This list of Capricorn quotes will help you understand their nature better.Capricorn is an amazing zodiac sign. Be it a friend or a lover, Capricorns know their role.Capricorns are known to have good personality traits, they certainly are goal-oriented people, yet they care deeply about their loved ones. They are hard-working, easy to have a connection with and are beautiful people in and out. A Cap is one of the best signs to be around. But stay cautious! Tell them a lie and unravel their wrath. Find out more in these Capricorn quotes that you can relate to. Check out Aries quotes, or Sagittarius quotes too.‍Famous Capricorn QuotesHere are some quotes from some famous Capricorns. From Michelle Obama to Carolina Herrera, we’ve got you covered with our collection of zodiac quotes. Enjoy reading these Capricorn quotes and sayings.1. “Never underestimate the power of a Capricorn for self-preservation.”- Linda Goodman, ‘Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs'2. “You either learn from your experiences or go back and do the same thing, and I learned from my experiences.”- Mary J Blige3. “Capricorns are exceptionally abiding friends and will be there for the people who mean the most to them, especially in moments of emotional distress.”- Alex Dimitrov and Dorothea Lasky, ‘Astro Poets: Your Guides to the Zodiac’4.“I think it’s never too late to learn - or it’s a lesson that’s good to continue learning - that you need to treat everyone on a set with respect.”-  Allison Brie, ‘Entertainment Weekly interview’5. " I’m a Capricorn and I’m mad loyal- mad loyal! - and I will always look for the good in people.”- Jeannie Mai, E! interview6.“Capricorn is the sign of success.”- Mecca Woods, ‘Astrology for Happiness and Success’7. “Even at their most open, Capricorns will be pretty hard to fathom.”- Joanna Martine Woofolk, ‘The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need’8. “Capricorns take themselves very seriously and don’t love feeling vulnerable. Letting people in deeply is not something they do lightly, but once they do, they tend to be very loyal.”- Jessica Lanao and T. Green Away, ‘Astrology for Real Relationships’.9. “With an incredible drive and energy, the Capricorn Sun person wants to pursue a path of growth and purpose."- Kelsey Branco, ‘Zodiac Signs: Capricorn’.10. “I’m a typical Capricorn. I’m hardworking, loyal, sometimes stubborn, and I don’t believe in astrology.”- Jonah Petretti11. “…it is the Fish who provides the extreme highs and low in your relationship and, strangely enough, it is this rollercoaster ride that helps Pisces cope with the monotony and routine and control that is the Goat’s preferred way of living.”- Rosemary Breen12. “Instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage or exhaust you, let them inspire you. Let them make you even hungrier to succeed.”-  Michelle Obama13. “I’m a man that’s unique to the world. That’s kind of the star I was born under - on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius.”- Jose James14. “I’m not making millions here, and because I’m a Capricorn I save up.”- Betty Gabriel15. “It is better to risk starving to death than surrender. If you give up on your dreams, what’s left?”- Jim Carrey16. “I remember vividly, as a kid, my mother had ‘Jesus Was a Capricorn’ and used to listen to it over and over and over.”- W. Earl Brown17. “The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.”- A. A. Milne18. “You can tell a lot about someone’s personality if you know his star sign -Jesus, born on 25 December, fed the five thousand, walked on water - typical Capricorn.”-  Harry Hill19. “My report card always said, ‘Jim finishes first and then disrupts the other students.’”- Jim Carrey20. “Goats are fierce, independent, at the beck of no man. Everyone, even the king, respects the goat.”- P.J. Peterhouse, ‘Tales of the Zodiac - The Goat’s Tale'21.“I very seldom compromise. I am a Capricorn.”  - Carolina Herrera22. “Application of your faith will change your life.”- Glenn Beck23. “I’m a Capricorn, and they flower late."- Marianne Faithfull”24. “Capricorns like to stay in one place."  - Charles Nelson Reilly25. “But I thought I’d never see the day when you’d go with a Capricorn.”  - Helen VerbidCapricorn Love QuotesCapricorns love a little deeper and to depict their romantic side, we have for you Capricorn woman quotes and love sayings.26. “Really, everything I do is inspired by love, everything.”- India Moore27. “Preferring to become friends first, the Capricorn lover likes to build a solid foundation in all areas of life. Capricorns know that love takes work and that it’s more than a feeling.”- Emmalee Russo28. “Jesus was a Capricorn, he ate organic foods, he believed in love and peace, and never wore no shoes.”