John Calvin was a French theologian who played a big role in the protestant movement of reformation against the Holy Catholic Church.Calvin was the father of the theory of predestination and he made many commentaries on Christ, the Holy Bible, The Church, spirit and life. His commentaries and work on reformation were things that spread to every corner of the world.So, let’s read through the Calvin quotes below!For more such quotes, check out John Bunyan and John Newton.‍Inspirational John Calvin Quotes On Prayer And GodLet’s go through these quotes by John Calvin on the church life and the Lord Jesus Christ. You may find the perfect divine quote to make your day.1. “Unless we fix certain hours in the day for prayer, it easily slips from our memory.”- John Calvin, ‘Commentary On Daniel’.2. “That we may be prepared to receive all his benefits with true gratitude and thanksgiving, while our prayers remind us that they proceed from his hand.”- John Calvin.3. “Now, in order that true religion may shine upon us, we ought to hold that it must take its beginning from heavenly doctrine.”- John Calvin.4. “Men will never worship God with a sincere heart, or be roused to fear and obey Him with sufficient zeal, until they properly understand how much they are indebted to His mercy.”- John Calvin.5. “The human testimonies which go to confirm it will not be without effect, if they are used in subordination to that chief and highest proof, as secondary helps to our weakness.”- John Calvin.6. “Unless men establish their complete happiness in God, they will never give themselves truly and sincerely to him.”- John Calvin.7. “No one can get even the slightest taste of right and sound doctrine unless he be a pupil of Scripture.”- John Calvin, ‘Institutes Of The Christian Religion’.8. “To make intercession for men is the most powerful and practical way in which we can express our love for them.”- John Calvin.9.  “For, until men feel that they owe everything to God, that they are cherished by his paternal care, and that he is the author of all their blessings, so that nought is to be looked for away from him, they will never submit to him in voluntary obedience…”- John Calvin, ‘Institutes Of The Christian Religion’.10. “All things are of God; and, therefore, why should it not be lawful to dedicate to his glory everything that can properly be employed for such a purpose?”- John Calvin.11. “The Lord has not redeemed you so you might enjoy pleasures and luxuries, but rather so you should be prepared to endure all sorts of evils.”- John Calvin.12. “God tolerates even our stammering, and pardons our ignorance whenever something inadvertently escapes us - as, indeed, without this mercy there would be no freedom to pray.”- John Calvin.13. “We are not thus convinced if we look merely to ourselves and not also to the Lord, who is the sole standard by which this judgment must be measured.”- John Calvin.14. “Our prayer must not be self-centered. It must arise not only because we feel our own need as a burden we must lay upon God, but also because we are so bound up in love for our fellow men that we feel their need as acutely as our own.”- John Calvin.15. “The ceremony of lifting up our hands in prayer is designed to remind us that we are far removed from God, unless our thoughts rise upward.”- John Calvin.16. “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers.”- John Calvin.17. “To know God as the Master and Bestower of all good things, who invites us to request them of Him, and still not go to Him and ask of Him – this would be of as little profit as for a man to neglect a treasure, buried and hidden in the earth, after it had been pointed out to him.”- John Calvin, ‘Institutes Of The Christian Religion’.18. “We shall never be clothed with the righteousness of Christ except we first know assuredly that we have no righteousness of our own”- John Calvin.19. “Nearly all the wisdom we possess, that is to say, true and sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.”- John Calvin.20. “All truth is from God; and consequently, if wicked men have said anything that is true and just, we ought not to reject it; for it has come from God.”- John Calvin.21. “We must remember that Satan has his miracles, too.”- John Calvin.22. “Let the first rule of right prayer then be, to have our heart and mind framed as becomes those who are entering into converse with God.”- John Calvin.23. “However many blessings we expect from God, His infinite liberality will always exceed all our wishes and our thoughts.”- John Calvin.24. “A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God’s truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.”- John Calvin.25. “Faith is like an empty, open hand stretched out towards God, with nothing to offer and everything to receive.”- John Calvin.26. “I gave up all for Christ, and what have I found? Everything in Christ.”