddard.8. “Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint. You are infinitely greater than you think you are.”– Neville Goddard.9. “It is not what you want that you attract, you attract what you believe to be true.”– Neville Goddard.10. “All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled.”– Neville Goddard.11. “Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.”–Neville Goddard.12. “Nothing comes from without. All things come from within.”– Neville Goddard.13. “Be careful of your moods and feelings, for there is an unbroken connection between your feelings and your visible world.”– Neville Goddard.14. “When you attain the control of the internal direction of your attention, you will no longer stand in shallow water but will launch out into the deep of life.”– Neville Goddard.15. “Believe that you are what you want to be.”– Neville Goddard.16. “The world is yourself pushed out. Ask yourself what you want and then give it to yourself! Do not question how it will come about; just go your way knowing that the evidence of what you have done must appear, and it will.”– Neville Goddard.17. “Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind-that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.”– Neville Goddard.18. “The difference between feeling yourself in action, here and now, and visualizing yourself in action, as though you were on a motion-picture screen, is the difference between success and failure.”– Neville Goddard.19. “If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses.”– Neville Goddard.20. “Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself.”– Neville Goddard.21. “Everything depends upon our attitude towards ourselves. That which we will not affirm as true of ourselves cannot develop in our life.”– Neville Goddard.22. “Our inner conversations represent in various ways the world we live in.”– Neville Goddard.23. “Don’t condemn yourself for the state into which you have fallen. If you don’t like it, move into another.”– Neville Goddard.24. “Begin with self.”– Neville Goddard.25. “If a man looks upon any other man and estimates that man as less than himself, then he is stealing from the other. He is stealing the other’s birth right - that of equality.”– Neville Goddard.26. “I will be is a confession that ‘I am not’ The Father’s will is always ‘I am.’ Until you realize that you are the Father (there is only one I am and your infinite self is that I am), your will is always ‘I will be.”- Neville Goddard.27. “Only as one is willing to give up his present limitations and identity can he become that which he desires to be.”-Neville Goddard.28. “Andrew or courage.”-Neville Goddard.29. “To reach a higher level of being, you must assume a higher concept of yourself.”- Neville Goddard.30. “Whenever your feeling is in conflict with your wish, feeling will be the victor.”– Neville Goddard.31. “When you attain the control of the internal direction of your attention, you will no longer stand in shallow water but will launch out into the deep of life.”– Neville Goddard.32. “Have faith in your imagined act.”– Neville Goddard.33. “The cornerstone on which all things are based is man’s concept of himself.”– Neville Goddard.34. “The circumstances of your life reflect what you have been saying.”– Neville Goddard.35. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”– Neville Goddard.Neville Goddard Quotations On FeelingsTaking action to your decision is crucial to lead a good life in the present. When you miss the timing, you tend to miss the opportunity. This leads to a lot of other small problems and worries. Read on for motivating message, Neville Goddard quotes along with manifesting quotes from the famous author.36. “All you need is time… and you have it…now!”– Neville Goddard.37. “Everyone is free to create his world as he wants it if he knows that the whole thing is responding to him.”– Neville Goddard.38. “Claim it; it will respond.”– Neville Goddard, ‘The Power Of Awareness’.39. “A change of feeling is a change of destiny.”– Neville Goddard.40. “Become aware of what you are thinking and you will recognize a law between your mood and your surrounding circumstances.”– Neville Goddard.41. “The law operates by faith. If you believe, no effort is necessary to see the fulfilment of your every desire.”– Neville Goddard.42. “Those who go seeking for love only make manifest their own lovelessness and the loveless never find love. Only the loving find love and they never have to seek for it.”– Neville Goddard.43. “The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well-sustained attention, firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished.”– Neville Goddard.44. “Live your life in a sublime spirit of confidence and determination.”– Neville Goddard.45. “The signs always follow. They never precede.”– Neville Goddard.46. “Always go to the end. Dwell in the end and you will hurt no one.”– Neville Goddard.47. “Love is our birth right. Love is the fundamental necessity of our life. Do not go seeking for that which you are. “– Neville Goddard.48. “Prayers to be successful must be claimed and appropriated. Assume the positive consciousness of the thing desired.”– Neville Goddard.49. “Only as one is willing to give up his present limitations and identity can he become that which he desires to be.”– Neville Goddard.Neville Goddard Quotes On Level Of ConsciousnessThis concept of consciousness and subconsciousness is widely discussed by Neville Goddard. The following quotes will let you know more about this concept. Then you can pick your favorite quotation on feelings and quotation on desire from your past or present.50. “The subconscious is what a man is. The conscious is what a man knows.”– Neville Goddard.51. “Your world is your consciousness objectified. Waste no time trying to change the outside; change the within or the (subconscious) impression, and the without or expression will take care of itself.”– Neville Goddard.52. “An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.”– Neville Goddard.53. “To be conscious of being poor while praying for riches is to be rewarded with that which you are conscious of being, namely, poverty."– Neville Goddard.54. “Nothing comes from without; all things come from within - from the subconscious”– Neville Goddard, ‘Resurrection’.55. “Man moves in a world that is nothing more or less than his consciousness objectified.”