- Kris Kristofferson29. “If you love a Capricorn, take care to tell Capricorn how you feel on a regular basis; this sign fears rejection and will open up slowly if not encouraged. If you are expressive, you will find Capricorn surprisingly passionate.”- K.C. Jones30. “We wear a lot of labels in our lives, and it’s so very easy to be defined by them. We have grown somehow accustomed to thinking of ourselves as a size eight or a size fourteen, as a Capricorn or a Taurus, as single or in love.”- Ally Carter31. “You can hate me. You can go out there and say anything you want about me, but you will love me later because I told you the truth.”- Mary J. BligeCapricorn Personality Traits QuotesCapricorns have a distinct personality. They have their quirks and are often known to confuse people. Here are some personality trait quotes about Capricorns that you will love.32. “Capricorn: A night owl, she is usually serious, alone dreamer of great dreams. What ultimately makes her so fascinating and distinguished is her inborn courage, ambition, persistence, and capacity to make her fantasies real.”  - Judith Bennett33. “A Capricorn would rather struggle in silence than admit a weakness, and ask for help.”- Megan Scott34. “It’s a good thing Capricorns are able to deal with crushing disappointment.”- Kyle Anderson35. “Everybody knows that Capricorns don’t believe in the horoscope!”  - Officer Pete Malloy36. “Naturally, I’m a Virgo, we believe in astrology. And you’re Capricorn so you don’t.”- KatiaCapricorn Astrology QuotesHere are some Capricorn astrology quotes said by famous authors and personalities. We are sure you will enjoy reading them.37. “The great earthquake shall be in the month of May; Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus; Venus, also Cancer, Mars in zero.”- Nostradamus38. “Two of my favorite books are Henry Miller’s ‘Tropic of Cancer’ and ‘Tropic of Capricorn.”- Lydia Lunch39. “It is a sin to follow your daily horoscope because only God knows the future and He won’t tell us. Also, we can tell horoscopes are false because according to astrology, Christ would have been a Capricorn, and Capricorn people are cold, ambitious and attracted to Scorpio and Virgo, and we know that Christ was warm, loving, and not attracted to anybody"- Christopher During40. “‘Capricorn One’ just seemed like… wow. That was it, know? Nothing was ever going to be better than that movie.”- Paul Giamatti41. “Capricorn was one of the homes of the Southern rock movement with the Allman Brothers and Charlie Daniels and the Marshall Tucker Band. I don’t think you can come from that area and not be influenced by that stuff a little bit, no matter what generation you grew up in.”- Jason Aldean42. “When astrology was conceived, all of the celestial bodies were in different places. So, if you’re a Sagittarius now, I guess you would have been a Capricorn 2,000 years ago.”- Seth Macfarlane43. “Look up at the stars and not down at your feet.”- Stephen HawkingBest Capricorn QuotesCapricorns are known for their best personality traits- a Capricorn is an ambitious zodiac sign, someone with no fear, a friend who speaks the truth. Hence, dedicated to our beloved Capricorns are a few astrology quotes that may motivate them or they may relate to.44. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”- Peter Drucker45. “You get what you work for, not what you wish for.”- Howard A. Tillman46. “Cultures grow on the vine of tradition.”- Jonah Goldberg47. “Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.”- Molière48. “Without labor, nothing prospers.”- Sophocles49. “When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him “- Thomas Szasz50. “You’re faithful, amusing and considerate, so your Capricorn star sign says, you’re also reserved and disciplined, but let your hair down, It’s your Birthday”- Susan Smith51. “Do or do not. There is no try.”- Yoda, ‘Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.’52. “Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all.”- Sharna53. “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and diligence.”- Abigail Adams54. “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”- Phil Jackson55. “There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.”- Ella Wheeler Wilcox56. “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.”- Bruce LeeRelatable Capricorn QuotesWe all love to talk about ourselves - and we can go on about all the things in our life for ages. We understand, and relate! That’s why we have curated a list of relatable Capricorn quotes and Capricorn sayings quotes, reading these words will make you scream ‘same’ to yourself. Go ahead and take a look at these quotes about Capricorns.57. “In case you are making an attempt to help a Capricorn, bear in mind that it is not an easy task!”- Rahul Panchal58. “The nature of the Capricorns is that they are extremely fact-oriented.”