- John Calvin.27. “There is no knowing that does not begin with knowing God.”- John Calvin.28. “Let our chief goal, O God, be your glory, and to enjoy You forever.”- John Calvin.29. “Satan is an astute theologian.”- John Calvin.30. “Prayers will never reach God unless they are founded on free mercy.”- John Calvin.31. “There is no inconsistency when God raises up those who have fallen prostrate.”- John Calvin.32. “Whoever is not satisfied with Christ alone, strives after something beyond absolute perfection.’- John Calvin.33. “Scripture is like a pair of spectacles which dispels the darkness and gives us a clear view of God.”- John Calvin.34. “We cannot rely on God’s promises without obeying his commandments.”- John Calvin.35. “Whatever a person may be like, we must still love them because we love God.”- John Calvin.John Calvin’s Famous QuotesLet us take a look at famous Calvin quotes on truth, reformed quotes and John Calvin Humanism quotes that are applicable at every moment of every day.36. “Hatred grows into insolence when we desire to excel the rest of mankind and imagine we do not belong to the common lot; we even severely and haughtily despise others as our inferiors.”- John Calvin.37. “There is not one little blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make men rejoice.”- John Calvin.38. “The torture of a bad conscience is the hell of a living soul.”- John Calvin.39. “The surest source of destruction to men is to obey themselves.”- John Calvin.40. “Humility is the beginning of true intelligence.”- John Calvin.41. “It is foolish to attempt to prove to infidels that Scripture is the Word of God. This cannot be known except by faith.”- John Calvin.42. “Nothing is more dangerous than to be blinded by prosperity.”- John Calvin.43. “If a preacher is not first preaching to himself, better that he falls on the steps of the pulpit and breaks his neck than preaches that sermon.”- John Calvin.44. “Our true wisdom is to embrace with meek docility, and without reservation, whatever the holy scriptures have delivered.”- John Calvin.45. ‘While all men seek after happiness, scarcely one in a hundred looks for it from God.”- John Calvin.46. “Joy is a quiet gladness of heart as one contemplates the goodness of God’s saving grace in Christ Jesus.”- John Calvin.47. “Free will does not enable any man to perform good works, unless he is assisted by grace…”- John Calvin.48. “It is entirely the work of grace and a benefit conferred by it that our heart is changed from a stony one to one of flesh, that our will is made new, and that we, created anew in heart and mind, at length will what we ought to will.“John Calvin49. “The pastor ought to have two voices: one, for gathering the sheep; and another, for warding off and driving away wolves and thieves.”- John Calvin.50. “When I took the leap, I had faith I would find a net; Instead I learned I could fly.”- John Calvin.51. “It is, therefore, faith alone which justifies, and yet the faith which justifies is not alone.”- John Calvin.52. “The one condition for spiritual progress is that we remain sincere and humble.”- John Calvin.53. “I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels.”- John Calvin.54. “Nothing, including human suffering, happens by chance.”- John Calvin.55. “Human will does not by liberty obtain grace, but by grace obtains liberty.”- John Calvin.56. “Peace is not to be purchased by the sacrifice of truth.”- John Calvin.57. “All the blessings we enjoy are Divine deposits, committed to our trust on this condition, that they should be dispensed for the benefit of our neighbors.”- John Calvin.58. “Seeing that a Pilot steers the ship in which we sail, who will never allow us to perish even in the midst of shipwrecks, there is no reason why our minds should be overwhelmed with fear and overcome with weariness.”- John Calvin.59. “The word “hope” I take for faith, and indeed hope is nothing else but the constancy of faith.”- John Calvin.60. “There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence.”- John Calvin.61. “We must make the invisible kingdom visible in our midst.”- John Calvin.62. “Faith brings a man empty to God, that he may be filled with the blessings of God.”- John Calvin.63. “We should never insult others on account of their faults, for it is our duty to show charity and respect to everyone.”- John Calvin.64. “Man’s nature, so to speak, is a perpetual factory of idols.”- John Calvin.65. “You must submit to supreme suffering in order to discover the completion of joy.”- John Calvin.66. “That man is truly humble who neither claims any personal merit in the sight of God, nor proudly despises brethren, or aims at being thought superior to them…”- John Calvin.67. “A man that extols himself is a fool and an idiot”- John Calvin.68. “If everything proceeded according to their wishes, they would not understand what it means to follow God.”