– Neville Goddard.56. “All conceptions are limitations of the conceiver.”– Neville Goddard, ‘Your Faith Is Your Fortune’.57. “You must be in the consciousness of being or having that which you want to be or to have before you drop off to sleep. Once asleep, man has no freedom of choice. His entire slumber is dominated by his last waking concept of self.”– Neville Goddard, ‘Feeling Is The Secret’.58. “Man’s chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.”– Neville Goddard.59. “Sleep conceals the creative act while the objective world reveals it. In sleep man impresses the subconscious with his conception of himself.”– Neville Goddard.60. “A change of circumstance happens as a result of a change in your state of consciousness.”– Neville Goddard.61. “Truth depends upon the intensity of imagination, not upon facts.”– Neville Goddard.62. “The journey of life is a mental one, which is taking place in the sea of illusion.”– Neville Goddard.63. “Listen closely to your invisible thoughts. What do you hear? What are your words implying? That is their potency. What do you want? Name it and rearrange the structure of your mind to imply you no longer desire it, because you already have it!”– Neville Goddard.64. “To rise in consciousness to the level of the thing desired and to remain there until such level becomes your nature is the way of all seeming miracles.”– Neville Goddard.65. “Your subconscious impressions determine the conditions of your world.”– Neville Goddard.66. “I and my Father are one but my Father is greater than I. The conscious and subconscious are one, but the subconscious is greater than the conscious.”– Neville Goddard.67. “The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them.”– Neville Goddard.68. “You rise to a higher level of consciousness by taking your attention away from your present limitations and placing it upon that which you desire to be.”– Neville Goddard.69. “Determined imagination, thinking from the end is the beginning of all miracles.”– Neville Goddard.70. “You must be conscious of being secure if you are to know what security is.”– Neville Goddard.71. “If he does not know what he is doing, he can lose his wealth and not know how to recover it. I am asking you, regardless of your financial situation, to assume wealth, knowingly.”– Neville Goddard.72. “Without the aid of any man, he will define himself as that which he desires to express. He will discover that his I am is the virgin conceiving without the aid of man, that all conceptions of himself, when felt, and fixed in consciousness, will be embodied easily as living realities in his world”.– Neville Goddard.73. “How would I feel if I were free?”– Neville Goddard.74. “Use your imagination lovingly on behalf of another.”–Neville Goddard.75. “You believe in God? Believe also in your imagination.”– Neville Goddard.76. “Imagination is seeing with the eye of God.”– Neville Goddard.77. “Your own wonderful human imagination is the actual creative power of God within you.”– Neville Goddard.78. “Most people who desire to change their life make the mistake of not imagining deeply or long enough, they let the 3D world and what they see dictate their reality instead of their imagination.”– Neville Goddard.Neville Goddard’s Spiritual Motivational QuotesNeville Goddard also shared many words of motivation though his books and encouraged the reader to feel it for real in their mind. He showed readers a different perspective about the world and the law of attraction. Read on for some of the best spiritual quotes from the real Neville Goddard to have your every desired wish fulfilled.79. “You must be conscious of being healthy if you are to know what health is."– Neville, ‘The Power Of Awareness’.80. “To desire a state is to have it.”– Neville Goddard, ‘The Law And Other Essays On Manifestation’.81. “Love is not love if there is no beloved.”– Neville Goddard, ‘The Law And Other Essays On Manifestation’.82. “Through your ability to think and feel, you have dominion over all creation.”– Neville Goddard.83. “For life makes no mistakes and always gives man that which man first gives himself.”– Neville Goddard.84. “Each person is born with an infinite power, against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance.”– Neville Goddard.85. “Learn to shake yourself loose from what the world believes is the only reality.”– Neville Goddard.86. “Nothing is impossible to you.”– Neville Goddard.87. “Take your attention away from your problem and the multitude of reasons why you cannot achieve your ideal. Concentrate your attention entirely upon the thing desired.”– Neville Goddard.88. “It is imagination which makes one a leader while the lack of it makes one a follower.”– Neville Goddard.89. “Imagination is the only redemptive power in the universe.”– Neville Goddard.90. “Simply dare to assume you are what you want to be and you will compel everyone to play their part.”– Neville Goddard.91. “Predetermine what you want to hear and listen until you hear it.”–Neville Goddard.92. “The law operates by faith. If you believe, no effort is necessary to see the fulfilment of your every desire.”– Neville Goddard.93. “Assume wealth knowingly.”– Neville Goddard.94. “There is nothing God cannot do! Do not think that one who is fabulously rich has an influx of spirit which differs from yours. He is imagining wealth, either wittingly or unwittingly; but you can do it knowingly.”– Neville Goddard.95. “If you assume success and persist in that assumption you cannot fail. That is the law.”– Neville Goddard.96. “Think truly, and thy thoughts shall the world’s famine feed; Speak truly, and each word of thine shall be a fruitful seed; Live truly, and thy life shall be a great and noble creed.”– Neville Goddard.97. “The beliefs in the potency of drugs to heal, diets to strengthen, moneys to secure, are the values or money changers that must be thrown.”– Neville Goddard.98. “Prayer is the art of assuming the feeling of being and having that which you want.”– Neville Goddard.99. “Fools exploit the world; the wise transfigure it.”– Neville Goddard.100. “Fear of loss brings loss into your world.”– Neville Goddard.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Neville Goddard, then why not take a look at Leonard Ravenhill quotes, or Mark Manson quotes.‍

Neville Goddard, through his works, focused on the importance of believing in yourself and flourishing your imagination.