- Rahul Panchal59. “Capricorns love to stay alone in solitude.”- Rahul Panchal60. “Confident individuals seem to appeal to the Capricorns.”- Rahul Panchal61. “I was born the 26th of December… Arrive by dint of perseverance, but step by step … Tenancy to exaggerate the importance of earthly life. Avaricious of self. Constant in their affections and their hatreds… Yes, the Capricorn is a beast of solitude. Slow, steady, and persevering.”- Henry Miller62. “The pride of Capricorn is quite violent and they are not going to show any weakness.”- Rahul Panchal63. “Never be afraid of mistakes. You will come to know about failure. Go on reaching out.”- Rahul Panchal64. “Every single failure, every single adversity, and every single heartache can result in equal or even more benefit.”- Rahul Panchal65. “Although Capricorns appear to be excessively serious, in reality, they’re actually not.”- Rahul Panchal66.“Capricorns believe that hard labor as well as ambition can lead to success in the long run!”-  Rahul Panchal67. “It is a fact that Capricorns are clever, but they are more calculative.”-  Rahul Panchal68.“Capricorns are aware of the way to rise back up.”-  Rahul PanchalQuotes From Capricorn CelebritiesIt’s a matter of time until we see Capricorns rule the universe. From your favorite singers to favorite actors, Capricorns are popular everywhere in the world and to amuse you with some amazing sayings, we bring you these quotes from Capricorn celebrities.69. “I always want more.”- Alvin Ailey70. “I like someone who’s not crazy but likes to have a good time…and who is thoughtful, kind and easy laugh with”- Kate Bosworth71. “If you put your name on something, it better be the best… you only get one shot.”- George Foreman72. “I don’t think I’m easy to talk about. I’ve got a very irregular head and I’m not anything that you think I’m anyway.”- Syd Barret73. “They always say time changes things but you actually have to change them yourself.”- Andy Warhol74. “If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.”- Les Brown75. “There’s nothing so easy to learn as experience and nothing so hard to apply.”- Josh Billings76. “The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasures instead of having pain and pleasure use you.”- Tony Robbins77. “Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment.”- Deepak Chopra78. “God gives us relatives: thank God we can choose our friends.”- Addison Mizner79. “Rare is true love, true friendship is rarer.”- Jean De La Fontaine80. “Nothing in this world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”- Martin Luther King Jr81. “There are certain things I want to keep to me. I don’t like to discuss my private life.”- Aaliyah82. “I don’t think I ever take huge risks, though I’m not scared to do so.”- Kevin Costner83. “People always ask me; how do you know everything that you do?”- Susan Lucca84. “I don’t believe in being serious about anything. I think life is too serious to be taken seriously”- Ray Bradbury85. “Life’s experiences, whether they be pleasant or unpleasant, torturous or excruciatingly wonderful and blissful, you know, season you somehow and you learn from them.”- Mel Gibson86. “Everything is very black and white for me. I don’t really like playing mind games.”- Zayn Malik87. “The Internet won’t skip a beat, and neither will I.”-  Jake Paul88. “I’m a Capricorn, actually.”- Bill Keller89. “I learned the value of hard work by working hard.”- Margaret Mead90. “If you’re someone people count on, particularly in difficult moments, that’s a sign of a life lived honorably.”- Rachel Maddow91. “What people say isn’t going to stop me. I have to do things for myself.”- Kate Moss92. “I think we’re both fully aware that it’s a mountain to climb and that that mountain won’t stop, in terms of a relationship, because I think that’s what it is.”- Orlando Bloom93. “If you are going to doubt something, doubt your limits.”- Don Ward94. “You’re not human if you don’t feel.”- Liam Hemsworth95. “You go through the good times, you go through the bad times, both personally, but also within a relationship as well. I think, if you can come out of that stronger, [you’ll] learn things about yourself.”- Kate Middleton96. “Always treat people with love.”- Zoe Clark97. “I’ll always try to treat people the way I want to be treated.”- Nina Dobrev98. “Nobody’s feelings are more important than your own.”- Zayn Malik99. “It’s an unfortunate truth that nobody can do for you that you can do for you.”- Dove Cameron100. “I just think women should love themselves more than they do.”- Meghan Trainor101. “We were all made to love.”- John LegendHere, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 100+ Capricorn quotes to relate to, then why not take a look at [Gemini quotes], or Taurus quotes.‍

This list of Capricorn quotes will help you understand their nature better.