- John Calvin.69. “Lawful worship consists in obedience alone.”- John Calvin.70. “Since we are all naturally prone to hypocrisy, any empty semblance of righteousness is quite enough to satisfy us instead of righteousness itself.”- John Calvin.Best John Calvin Quotes On PredestinationThe knowledge of Calvin can always be seen in the given quotes about predestination.71. “By predestination, we mean the eternal decree of God, by which He determined with Himself whatever He wished to happen with regard to every man.”- John Calvin.72. “God preordained, for his own glory and the display of His attributes of mercy and justice, a part of the human race, without any merit of their own, to eternal salvation, and another part, in just punishment of their sin, to eternal damnation.”- John Calvin.73. “We must guard against depriving believers of anything disclosed about predestination in Scripture, lest we seem either wickedly to defraud them of the blessing of their God or to accuse and scoff at the Holy Spirit for having published what it is in any way profitable to suppress.”- John Calvin.74. “All events whatsoever are governed by the secret counsel of God.”- John Calvin.75. “We unjustly defraud God of his right, unless each of us lives and dies in dependence on His sovereign pleasure.”- John Calvin.Great John Calvin Free Will QuotesCalvin wasn’t the biggest supporter of free will in the world. Let’s see why.76.  “Let that ethical philosophy therefore of free-will be far from a Christian mind.”- John Calvin.77. “Free-will cannot will good and of necessity serves sin.”- John Calvin78. “Free will is an empty term.”- John Calvin.79.“Free will does not enable any man to perform good works, unless he is assisted by grace.”- John Calvin.80. “This is plainly to ascribe divinity to ‘free will.’”- John Calvin.Famous John Calvin TeachingsAttaining knowledge was important for Calvin’s personality and here is why:81. “There are people who are known to be very liberal, yet they never give without scolding or pride or even insolence.”- John Calvin.82. “But a faithful believer will in all circumstances mediate on the mercy and fatherly goodness of God.”- John Calvin.83. “There is nothing in afflictions which ought to disturb our joy.”- John Calvin.84. “Justification is the main hinge on which salvation turns.”- John Calvin.85. “Christ is much more powerful to save than Adam was to destroy.”- John Calvin.86. “A perfect faith is nowhere to be found, so it follows that all of us are partly unbelievers.”- John Calvin.87. “No one knows the one-hundredth part of the sin that clings to his soul.”- John Calvin.88. “God works in his elect in two ways: inwardly, by his Spirit; outwardly, by his Word.”- John Calvin.89. “We should forever keep in mind that we must not brood on the wickedness of man, but realize that he is God’s image-bearer.”- John Calvin.90. “Let this be our rule for goodwill and helpfulness, that whenever we are able to assist others we should behave as stewards who must someday give an account of ourselves.”- John Calvin.91. “Being humbled, we learn to call upon his strength which alone makes us stand up under such a load of afflictions.”- John Calvin.92. “The more we are oppressed by the cross, the fuller will be our spiritual joy.”- John Calvin.93. “All the arts come from God and are to be respected as divine inventions..”- John Calvin.94. “There is also an old proverb, that they who pay much attention to the body generally neglect the soul.”- John Calvin.95. “It is a most blessed thing to be subject to the sovereignty of Lord.”- John Calvin.Quotes On John Calvin(Calvin’s commentary is still scrutinized.)Take a look at what others have said about this celebrated reformer:96. “It is remarkable, how much of Roman Catholic tradition and theory survived in Calvin’s theology.”- Will Durant.97. “I read the other day an account of a meeting between John Knox and John Calvin. Imagine a dialogue between a pestilence and a famine!”- Robert G. Ingersoll.98. “While Calvin in his preaching did not follow a lectionary of prescribed scripture readings for each Sunday of the year, his preaching did usually follow a previously publicized order of scripture selections.”- William E. Thompson.99. “And how can I be sure of this state of grace? For Calvin himself, this was not a problem. He felt himself to be a chosen agent of the Lord, and was certain of his own salvation.”- Max Weber.100. “Had Luther and Calvin been confined before they had begun to dogmatize, the states would have been spared many troubles.”- Cardinal Richelieu.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for John Calvin quotes then why not take a look at John Piper quotes, or [John Owen quotes].‍

John Calvin was a French theologian who played a big role in the protestant movement of reformation against the Holy Catholic Church.